Watching Brock Rumlow leave, Alexander Pierce opened the internal high-level encryption channel and issued another order.

"Yes! Chief! Harry Hi Claw!"

"Harry Hipaw!"

Alexander Pierce, gently closed the internal communications channel.

"Dr. Zola, please mobilize your maximum capabilities immediately, cooperate with the field agents of Snake and Shield, monitor Nick Fury at all times, and analyze the most suitable time for us to take action!"

After going through a set of tedious operations, Alexander Pierce summoned Arnim Zola, the pioneer leader of the Serpentis Shield Bureau who had been hidden in the network, on the computer! "Understood!"

"Harry Hipaw!"

Two rows of phrases appeared on the computer screen, and then quickly disappeared without any trace! .................. "Mr. Director, I just got close. Tony Stark, why do you want to recruit me back at this time?"

Black Widow Natasha Romanoff stood in front of Nick Fury and asked with confusion, "You know, it will definitely be impossible to get close to Tony Stark easily again after leaving so suddenly! Next time Don’t even think about asking me to do such a thing again!”

Natasha Romanoff is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who only takes orders from Nick Fury.


....Top agents naturally have some small privileges, such as complaining to the black braised eggs.

Of course, whether Black Braised Egg will listen is another matter! At least, this time, Nick Fury did not pay attention to Natasha Romanoff's nagging, but directly handed her a unique box .

"Listen, it doesn't matter where Tony Stark is for now!"

"This operation is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The operation with the highest authority is also the highest secret!”

"You need to carry this box with you all the time, go to a designated place, give it to a specific person, and then bring back something or a message!"

"I'll send S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The most elite team will provide you with cover. In addition, Phil Coulson and Hawkeye will also protect you in secret."

"I want you to give me a guarantee!"

Black Egg stared into Natasha Romanoff's eyes. This is Black Egg in S.H.I.E.L.D.


....One of the few people in the world who can be trusted to "bring back what I want, or information, safely and completely! Don't tell anyone else!"

"Understood! I will try my best.


Natasha Romanov lost her carefree expression and became serious.

As a Black Widow who has known Nick Fury since World War II, she clearly knows what Nick Fury's expression at this time represents.

........................"ding dong"

Taibai's voice sounded once again in the Venus space station.

"Sir, a person claiming to be S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Madam Agent, you have just landed.

..On the viewing platform of the group’s chairman’s office.”

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 127 Qi Jun’s bad taste

"Natasha Romanoff"

He was very surprised to see Qi Jun, the famous widowed sister in the Marvel universe, appearing in front of him.

Just after talking to Nick Fury for a long time, Black Braised Egg recruited this old-hearted widower back. "Where is Nick Fury? Why didn't he come?"

Qi Jun had a glimmer of clarity in his heart. He was probably aware of something. After all, he had secretly formed an organization that was almost as powerful as S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The secret forces that want to compete.

Of course, they are only comparable in scale. If they were even comparable in strength, how could Hydra have been able to hide for so many years.

"The Director-General said that he is going to prepare more of these things. I believe Mr. Qi Jun can understand."

Natasha Romanov walked towards Qi Jun with stunning steps and a charming look, and picked up the box in her hand. However... she didn't call Qi Jun like the others. An emperor or something.

In fact, looking at Qi Jun's young face, Natasha Romanoff was extremely surprised deep in her heart. As one of the few people he could trust, how could Nick Fury not give Natasha Romanoff the favor? Nov’s information about Qi Jun! Natasha Romanov had no idea that this man who just appeared suddenly would be the king of the universe. This is really interesting! " If that’s the case, of course, I understand it very much!”

After arriving at the reception area with ease, Qi Jun stretched out his hand and a tea set appeared.

After doing it many times, Qi Jun has become accustomed to it. Whether drinking it by himself or entertaining guests, Qi Jun likes to make tea.

Anyway...this is what I like. The so-called guests, well, whether they like to drink or not, "please take a seat."

Qi Jun skillfully boiled water and made tea.

"Mr. Qi Jun, please take a look at how much...information can be exchanged with these things."

To be honest, Natasha Romanoff really wanted to slowly play with Qi Jun, but seeing Qi Jun's unpretentious treatment of her, and thinking about Nick Fury's explanation, Natasha Romanoff took the lead. Having made his choice, he opened the box in his hand and turned to Qi Jun...

Of course, in Qi Jun's opinion, this is completely normal operation, and the initiative is in Qi Jun's hands.

What's more, this is completely a seller's market. Whether or not your information will be sold depends on Qi Jun's mood.

It is completely overthinking to let the widowed sister cast a beauty trap on Qi Jun! Even if the widowed sister does conform to the aesthetics of Eastern people, or even Qi Jun's aesthetics, then how can you think about the dark history of the widowed sister, Qi becomes Liu Xiahui returns Liu Xiahui, more saint than saint! "Wow"

Looking at the space cube energy blocks in the box that were not too dense, Qi Jun felt relieved, "This is really a beautiful and moving color!"

Although I had sensed before that there was huge energy hidden in the box Natasharonov was holding, I didn't expect that after the box was opened, the energy fluctuations emitted were more obvious and huge! Obviously, this box, It must be made of a unique material that can shield huge energy fluctuations, which is also a good thing.

"Not bad!"

Didn't see the unhappiness hidden in the eyes of Natasha Romanov, who only saw energy blocks in Qi Jun's eyes but didn't care about the beauty. Qi Jun took out these energy blocks one by one and looked at them, and quickly estimated the approximate value.

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