"But if you say you will die, you will die"

"Igo is indeed ruthless and worthy of being a ball."

Based on Little Star-Lord’s identity, it is naturally easier to confirm the identity of Little Star-Lord’s mother.

But when he saw that a tumor had begun to grow in the brain of little Xingjue's mother, Qi Jun couldn't help but be moved by Yi Ge's cruelty and the tenacity of little Xingjue's mother.

At this time, I had a tumor in my brain, and it took six years until Star-Lord was taken away! How did little Star-Lord’s mother spend these six years! She had to take care of her children and live with her Fight against illness.

Is this such a strong will? Is it really... As a mother, Qi Jun can only say, I admire you!

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 377 Contact


"Perhaps, we can take little Star-Lord back to check and study it carefully."

Speaking of which, Qi Jun has never really seen a living god so far.

As for the little Star-Lord, since he inherited the bloodline of the god Ego, it naturally aroused Qi Jun's curiosity.

...........In fact, Qi Jun is still very curious about...the gods.

You know, humans are carbon-based creatures, but Egg is not..., this thing is just a ball! From the perspective of species integration theory, it is impossible for humans and the planet to give birth to a baby, just like carbon-based humans With silicon-based Transformers, a carbon-silicon hetero-based thing cannot be produced.

Qi Jun is still very curious. How did Egg fertilize and grow carbon-based human eggs? Is it possible to use energy to energize the ball-based genes, then energize the human eggs, and then combine the two? Combined, they form a carbon sphere-based humanoid. Yes! That’s right! That’s... a carbon sphere-based humanoid! Qi Junke has never regarded little Star-Lord as a human being.

There are carbon-based creatures that have not evolved through cultivation, and they can hold the Power Stone and still survive. You know, in the original plot, the unruly Mr. Star-Lord, the dancing prince with kidney failure, can play with the Power Stone with his bare hands and not die. .

Such a humanoid creature can only be considered a humanoid creature. How can it still be considered a human being? Of course, there are too many strange things in the universe, including highly intelligent raccoon mechanics who can shoot.

Regarding these, Qi Jun did not.........


Qi Jun was just curious about how a ball and a person were combined.

That's all. Only this time, Qi Jun did not arrest the person directly, but prepared to contact him personally.


"anyone there"

"My car is out of gas, can you help me borrow some gas?"

With a teleportation, Qi Jun came to a place not far from Xiao Xingjue's house, materialized a classic car of this era, and drove all the way to the front of the courtyard of Xiao Xingjue's house.

And the classic car, whose fuel level had been calculated, happened to be lying in front of the courtyard of Xiao Xingjue's house, lying motionless.

Qi Jun pretended to check, then reluctantly came to the yard of Xiao Xingjue's house, and shouted towards Xiao Xingjue's house.

.................. "Are you having any difficulties?"

Hearing Qi Jun's shout, there was no movement among the people in the house, but little Xingjue and other friends in the courtyard ran out in high spirits.

What I have to say is that the woman Yi Ge is looking for is also from a wealthy family. The house and courtyard in the town are obviously luxurious and very large. The friends who play with little Star-Lord also have a good relationship with each other. There is obviously no blood relationship.

Don't think that the United States will not be discriminated against. On the contrary, discrimination in the United States is rampant everywhere.

Yi Ge is an unwed mother with her children, but she has so many friends playing together. Qi Jun doesn't believe that... the friends' families are very friendly.

.................. "Are your adults at home?"

“My car is out of gas “The nearby gas station is too far”

“Can I borrow some gas?”

Although he thought so in his heart, Qi Jun still greeted the children in a friendly manner with a smile on his face.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 378 Old Quill


"A big brother came to the door. He seems to be in trouble."

Listen! This kid is so good at talking! Seeing little Xingjue shouting and running across the courtyard toward the house, Qi Jun’s face burst into laughter. Sure enough, he is still very young, said Little Nina What do you call uncle? It’s really not cute at all! With little Star-Lord as a comparison, Magneto’s daughter Nina is no longer so cute and adorable in Qi Jun’s heart. I have to say, Little Star When Jue grows up, he will be able to achieve the achievement of an 'interstellar pile driver'. This guy has already demonstrated this very clearly when he was young.

............. "Is anyone in trouble?"

"Let me take a look"

After a while, while Qi Jun was chatting with other friends of little Xingjue, little Xingjue did not come out with his mother. Instead, a middle-aged man with a slightly stout figure strode over.

That's right, little Xingjue's mother already has a tumor in her brain and shouldn't be running around anymore.

Qi Jun looked at his face and saw that he had some similarities with little Xingjue. He should be little Xingjue's grandfather. "Oh."

“It turned out to be a young man.”

"I am this little guy's grandfather, you can just call me Old Quill."

"Listen to Little Peter, your car is in trouble."

Qi Jun guessed correctly, this was indeed...little Star-Lord Peter Quill's grandfather.

It has to be said that Ego is a very irresponsible 'ball'. Someone else gave birth to a baby for him, but Ego didn't even leave a surname. Little Star-Lord could only take the surname of his grandfather's family.


"Yes, old Quill"

"This damn car"

"I didn't notice that its fuel gauge was broken."

"I thought it still had oil, but it really didn't."

"Look, it's right there. It doesn't have a drop of oil, and it's completely dead!"

"This damn car, I swear I'm going to replace it when I get back!"

Seeing that there was still a hint of vigilance in Old Quill's expression, Qi Jun shrugged, turned around, and exposed the old antique car not far behind him that was emitting no obvious traces of black smoke.

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