"Did you throw away this gold steel drill, this silver steel drill, or this Kungunir?"

Following Qi Jun's words, two identical 'gold steel drills' and 'silver steel drills' emerged from the void, leaving the surrounding Asgard warriors stunned. ,.

[Originally I planned to see Holland's Spider-Man 2 today, but something got delayed and the movie tickets were wasted, day!] To be continued: Feilu reminds you: bookmark three things about reading, recommended

Chapter 137 Qi Jun’s Purpose

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw three 'eternal spears' that were all the same except...the color was wrong and the appearance was just like that, suspended in mid-air.

Even Odin was no exception! Of course, even though Odin was injured, he quickly identified the other two 'gold and silver' steel drills, except... the appearance and Kungunir They are almost identical, and the aura they exude is also similar, but they are just two fakes! "blasphemer!"

Odin snorted coldly, full of inexplicable majesty, and punched Qi Jun directly. "You will know what will happen if you offend the gods!"

Odin no longer cares about provoking an unknown strong man and what kind of disaster it will bring to Asgard. In order to get Kungunir back, Odin has lost so much face... However, in the end, he still failed to get Kungunir back! Odin could clearly feel that he was completely unable to drive Kungunir! And now, he was so ridiculed by this scheming guy, let alone a god. Oh, even... Auntie couldn't help it anymore! Unfortunately, Qi Jun had long been on guard against Odin, a war maniac, dictator, and conspirator who wore a benevolent cloak.

The moment Odin threw this punch, he had already teleported to the diagonal rear of Odin, perfectly avoiding the power range of Odin's punch.

Looking behind the direction where Qi Jun was originally standing, all the buildings along the way were instantly annihilated by Odin's punch. Qi Jun felt happy.

“First come the outsiders.”

"And then called an intruder!"

"Now he has become a blasphemer"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, your face changes faster than turning the pages of a book!"

Qi Jun stood between Odin and a certain building intentionally or unintentionally, taunting Odin wantonly.

............."Isn't this man a fool?"

Seeing that Qi Jun not only did not use his space ability to escape, but instead kept taunting Odin, Vostagg pointed at Qi Jun with a confused expression and said to his comrades around him.

However, the surrounding comrades did not echo his words this time, and even though he was a member of Thor's small team, he did not receive any response.

In fact, the people around him looked at Vostagg like a real fool.

Damn it, if you hadn't suddenly provoked that... unknown strong man like a fool, our special code would have killed and injured so many people, and those... who were injured were just... The soldiers who were taken to Asgard's medical center for treatment all gave Volstagg an angry glare! Of course, Volstagg, who had a weak head, did not feel the look in the eyes of these comrades. With his gaze, I felt that these people were inexplicable. Could it be that they were infected by that fool? On the other side, it is said that she is the fiancée of Thor, the God of Thunder, and one of the four immortal warriors of the Thor team. Xif, who was alone, looked at Qi Jun's position with a thoughtful expression.

Take a closer look at the architectural skirt behind Qi Jun. Isn't that the medical center where all Asgardian warriors go for treatment after being injured? Thinking about the power of Odin's previous punch, there was a rare look in Sif's eyes. There was a hint of praise, even though the two sides were hostile, Qi Jun was able to quickly find the weaknesses in Odin's tactics on the battlefield, thus making Odin take advantage of him.

You must know that in that medical center, there are not only the defeated soldiers of Sgard, but also Odin's son Thor! With the power of Odin's previous punch, even Thor will be beaten to death with one punch. Hui Huiba looked at Odin's angry face and wanted to force himself to hold it back. Sif thought about what she should do. Sif waved to Fandral and Hogan beside her and muttered. Got up.

........................"It seems that Odin is not as cruel as Seal Hela in wanting to kill Thor, well... , is it patriarchal? Tsk, tsk, tsk, even Asgard can't avoid such an old thought."

Qi Jun saw Odin's expression of wanting to punch but struggling to hold it back, and his mood was quite disgusting! However, Qi Jun was just testing it out. With how much Odin cares about Thor, if Qi Jun If Jun turns around and kills Thor, Odin will probably go crazy and chase him. "Hey, but how do we get him to wear out the Destroyer?"

In the blink of an eye, Qi Jun considered another thorny issue.

Yes! Qi Jun’s goal from the beginning has been... Odin’s treasure house! This faces an important problem! The Destroyer! But Odin is still at his peak, and he controls the Destroyer, so he is naturally awesome. Explosion! Loki will always be nothing but a piece of shit in front of Odin! If the Destroyer doesn’t leave Odin’s treasure house, how can Qi Jun sneak in and steal something? Qi Jun doesn’t know where Odin’s treasure house is. It’s not that simple. Qi Jun In Jun's space ring, he had already copied and embodied the [Odin Treasure House Location Skill Book] when he had a close contact with Thor. Not only that, Qi Jun also embodied it from Thor. I bought a copy of [Incomplete Star Atlas of the Milky Way].


Yes, that's right, it's just... incomplete! This reckless man who has only lived for a few thousand years and fights everywhere all day long, even if Asgard has a high-level interstellar education, how much does he really know about the star map? If you want to find a perfect star map, you still have to look for that one...Marvel's number one voyeur, Heimdall! Not only does this guy have an absolutely complete star map of the Milky Way, he probably doesn't have the star maps of other river systems either. Too little!........................"For the honor of Asgard!"

"For the honor of Asgard!"

