Even Qi Jun could clearly see that these two soul gems from different universes were rapidly merging. "This thing also has the attribute of swallowing, assimilating or merging."

Qi Jun smacked his lips and murmured.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 323 Aura \u0026 Shortcut


"This newly integrated soul gem seems to be bigger again."


"The energy contained in this"

“It seems a bit bigger”

Seeing the mind gems from two different universes quickly merge into one, and then feeling the changes in this new mind gem, Qi Jun was still a little surprised.

Although the Infinity Stones are said to have infinite energy because they are connected to the origin of the universe, there is no such thing as exhaustion of energy in the Marvel Universe.

However, the quality of the Infinity Stone itself limits the transmission of infinite energy, just like the new Mind Stone now.

Compare based on traffic transmission speed.

If the Mind Stone in this universe was 3 before, the Mind Stone in the outer universe is...

So, this newly integrated soul gem gives Qi Jun the feeling that it has reached level 5.

This is completely... a leap forward! 3+ Thinking of this metaphor, Qi Jun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

However, although the metaphor is not appropriate, it probably means this.

.................. If we talk about the previous ones, whether it is the Mind Stone of this universe or the Mind Stone of the outer universe, they can be combined with the Space Stone + Power Stone. Under attack, the barrier of the universe is briefly torn apart to achieve the purpose of briefly traveling through different multiverses.

But now, with the new Mind Stone with powerful energy output, if Qi Jun wants to use the previous method to tear apart the cosmic barrier and travel through the multiverse, he is thinking too much.

Because, with the energy transmission rate and size of the new Mind Stone, the mere "Power Stone + Space Stone" cannot even dissolve the Mind Stone's protective shield.

Without the violent energy impact and the powerful force generated by the ablation to tear the cosmic barrier apart, how could it be possible to create new cracks in the cosmic barrier? Of course, for this point, in fact, it is difficult for Qi Jun .

After all, without Zhang Butcher, he couldn't eat a pig with hair. The Mind Stone is fused, but Qi Jun has other infinite stones! Since the 'Space Stone' + 'Power Stone + Mind Stone' can tear apart a crack in the cosmic barrier.

It’s not like other infinite gem combinations won’t work! .................. “Maybe”

"I can also increase my power faster."

After waving his hand to put away all the Infinity Stones, Qi Jun suddenly flashed a flash of light.

Even after Qi Jun reached the single-body universe power, he quickly reached the peak of the universe-level strength.

But the gap between the single universe level and the multiverse level is as big as a river and a puddle of Wang Yang! Although Qi Jun has half a foot touching the threshold of the universe level, it is like a river finally flowing to Wang Yang. Yang is the same as Wang Yang Unicom.

Although I touched it, it was just...touched.


"No one stipulates that rivers must gather more before they can become Wang Yang!"

"A drop of black ink drops into a basin of clear water, and soon all the clear water in the basin turns black!"

"Then, dive directly into Wang Yang from a river, and then assimilate the entire Wang Yang."

“Isn’t this the same thing that can achieve the same effect!!!”

Qi Jun found that he seemed to have found a new shortcut to improve his strength! It was a choice. After a long period of practice and enlightenment, he would break through from single universe level strength to multiverse level strength.

Or choose to use shortcuts to reach the 'pseudo multiverse level' strength first, and then use the 'pseudo multiverse level' power to quickly absorb and digest the 'true multiverse level' power, so as to achieve it faster and faster. , the strength to be promoted to the 'True Multiverse Level' "It's still worth choosing"

The sudden flash of spiritual light made Qi Jun's breathing quicken in an instant! .................. "It seems that the infinite gems in this universe are temporarily No more 'sacrifice'."

Qi Jun suddenly had an idea, and the method was actually very simple.

To put it bluntly, it is actually similar to raising Gu, but there are some differences.

After all, cultivating poisonous insects makes the poisonous insects fight each other, as long as the one who survives in the end...is the strongest.

Qi Jun's method of raising Gu is to use the mutual attraction and fusion properties of similar infinite gems to snatch more infinite gems from parallel multiverses and nourish similar infinite gems until they are strong enough! Now it is 3, then Just raise it to 4,,,wait..., or even more +! And when enough of them are integrated with each other, they will be sacrificed to the mutated gems, and then use the mutated gems to feed back enough of the origin of the multiverse. If you reach yourself, either forcefully or smoothly, you will be able to successfully break through to the multiverse level of strength! .................. "But"

"In this case"

"With the positioning of infinite gems, it is estimated that there is no way to avoid the detection of supreme gods such as 'Death'."

Qi Jun didn't believe that Death wouldn't be able to discover Thanos' changes in the outer universe. Even if he didn't discover it for the time being, he would be able to find out when two different Thanos encounter each other, or he would be able to find out when Thanos personally communicates with Death.

As for the Infinity Stones, for the five supreme gods of Marvel, even if they are not accompanying spiritual treasures, they are definitely not that difficult to find.

As Qi Jun holding the Infinity Stones, it is still somewhat difficult to escape the detection of the Supreme God of the Marvel Universe.

Even with the interference of mutated gems, Qi Jun only has 70% control over mutated gems so far, which naturally means that there are still flaws and loopholes.

The mutated gems can be blocked for a period of time, but they absolutely cannot be blocked forever! After all, Qi Jun, who does not fully control the mutated gems, needs to provide energy if he wants to use the functions of the mutated gems! Even as the degree of control increases, The less energy is needed, it would be really stupid to use infinite gems to provide energy to avoid the detection of the Supreme God.

, it’s like you are at war with the US military, but you stupidly use to tell the US military where you are, what’s the difference..." It seems that we have to settle them first!"

Qi Jun is planning to go to various parallel multiverses to harvest infinite gems, so naturally he cannot bring such a large number of subordinates together.

However, Qi Jun, who had just harvested a small universe, was not worried about this... "Let's collect the Reality Stone first."


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 324 Ether Particles


"Odin is dead"

"This seal is so powerful."

Somewhere in the Nine Realms Abyss, Qi Jun followed the memory he got from Odin and successfully found the sealed place where the 'ether particles', also known as the 'reality gems', were sealed.

Qi Jun... did not expect that even after Odin died, the power of Odin in this sealed place has not dissipated. Thinking about it carefully, the seal of the 'etheric particles' , is Odin's father, and Odin's father has been dead for who knows how many years. If this power of Odin, the power that Asgard is fascinated by, is called the power of Odin, and the seal dissipates, then the darkness will The elves may have dug out this 'etheric particle' a long time ago... Although Odin's power has not dissipated yet, it is indeed very thin. Well, it's no wonder that in the original plot, in the next few years, a nine-star continuum would be able to cause ether particles to break through the seal once every five thousand years.

Hundreds of thousands of years, and I don't know how many five thousand years have passed, but 'etheric particles have never broken through this seal, which indeed shows that the power of the seal here is really about to dissipate.

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