Hulk ran up to Qi Jun and said, "Hulk hasn't had enough of fighting yet!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 198 A bloody battle caused by a spittle

"Don't worry"

Qi Jun curled his lips and glanced sideways at Hulk: "These...the so-called steel armies surrounding you are, in fact, some civilian and police versions of garbage. "

"Now that Skye has helped them clean up, although they may not be very happy, they will definitely send out a stronger military version or even a specially customized version of the super combat machine."

Qi Jun chuckled, "There are so many guarantees that I'll beat you until you feel like vomiting!"


Hulk didn't hear Qi Jun's voiceover at all, but was extremely happy, "Wow hahaha, it's just the right time for Hulk to have a great time!!!"


When Hulk was so excited, Abomination came over and shouted respectfully to Qi Jun.

Compared to Hulk's excitement, although Hatred also has a satisfied look on his face after the battle, it is much more restrained than Hulk, and not as bold as Hulk at all:.

But think about it, Bruce Banner's Hulk sub-personality, which was born under the gamma ray experiment, has basically been suppressed by Bruce Banner's main conscious personality.

It can be said that when Qi Jun slipped Hulk's sub-personality out of Bruce Banner's body, Hulk's sub-personality was still completely in a baby state. Even now, through some 'technological and magical' means, Hulk's The mind, in fact, is still just a child. When encountering something that can make him happy, his happy expression will naturally be revealed in a way that cannot be concealed.

........................"By the way, how did you end up fighting the Sovereign tribe?"

Qi Jun asked Dr. Samuel Stern, who looked calm on the side.

Although there is almost no possibility of reconciliation between Qi Jun and the Sovereign clan, even if the Sovereign clan wants to reconcile, Qi Jun will not agree. After all, this is related to the face of Qi Jun's power in the universe. , influence, etc....

But Qi Jun was still curious and wanted to know. When Jiu Zhibai told Qi Jun about this, in fact, he didn't know what the reason for the fight between the two parties was.


Dr. Samuel Stern's cheeks twitched, and he glanced at Hulk who was huffing and haha ​​waiting for the arrival of the enemy army. He said with a rather lively look, "You're not a Hao guy. He spit on someone else's landscaping pillar." superior."

"Besides, the Sovereigns are a little too glass-hearted. A team of security management robots rushed over to arrest Hulk and put him in jail."

Samuel Stern said speechlessly, "Not only Hulk, but also the two of us have to be arrested and imprisoned."

"To be honest, the landscaping pillar itself can decompose spit. This is its duty. But those... intelligent robots don't care about you. We resisted and they moved directly. Weapons."

When Samuel Stern was narrating, he also had a look of despair.

Although Samuel Stern had fully understood this information before coming here, it still felt like an eye-opener for such a strange ethnic group and such a glass-hearted system. .

In the eyes of Samuel Stern, the Sovereigns have completely evolved into: What a weird thing! .................. "a mouthful of spit"

Qi Jun was stunned when he heard this.

"If it's him, it's really not impossible."

Qi Jun looked at Hulk, who was spitting stars all over his face with excitement, and couldn't help puckering his lips.

"However, just a spit of spit triggered a siege on an unprecedented scale."

Qi Jun blinked, "This Sovereign tribe is really unreasonable!"

Inexplicably, Qi Jun thought of the place before he traveled through time... On Earth, there is a city called Jijiapo that is the most beautiful and cleanest in the world, and it is also a city...

It is a strange city where you will be fined or even arrested for spitting or throwing scraps of paper.

In Qi Jun's view, it is also a very strange city, and a group of very strange ethnic groups! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read when reading, recommended

Chapter 199: The Sovereign Tribe’s Top Secret

Amway's movie - "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", you will know after watching it! Don't ask why, just ask...Magic Pill! Jiujiapo or something, Qi Jun doesn't want to comment too much, but it is obviously It was the Chinese's own territory, but the place where Ying Jiang garrisoned troops, Qi Jun didn't have a good impression of that city.

Whenever he thinks about the anti-Chinese incidents in India and the Philippines, this old hometown of Slope doesn’t look like it’s a drama. Qi Jun thinks about this city... and gets extremely scared! Forget it, it’s time to travel. After traveling through time, it was none of Qi Jun's business no matter what happened to Jiujiapo. If he thought too much, it would be unworthy of him to invite the mythical river crab beast.

........... In short, the thought of just a spitting of saliva leading the Sovereign clan to kill Samuel Stern and the other three, Qi Jun I no longer have the slightest fondness for this Sovereign tribe, which is indeed one of the top five weirdest beings in the universe.


Qi Jun has a liaison device on his body that is in real-time contact with Taibai at all times. "Invade the defense system of Planet Corinth, paralyze all their communications, and by the way, enable virtual guidance for us, let's go find their leader!"



Taibai's voice also sounded to Qi Jun and his party of five.

Qi Jun has Taibai's communicator, and naturally the others also have it.


Hulk asked "Are we going to destroy their headquarters?"

Hulk was a little unhappy when he heard Qi Jun say that the defense of Corinth was paralyzed. Hulk, who has the knowledge of the Earth University Monk, naturally understood that once the defense of Corinth was paralyzed, the so-called coming to find Naturally, the troublesome army will never come again.

The defense system was paralyzed, and he had no time to calm down his internal panic, so how could he have time to trouble them! However, when he heard Qi Jun asked Taibai to project a virtual route, Hulk became more motivated again.

Sure enough, compared with smashing each other with the steel army, it seems more fulfilling to smash someone else's base camp headquarters! ........................ "Of course!"

Qi Jun chuckled, "Things will happen, but we are not afraid of them either."

"Since they are causing trouble for us, we will not passively fight back!"

"In this universe, in the final analysis, fists speak for themselves!"

Qi Jun has obviously forgotten.

Muir Stern said that this battle came from the Hulk's spit.

Of course, from Qi Jun's point of view, this is completely...inexplicable. Qi Jun will not think that this is their fault.

Isn't it just a mouthful of spit, and it didn't spit in anyone's face. The purification column can purify it. Why does Mao want to get in trouble with us? In Qi Jun's opinion, this is the Sovereign clan targeting his subordinates! Although Hulk He looks a little fierce, but Hulk is really a good boy.

Hulk did a great job when building the Dream and protecting Samuel Stern.

Hulk is obviously a good boy, but you Sovereigns want to target him, then it must be that... the Sovereins are at odds with us! This is a problem! It needs to be cured!...... ..........."Sir, the defense system of Corinthia has been paralyzed, and the communication system has been paralyzed."

Taibai's voice quickly sounded, "According to the data search, the location navigation of the current leader of the Sovereign tribe, High Priest Ayesa, has been opened."

Taibai, the Transformer who has completed the super evolution, there is nothing he can't do wherever the cosmic star network covers. As he spoke, a real-time projected virtual route guide appeared in front of Five Five.

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