But I never expected that the timing of Qi Jun's teleportation was so 'right'. It was so right that Qi Jun had to passively become the enemy of the entire Asgard! Now, screw the neutral camp! I was taken. I'll kill you first if you bully me and you're still in the neutral camp! If Qi Jun before was just going to 'get' one or two things from Odin's treasure house, it would be nice to see each other in the future. But now Qi Jun can't wait to take away Odin's entire treasure house in an instant. Swallowed them all in one gulp! Not a single floor tile will be left for you! .................. "If it weren't for your arrogant prince, he wouldn't even give me an explanation." Listen, just attack me directly."

Qi Jun glanced at Odin contemptuously, "Maybe we can really become friends!"

Odin frowned, because he could really feel that Qi Jun was not lying. It was impossible for a strong man who had been fighting with him for so long to lie! Although Odin felt a trace of regret in his heart, but next time In seconds, it was replaced by firmness: This son cannot be kept! As a king, no one is truly kind and kind-hearted. Since Qi Jun has been pushed into the opposite position, we must find ways to kill him! This is The most qualified approach for a king.

It's just...it's a pity that Qi Jun will not give him this chance.

"Even this is nothing, after all, I have taught him a lesson."

Qi Jun smiled, "But is he really the God of Thunder? I'm afraid he's the God of Hammer! Without the hammer, it's nothing!"

"It's a pity. It's a pity that you immediately organized an army to besiege me."

Qi Jun ignored Odin, who was already darkened. He turned even darker, with a mocking look on his face, "It's a pity that this is not the invincible and powerful army when Hela was still there. Even my freezing hurricane... Those who cannot resist them are truly Asgardian warriors."

"And then there's...you!"

Qi Jun's eyes concealed his murderous intention towards Odin, "They are just a bunch of rubbish cannon fodder. If you kill them, you will kill them, but you actually bully them without any scruples."

"Tsk, don't you feel good now?"

Without any scruples, he laughed at "Old Dong!"

........................"I don't know why I know these... secret information even though I am very young."

Odin was not angry. It can even be said that except for...his dark face, he looked like a bad old man, but this also perfectly explained what an emperor's palace is. "But now, it's up to you to die and me to live!"

"Your spatial ability is weird!"

Odin stared at Qi Jun expressionlessly, "I can even feel the trace of space power from the origin of the universe every time you teleport!"

"But that doesn't mean you can be unscrupulous!"

Odin's face began to look ferocious, "Because, I have also felt that kind of power! For this reason, I specially added this unique characteristic to one of my powerful weapons!"

Qi Jun understood that what Odin was talking about must be the Cosmic Cube, oh no! It was the space gem in the Cosmic Cube.

"Come out!"

Odin suddenly raised his hands in the air and shouted "My Destroyer Armor!"

In an instant, Qi Jun felt a series of extremely slight spatial fluctuations coming from deep underground in the Asgard God King's palace.

Qi Jun knew that that was the location of Odin's treasure house! It was also a treasure house protected by various means! The next moment, a piece of armor with an extremely ferocious appearance completely wrapped Odin's entire body in it! The Destroyer finally emerged from Out of Odin's treasure house! "Now, let me show you what it means to have no way to the sky and no way to the earth!"

Odin, wearing the Destroyer, wielded a huge steel fist and hammered towards Qi Jun.

Qi Jun naturally sensed an extremely huge sense of crisis, and quickly teleported to the dark dimension.

However, before Qi Jun could breathe a sigh of relief, Odin, wearing Destroyer armor, also appeared in the dark dimension instantly.

"Damn! This is really the origin of space power in the universe!"

As a person who can use the original space power of the universe at will, Qi Jun naturally felt the flickering fluctuations on the Destroyer's armor very clearly. It was also the original space power of the universe! "Odin!"

No wait: Odin made a move, and Dormammu appeared directly. A huge phantom-like head stared at Odin, "How dare you appear in the dark dimension! I want you to die!"


Odin completely ignored Dormammu's excitement, and directly concentrated a powerful punch, hitting the virtual face... a hammer! Boom!!! The virtual face was instantly shattered! The dark dimension even instantly shattered with this blow. Underneath, countless space cracks were produced! "Ahhhh!!!"

Dormammu's screams echoed throughout the dark dimension.

Gudong! Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, Qi Jun was stunned! In the dark dimension that even the Heavenly Father could not defeat, Odin wearing the Destroyer punched out countless space cracks with one punch. This is ridiculous! You're driving too hard. This is already a single-body universe level! Run away! Run away quickly! Grease the void and run away quickly!......................【Haha , made up for it, broken sleep, broken sleep!] To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading to collect, recommend

Chapter 141 Searching Odin’s Treasure House!

