Thinking of the scene he just saw, Gu Yi suddenly panicked.

In the past hundreds of years, except for...when facing the eternity of the teacher, the time stone has explored nothing but a fog, even...the master of Kama Taj's lineage Weishan Ti, Agamotto, etc., the Ancient One can use the time stone to detect one or two...,...

Now that the time gem cannot be found once again, does it mean that a major change is about to happen in this world? "Could it be related to him?"

Inexplicably, Gu Yi thought of Qi Jun, who had a mage heritage and came from other multiverses.


"It shouldn't be him"

"He doesn't have this ability either."

Shaking his head, Gu Yi dismissed Qi Jun.

Poor Gu Yi never imagined that mutated gems were on the same level as the entire Marvel world.

Qi Jun used mutated gems to specifically block the information. Not to mention that Gu Yi could not find out the truth. Even if his teacher Zhen Yongheng came, he would not be able to find out anything about Qi Jun in a short period of time.

Unlike the Ancient One in other low-level multiverses, the Ancient One in this universe truly apprenticed under the True Eternal.

Even if the eternity of the Ancient One is just the projection of true eternity in this multiverse, it is still true eternity! Because of this, the Ancient One in this universe is also very confident! ..........It is different from the confusion of the Ancient One on Earth.

In Asgard, Odin, who has just recovered his spiritual power, is also confused as to why the 'pyramid tip' is missing.

But Odin didn't pay too much attention. He just told the gatekeeper Heimdall to pay attention.

Odin naturally knew the true truth about the top of the pyramid, but precisely because of his knowledge, Odin did not dare to move at all.

Some treasures appear to be treasures.

In fact, once you get it, it will immediately turn into a poison that can kill the entire clan! Although Odin of the multiverse has reached the level of single universe level, he still dare not touch it.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more ignorant you feel.

Sometimes, the more your strength improves, the smaller you feel.

Nowadays, Odin's mind has already shifted to how to continue the glory of Asgard.

His body is getting worse day by day, but his successor is a complete reckless man. Odin's hair has turned gray due to worry. As long as the thing disappearing from the earth is not harmful to Asgard, Odin doesn't bother to care about it at all. .

So annoying...!!!.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 353 The plot takes a side road

The passage of time will not stop because of Qi Jun's retreat.

Without external intervention, the plot of Apocalypse is still moving forward.

However, this time, the progression of the plot is very different from the plot that Qi Jun knew.

Due to Qi Jun's unexpected situation, Nina successfully escaped the "brainless plot killing", and Magneto did not become violent because of this.

Even, because of Qi Jun's secret intervention, Magneto's family of three quietly went to the mutant school where Charles was taught and quietly settled down.

Magneto no longer had strong emotional fluctuations, and Apocalypse did not sense Magneto's location immediately. Instead, based on the news from Psylocke, he found a mutant who could control metal to replace Magneto as one of his Four Horsemen. .

And it was this change that completely derailed the plot of Apocalypse.

Without Magneto's recommendation, Apocalypse would not have gone to the professor at all.

Without authorization, Apocalypse would not be able to control various countries and forces to launch nuclear bombs into outer space.

After all, it is impossible for all nuclear weapons to be automatically controlled by computers, not to mention that this time and space is only in the 1980s, and the computer cluster is huge, but it is only used for auxiliary purposes.

In this case, Tianqi had to change his thinking.

If Apocalypse wants to restart the social structure, he will inevitably fight against major countries and forces.

Even if Apocalypse has collected countless mutant abilities over thousands of years.

But it’s too much but not enough, and that’s what I’m talking about! Faced with the inevitable threat of force from the major powers, Apocalypse began to turn to the dark side.

......................... Apocalypse began to use his abilities to make a lot of money.

After amassing money, he began to infiltrate the systems of the two major armed powers in the current world.

In fact, Apocalypse's thoughts are somewhat similar to the Black Emperor that the Professor and Magneto defeated together.

In other words, it is simply a train of thought! For Tianqi, anything that is not under his control must be...that needs to be destroyed.

After 'seeing' the threat of nuclear weapons, Apocalypse is ready to drag the two superpowers currently facing off in the Cold War into a direct war! In Apocalypse's view, since nuclear weapons cannot be launched directly into the sky to 'destroy' '.

Then, directly inducing the two superpowers to go to war, triggering the Third World War, and directly restructuring the social structure is... the best choice for Apocalypse.

What's more, Apocalypse already understands modern society.

In other words, he has mastered part of the "Hellfire Club" apocalypse and agrees with Black Emperor Xiao's judgment.

Tianqi believes that a nuclear war may be able to "awaken" more ordinary people.

As more people become mutants, Apocalypse will naturally have more people.

Compared with the ordinary slaves he controlled in ancient times, Apocalypse hopes to rule his own 'common people'! Since the Third World War has been triggered and there is such a good 'prospect', why doesn't Apocalypse do it... ............"!"

"We have a new order!"


.In the base, in a certain command hall, a staff officer shouted to a certain robot that had been stationary in the main seat all year round.

The busy people around turned a blind eye to this, apparently already accustomed to this scene.

A few months passed by in a flash, at this time.

.The company is already an extremely famous professional company in the industry.

All the tasks that are taken over have a 100% completion rate, which naturally makes it possible.

.The company has gained the unquestionable leading position in the industry.

Even though it has not yet become a recognized leader because of its short establishment time, various orders come in like snowflakes every day, which naturally can be explained.

.The degree of recognition in the industry.

"according to.

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