"For the honor of Asgard!"

Just when Qi Jun was guarding against Odin and thinking with a headache, three roars suddenly sounded from Qi Jun's flanks.

Qi Jun glanced sideways and saw that they were actually members of Thor's team. Hogan, Fandral, and Sif found three shields from nowhere and suddenly charged towards Qi Jun.

The momentum was really like thousands of horses galloping, as if they were charging towards Qi Jun with the belief that they would never return! Hey, never return! Qi Jun's eyes suddenly lit up! It seems that there is a way !To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 138: Picking up the goddess with a gun!

Thor cannot be killed.

If he is killed, Odin will definitely chase him everywhere. Even if he has [Psychic Teleportation] and can escape at any time, but being chased all the time is really not worth the loss! However, if he kills Sif with a knife now You have to know that Thor, God of Thunder, has not been sent to the earth by Odin at this time! Naturally, he will not know Jane Foster! Of course, even if he did, Thor, God of Thunder, would still send her to Earth later. Abandoned... However, if Odin's fiancée Sif, who was promised to Thor by Thor, was killed at this time, I don't know if this guy would be violent. You know, even if the identity of Thor's fiancée is not counted, Sif In itself, she is Asgard's high-level combat power. In terms of 'god status', she is also a very famous goddess in Asgard.

If this highly prestigious goddess is killed, Odin will definitely be furious. With his ability of [teleportation], Odin can't catch himself even if he is furious. Then, the destroyer hisses!!! It's done! ......................"Don't!"

"do not go!"

Although Odin didn't know Qi Jun's plan, Odin didn't intend to let Sif participate in the battle between him and Qi Jun. After all, with his strength, even Sif would die if he didn't stop in time. ! He will even die miserably! Don’t be ridiculous about Hogan and Fandral who are following Sif! Not to mention that Odin doesn’t care, even Qi Jun didn’t include them in his calculations! This kind of So what if they are cannon fodder and have a lot of casualties. Even if these two guys are actually from two of the nine realms, so what. Will Qi Jun see it, or will Odin care? "Hey!"

Qi Jun glanced at Odin, who was frowning slightly anxiously, and murmured, "It's too late!"

........................Whoosh!!! I saw Qi Jun holding the genuine Kungunir and swishing away from where he was. What's more, Quickly stabbed in the direction of Sif! Qi Jun knew that Thor, the God of Thunder, in the Asgard Medical Center was Odin's taboo, so naturally he would not stay where he was to let Qi order the rat-defying weapon, so he simply held Kungunir and headed towards Xifu's three-person team launched a counterattack! Of course, compared to the charge of Xifu's three-person team, it took a long time, but for Qi Jun, who has super speed, he doesn't even feel like running yet! Pfft! There it is. With Qi Jun's delivery, Kungunir's penetrating properties suddenly burst out. Even before everyone had time to blink, they saw Sif, who was originally charging towards him, but was instantly killed by the God King Odin. Kungunir was pierced and carried on top of the gun.

Shield haha, Kungunir, who can even pierce vibranium shields, would care about that side that Sif pulled from who knows where... is the shield bad? "Ahhhh!!!"

After taking a breath, Sif realized that she had actually been pierced. Then, severe pain spread from the pierced wound to her mind. Even Sif couldn't help but howl! At the same time, Sif's body was filled with A trace of shining blood also spurted out from the pierced wound, and the whole person was really miserable! "Tsk tsk, she is indeed the fiancée of Thor, the god of thunder. Although her physique is not as good as Thor's, I'm afraid she's not far behind!" "

Seeing that it had clearly penetrated the chest, even the heart with the golden light was stabbed to pieces, but Sif still did not die. Seeing this powerful vitality, Qi Jun was also stunned! But also, if you want to be able to withstand the Thunder God's Cord Er's impact, ordinary people are funny, aren't they afraid of turning into meat in one click? Maybe that... Jane Foster was abandoned like this. "However, if you want to exert Kungunir's piercing effect, this energy absorption, isn't it too scary? "More"

Feeling the nearly 50,000 energy that was instantly gone from his body, Qi Jun's thinking became somewhat divergent.

Qi Jun's mind wandered, but others did not! "No!!!"

"I am going to kill you!!!"

Hogan and Fandral were already in the team and were very close to each other. Seeing the goddess in their hearts being so ruined, their natural sanity disappeared in an instant, and they raised the weapons in their hands and slashed at Qi Jun.

"Go aside!"

Qi Jun didn't dare to confront Odin, but it didn't mean that these two guys could make Qi Jun retreat.

Bang bang, two kicks in an instant. Except... Odin, no one saw Qi Jun's move clearly. Hogan and Fandral flew straight towards Odin.


With a cold snort and a wave of his hand, Hogan and Fandral flew towards Odin, but were not picked up by Odin. Instead, he waved his hand and swept them into the crowd of Asgardian warriors nearby.

The powerful force it carried quickly knocked over and killed a large group of low-level Asgardian warriors! "You are so cruel, you shattered all their muscles and bones!"

Odin looked at Qi Jun coldly, as if he didn't care about Sif, who was being picked on the spear of eternity by Qi Jun and kept vomiting blood.

"Is it"

Qi Jun curled his lips in disdain and mocked, "But I didn't kill them, they were killed by you, weren't they!"


The surrounding Asgardian warriors looked at Hogan and Fandral who fell in the crowd.

"Really dead"

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