Thank you [Imperial Physician] brother for your monthly support! Qi Jun is so good.

But Odin the Destroyer chased him faster! Almost every time Qi Jun teleported to a new place, before he could take a breath of fresh local air, Odin the Destroyer appeared! He barely even had a chance to breathe. Leave it to Qi Jun. This is it.

"This is not the way to go!"

Qi Jun kept teleporting while thinking secretly.

Although he successfully deceived Odin's most powerful plug-in, the Destroyer Armor, Qi Jun never expected that Odin, wearing the Destroyer Armor, would be so powerful! He could even connect to the original space of the universe. "But the mutated gem should be able to solve this problem!"

Qi Jun frowned and thought.

"Even the infinite gems are not as good as the mutated gems. It should take minutes to solve Odin's pursuit!"

"But if I lose my trace and Odin returns the Destroyer to his treasure house, wouldn't all this be in vain?"

"Well..., it seems that we need to find a place where Odin will not return to Asgard so quickly before we can eliminate... this trouble."

“What’s better?”

Qi Jun picked his head, "Dark Dimension Dormammu is a powerful leader, but unfortunately, in front of Odin the Destroyer, he is just a younger brother!"


Qi Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, "Go directly to the underworld of Heim, the kingdom of death!"

"Odin's eldest daughter is sealed here. Although Hela is equally weak in front of Odin the Destroyer, if it was Hela, Odin would not have reacted so quickly and put the Destroyer back after the meal. Stand guard at the treasure house!"

"However, to be on the safe side, I'd better take Odin to travel a few more dimensions, and make this guy even more hateful in the eyes of those dimension bosses!"

Qi Jun thought about it carefully and felt that there should be nothing missing. He immediately began to take Odin the Destroyer and quickly began to teleport through the endless dimensions! There is a saying that goes well: Your power is so terrifying. But you can't hit me, so I'm not afraid of you! This sentence is used to describe the situation between Qi Jun and Odin the Destroyer, and there is actually no problem at all! Odin the Destroyer is indeed awesome, even if Qi Jun doesn't care...

Wherever he ran, Odin the Destroyer could always follow him instantly.

But that's all! Qi Jun naturally wouldn't give Odin the Destroyer a chance to hit him. The teleportation he used along the way was so fast. For... [Psychic Teleportation], the use of it became more and more popular. Proficient! Most of the time, the silhouettes that have just appeared have dissipated before they solidified. No matter how fierce Odin the Destroyer is, what can he do to Qi Jun in such a state! ......................... After feeling that he had run around enough with Odin, Qi Jun teleported and came to the underworld of Heim, the territory of the goddess of death! The underworld of Helm, in fact, originally had its own gods and believers. However, everything was ended after the arrival of Hela! Odin's seal was sealed, but it only sealed Hela somewhere, suppressing the power. , it’s just that she can’t get out, but she can’t control what Hela did under the seal! But this time, when Qi Jun appeared in the underworld of Heim, although Odin still appeared seconds after , but facing this familiar environment, I was still stunned.


Hela, the newly appointed Lord of the Underworld of Heim who has not been in office for thousands of years, naturally sensed the arrival of Odin. After all, Odin the Destroyer looks like a slut, and his whole person is like a sun, emitting radiation at any time. There is no reason why Hela can't sense the rich and powerful energy fluctuations! "Odin!"

Hela appeared in front of Qi Jun and Odin almost in the blink of an eye, but unfortunately, Hela did not look at Qi Jun more. She was full of hatred, and almost all of Hela's attention was on Odin. "Are you finally going to attack me? Are you finally going to be able to bear it and kill your own daughter with your own hands?"

Qi Jun is not interested in watching this family ethics drama, or in other words, he has no time to watch this originally extremely attractive gossip plot. Qi Jun must seize the time to take Odin to Hela during the little time he has. Loot all of Ding's treasure trove! "The mutated gems quickly block Odin the Destroyer's response to me!"

Qi Jun yelled crazily in his mind.

Almost instantly, Qi Jun felt that most of the energy in his body was drained away in an instant, and his entire face became a little pale.

But Qi Jun smiled.

Glancing at Odin, who opened his mouth not knowing what to say, and then at Hela, whose eyes were filled with hatred and murderous intent, Qi Jun thought and immediately disappeared from the underworld of Heim.

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