"No one can swallow my Tianqi's money and dare not do things for Tianqi God!"



"I'm going to make you pay a heavy price!"

As the saying goes, the sky is brighter when you take a step back. The more Tianqi thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but howl in the underground base again.

[Happy New Year!] To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Come on Wuhan! Go China!

[Complain about it] [Only packed domestic 9-standard disposable medical masks, which usually cost 12 yuan, are now sold online for 70 to 180 yuan: the author found a 10-piece pack, and the highest price has been listed at 300 yuan. .

Damn it, it’s hard to make money for the country, damn!] [Attention!!! There are still many ordinary masks that cannot prevent viruses at all. Unscrupulous merchants use words and concepts to deceive consumers and sell them at high prices. Everyone must buy them. Please check carefully and screen carefully] [When buying masks online, it is best to choose reputable merchants and pay attention to medical standards. In non-epidemic areas, the minimum use is 90-level masks, and in epidemic areas, 95-level masks must be used] [Finally] [ In response to the call, we ask everyone not to go out, visit each other, or have dinner parties during the Spring Festival. Please ventilate more and keep things clean. If you need to go out, be sure to wear a mask and protect yourself.

Remember, if one person gets sick, the whole family will suffer!] [Come on! Here’s Ollie!].

!Have fun reading every day during the summer, recharge 100 and get 500 points coupon!:.


:: Instant deposit event time: August 7th to August 9th

Chapter 355: Surrounded upon appearance

【Happy New Year】“Four Horsemen!”


After venting for a while, with a burst of space fluctuations, he used his space ability to return directly to his secret construction headquarters base in Egypt.

Even before leaving, the angry Tianqi didn't forget to vent his anger on the bear, and directly destroyed the base where he stayed.

And the furry bear inside really died an unjust death.

I didn't know anything and was buried alive inexplicably. It was really tragic.

............. "My God!"

Hearing Apocalypse's call and being 'awakened' by Apocalypse, the new four horsemen quickly gathered over.

"Follow me on the expedition!"

"Go kill that...that bullshit company that dares to steal my money!"

This time, Apocalypse is no longer incompetent and furious, he wants to let that person... who he thinks dares to hack his funds.

.The company pays the price! Although, Tianqi did guess right. This time, Xiaobai really hacked his money. Who asked him to place the order indirectly involved Qin Gray, whom Qi Jun cared about? You know, Not involved.

.The company's bottom line, and under the circumstances of Qi Jun's orders, Xiaobai's leadership.

The company values ​​integrity very much. Who told Apocalypse to only value mutants? Even if he issues task orders by controlling furry bears, it will be useless...... ........"yes!"

"My God!"

The four knights who were 'awakened' by Apocalypse never thought about Apocalypse's defeat, or even thought about whether Apocalypse would... take revenge rationally.

Over this period of time, the Four Horsemen who have been 'awakened' by the Apocalypse have seen too many 'miracles'.

These four 44s, the New Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, have long been completely brainwashed.

Unless the Master takes action, these four 44 new knights will destroy the Earth as well, even if Apocalypse says they want to destroy the Earth.

........................ Wuwuwuwuwu The school for gifted mutant youth is ten kilometers away.

.Base Headquarters.

Suddenly, a piercing siren suddenly sounded.

It has already been transformed by Xiaobai into a futuristic science fiction style.

.The base suddenly went from a static state to a violent state.

The running of armed men and the rotation of automatic turrets no longer attract attention.

What firmly attracted the attention of a large number of outside spectators, including professors and other forces monitoring satellites, was.

.At the base headquarters, I don’t know when, countless densely packed armed drones were projected into the sky.

Regardless of size, drones of various models directly shocked all the spectators outside the venue.

This was only the early 1980s.

.The base actually has such sci-fi equipment. Don’t worry, it’s even being monitored constantly.

.The countries and organizations that have maintained the base for several months are all confused.

What are the threats and combat effectiveness of those things... Not to mention those people outside the field, although they are confused, but Before you see the true 'strength', you are just confused.

However, for Apocalypse + Knight 5 who just walked out of the space channel, they felt a deep chill.

Countless guns and cannons were pointed at themselves, but Tianqi and his group didn't take it seriously.

After all, among the Four Horsemen, there is also a metal controller! But! The group of drones arrayed in the sky made the Apocalypse Five 5 feel numb in their hearts! It was a kind of feeling that came from deep in their hearts. of fear!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 356 Wanting to escape

The swarm of drones in the sky gave the Apocalypse Five an extremely depressing threat.

The group of leaders hiding behind the scenes...the leaders of the major forces can't feel it and don't understand it.

Why are there mutants who look so powerful?

.The company’s troubles.

But after entering.

.After entering the main base, everyone was as motionless as wooden figures whose acupuncture points had been tapped.

......................"very scary!"

Storm, Psylocke and Angel didn't dare to move.

That kind of...suppression that was just like the natural level of life exerted by higher beings on lower beings made the two of them dare not move at all.

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