.Went to the Egyptian sub-base.

.........................Xiaobai will continue to pay attention to the specific arrest operation, or in other words, the priority of this matter has been changed from Xiaobai's point of view. 1.

Don’t drop it to 3 or even 4.

With a dedicated field team and even dedicated workers with restrained abilities, Xiaobai didn't think it would be difficult to capture an Apocalypse.

"Perhaps, we can try to recruit these four 44 mutants"

The priority of Apocalypse has been lowered, and the priority of the Four Horsemen brought by Apocalypse has naturally increased.

In Xiaobai's approach, recruitment is the first step.

In fact, since Qi Jun brought Xiaobai to this universe and the earth, in the past few months, Xiaobai has been...

.The company has branch bases all over the world, so naturally there can be no resistance, but these... resistances were all overcome by Xiaobai.

In the process of overcoming these... resistances, Xiaobai recruited many super-powerful people.

in these all over the world.

.In the base, in addition to... the superpowers trained by Xiaobai himself, there is also no shortage of various superpowers, mutants, etc. that have been recruited.

As for those... who don't want to be recruited, well... "Hahaha"

"It's up to you"

"a robot"

"You just want me to surrender to you."

"Stop dreaming!"

"My God will definitely come to save us!"

"At that time, it will be...the time for you to be destroyed!"

After Xiaobai made his intention to recruit people clear, the other three knights made no move, but the metal manipulator started to cheer with an angry look on his face.

"Are you sure you won't agree to our recruitment offer?"

"Do you think that...the so-called god who fled in embarrassment can come back to save you?"


"You think your ability can work on me"

No matter what the metal manipulator thinks in his heart.

But in front of Xiaobai who controls everything, everything is in vain.

The metal manipulator, faced with a robot made of metal, the ability he was originally proud of became: unresponsive.

He couldn't even sense the components on Xiaobai's body, let alone try to control Xiaobai through his metal manipulation ability.

Just kidding, before traveling through the multiverse, Taibai used all the latest technological power to build the 'Xiaobai robot'. It can only be controlled by a metal manipulator, let alone him. Even if Magneto comes, he will be blinded: even the magnetic field None, how do you control......................"Hey"


Facing the metal controller's rejection, Xiaobai sighed and shook his head.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 360 Charles’ decision

Phew...! A super high-energy laser flashed past.

A penetrating hole suddenly appeared on the Zi Metal Controller's forehead. Through this hole, he could faintly see the ground behind him.

The smell of burnt barbecue quietly filled the air.

The Bang Metal Controller fell to the ground with a confused look on his face.

His eyes widened and he refused to close his eyes.

The metal controller never imagined that the three words "what a pity" in Xiaobai's mouth would be the talisman for the end of his life.

The other three former Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse who witnessed all this were hiding aside, trembling.

If the recruitment fails, they will be killed directly. Whose recruitment is so hard-core! "You are willing to submit to us."

.Company, will we form a big loving family?"

Not paying attention to the cleaning robot dragging the metal controller away, Xiaobai turned to the three 3 knights who were trembling with fear and asked softly.




"We do!"

It's a pity that Xiaobai's peaceful expression was specially displayed.

As soon as Xiaobai opened his mouth, the three little ones, who were trembling with fear, screamed and hurriedly agreed.

They were afraid that if they were a little later, or if they hesitated, they would be struck by a ray of light. Whoosh...! The ground would be gone and it would be gone. From the perspective of Storm Girl 3, Xiao Bai's metal face was like... nothing they had ever seen before. The most hideous and terrifying demon appearance.


"Since you are willing to accept the recruitment, then we are one of our own!"

Xiaobai patted trio 3 on the head with satisfaction.

Xiaobai doesn't care about the panic of the three little ones, as long as they are willing to join in.

.The company’s big family, then everything is easy to talk about.


The company naturally has a way of ensuring people's loyalty.

Although it looked like a formality, it did not violate the rules set by Master Qi Jun, didn't it? The matter was resolved perfectly, Xiaobai turned around and left.

As for the three little ones, there are naturally dedicated personnel to teach them how to adapt quickly.

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