Chapter 333 Charles’ Intuition

In the mixed mutant universe, in 19 years, in the United States, a security company named... was quietly established.

Yes, this is what Qi Jun established after leaving Kamal Taj and coming to New York.

It's not that Qi Jun wants to recruit more subordinates, it's just that Qi Jun doesn't want to do everything himself.

After considering it comprehensively, Qi Jun immediately chose a security employment company. Weapons can be made by novices, and personnel can be recruited from a large number of veterans around the world at any time. It can be said that this company.

The company, as the name suggests, is...a company for passers-by, the kind that can be abandoned at any time...! In fact, the name that Qi Jun thought of at first was Cannon Fodder Company, but at a glance.

.This word is not as good as .

.If it looks good, just give it a name.

.The company is good. As for the meaning of the company's name, let people guess...: Private security and military contractors, customer groups are both personal and , and also to the national army.

At a time when the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were in the midst of the Cold War confrontation, similar companies were established or went bankrupt every day.

Almost no one is interested in this place.

.Company curious.

Except...Professor! No one else! Because, this...

.The company's headquarters is located only ten kilometers away from the 'Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters'! Just kidding, there is no room for others to sleep peacefully on the couch. Who would build a base there knowing that the professor can easily detect the secrets in other people's minds? It can be said in front of the professor that there is no other... force within a hundred kilometers of where the famous Professor Charles is located.

This came out of the blue.

.What on earth was the company thinking? Why did no other forces warn? Is it possible that some people were sent to test it? With all kinds of doubts, Professor naturally used his own ability!...... ........."What's wrong"

"Did you find any problems?"

Hank McCoy, nicknamed 'The Beast', is standing next to Professor, waiting for the answer.

For...this house.

The company suddenly appeared and built its headquarters ten kilometers away from the school. Hank was also quite nervous.

In fact, since 'mutants' were generally discovered, ordinary people's attitude towards mutants has not been very friendly.

Suddenly, a military company with powerful firepower and ferocious personnel was established next to his home. How could Hank not be nervous! .................. "No !”

Professor Charles, who was wearing an electroencephalograph but had not yet become bald, looked confused.

"I'm not from this house.

.any issues identified among the company’s executives and employees.”

"Accept recruitment, arrange site selection, build base, set up defense, arrange training, wait for orders, etc..."

"Their behavior is exactly the same as other similar companies."

"Everything seems to be very normal business behavior, and there is no flaw at all."

Charles took off his brainwave helmet in confusion and explained to Hank aside.

"I knew it"

"Even though I know the professor's abilities, it's impossible for people in this company to know any secrets."

Bang, Hank punched the console, causing the brainwave helmet that Charles had just put on to jump.


“We need to go and see it for ourselves”

Charles controlled the wheelchair, turned around and left outside the brainwave amplification room.

"Did you finally discover anything suspicious?"

Hank raised his eyebrows, quickly turned off the console, followed quickly, and asked.


"Actually, no!"

"But my gut tells me so."

"There must be some secrets in this that I can't find out!"

Charles squinted his eyes, but said with great certainty.

"Then I'll gather my companions."

Hank asked instead without questioning Charles' intuition.

"Need not!"

"Just going to take a look."

"My instinct tells me there should be no danger."

Shaking his head, Charles stopped Hank's idea of ​​gathering people and turned around and entered the elevator.


"As expected, Professor is still the famous Professor!"

"I never showed up from the beginning to the end, but Charles still noticed something unusual."

Qi Jun noticed it when Charles used the brainwave amplifier.

All of Charles' actions are naturally under Qi Jun's 'monitoring'.

In New York, in the most luxurious presidential suite on the top floor of the Four Seasons Hotel, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the scene of the 1980s in the United States outside, while sipping the 'Qing Shen Tea' brought from Gu Yi, Qi Jun was amazed at Charles' performance.

You know, Qi Jun is not right.

.Any method used by the company's executives and employees, even the establishment of this company, is done through novices.

But Charles just... discovered the problem based on intuition. For this, Charles' ability is still worthy of recognition.

.....................Of course, in fact, anyone who is not stupid will know that there must be problems with building the base next to the mutant school.

However, this question depends on whether you can find it out.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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