
The employees were frightened, and the guns in their hands instantly opened fire. Countless steel barrages were fired towards Apocalypse.

Fortunately, because of these... orders from the armed men, Apocalypse and the four knights each separated some distance. Otherwise, there would not be a single living person under this torrent of steel. .

However, the one who moves faster than these... armed men is Apocalypse, a guy with blue skin.

Long before the space gate appeared, this guy had already taken a step back.

And the space door suddenly appeared, and Tianqi fell into the space door.

However, no matter how fast Apocalypse moves, the speed of the steel barrage still catches up with Apocalypse.

Puff puff, puff puff, in just a split second, Tian Qi's body was hit by at least ten bullets.

The huge kinetic energy carried by the high-speed rotating bullets instantly penetrated Apocalypse's skin, which was suppressed by his strength, and blasted holes one by one.

But, at this moment, the space gate is there.

.The base collapsed under the influence of the force field, or it was actively shut down by Apocalypse.

The injured Tianqi suddenly changed from...

.disappeared in the base.

........................ "Faq!"

"Dig his ancestral grave!"

"Catch him and shove his head into his ass!"

Apocalypse disappeared in an instant, leaving these people who knew about superpowers.

.The base employees yelled and cursed one after another.

The threat level of a space user is very clear to them...the armed personnel who have participated in capturing mutants in the past few months.


.Although the base is safe, they cannot stay in the base forever. A group of people turned their attention and anger to the other four people who arrived with Apocalypse.

But at this moment, these four people looked like they had a mental breakdown, and they did not notice the anger of this group of armed men at all.

My God, have you abandoned us? Is he really an ancient god who has lived for thousands of years? Because of Apocalypse's slutty manipulations, the beliefs of Storm, Psylocke, Angel, Metal Controller, and the four of them collapsed, and everyone began to feel confused. Become in a trance.


"what happened"

Just when the Four Horsemen were shocked that Apocalypse had abandoned them,

.In the neighbor of the base, in the College of Ethnicity, Professor Charles looked over here with a solemn expression.

Although he didn't know what was going on over there, the professor could feel the discomfort he felt from within, and even a sense of inexplicable panic, which came from.

.the direction of the base.

In fact, the apocalypse is reached through the creation of space channels.

When he arrived at the base, Charles had already noticed this fluctuation in mutant abilities.

It is really.

The base is too close. A distance of ten kilometers is completely unreasonable for Professor Charles, who can mentally detect half of the United States without using an electroencephalograph.

But, at the moment Xiaobai activated his mutant ability suppression force field,

.The base is like an eraser erasing it from a drawing board. It is no longer detectable in an instant.

Even at the same time, Charles felt an inexplicable threat, like a feeling that could instantly subdue the power hanging above his head.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 358 Real-time tracking

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! "Fuck!"

"Catch them!"

Apocalypse's disappearance completely pissed him off.

.base employees.

Although the intruder is a person with space abilities, he is...

. Despite the company's high bounty, this group of armed men still blamed themselves for their dereliction of duty. Even if they did not stop the invasion of this group of people, they actually let one of them escape while fully armed. The all-powerful armed men on the battlefield, regardless of the fact that there were women among the four knights abandoned by the apocalypse, rushed forward and beat them with their rifle butts. They beat the four knights to the ground severely, and then they swarmed around and kicked them hard with hammers.



"Spare your life!"

"We surrender!"


Boom boom boom boom boom!!! Amidst the screams mixed with pleading, there were also one or two muffled sounds of being kicked and beaten from time to time.

A group of guys who survived the battlefield had no mercy.

All they knew was that...this group of people actually failed in their duties and did not directly kill these four guys. It was all because the base's novice robot ordered them to be captured alive.


The base is not...a place where you can come and leave whenever you want!"

In view of the teaching and the wild pairs.

.’s visit experience, Xiaobai will not let Apocalypse leave so easily, even if Apocalypse seems to have the Four Horsemen under his command.

.base, but this has nothing to do with the punishment Apocalypse deserves.

"Start gene location tracking!"

Xiaobai is not afraid that you have space capabilities. For Xiaobai, there are fifth-generation explosive warships hiding in the earth's far-Earth orbit. As long as the target is still in the solar system, they will escape the search of the ships.

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