Unless Gu Yi calls his parents eternal, it is no longer possible for Gu Yi to be Qi Jun's opponent.

As long as he is not his opponent, Qi Jun usually ignores the weak. In front of the strong, he will always be an ant.

Just like now, in front of Qi Jun, who is at the multiverse level, Gu Yi, who is at the single universe level, is... an ant.

However, this ant is a bit powerful and can bother Qi Jun for a while.

The higher the strength, the gap at each level is huge, and the gap is a huge geometric multiple! A multiverse-level giant can take down a single universe-level boss more than a single universe-level boss can take down. A Heavenly Father-level powerhouse is even simpler! ........ And just when Qi Jun and others' thoughts were flashing, Wakanda's counterattack... It also officially started.

Dozens of energy attacks were launched from Wakanda.

Its target is naturally those... nuclear bombs flying at the end!

To be continued:... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 459 Apocalypse: The nuclear bombs I launched did not have duds!

I have to say that Wakanda still has something in the research of energy weapons.

But it is different from the previous time when the American Federation intercepted the nuclear missile launched by Mao Xiong.

Wakanda's energy attack directly turned all the nuclear missiles that hit into 'dumbs'.

This is mainly because modern nuclear missiles are different from ordinary missiles. If you blow up the propulsion part of an ordinary missile, the warhead will explode along with it.

But nuclear missiles are different! A modern nuclear missile, to say it is a missile, is better to say that it is an extremely sophisticated high-tech nuclear energy electronic integrated device with ultra-long-distance propulsion power.

Nuclear explosions also undergo a series of precise controls before fission or fusion reactions are initiated, triggering a nuclear explosion.

Nuclear missiles, if you destroy the propulsion part of the missile that drives it forward, you may not be able to destroy it. After all, the nuclear warhead is also protected, which is something that all fans of the puppet army know. The designer would not have thought that you would have to Destroy the nuclear explosive electronic equipment in its warhead and prevent its detonation program from functioning normally.

In that way, even if nuclear materials are leaked, the... point radiation and the consequences of the nuclear explosion are completely bearable! As far as Qi Jun understands, as long as all nuclear warheads activate the set program of a nuclear missile, as long as its If the warhead is not damaged, no matter whether you destroy the missile propulsion unit or deflect it from the orbit, when the time comes, the warhead's setting program will automatically ignite and start a series of processes to achieve fission or fusion reactions.

So, this time is when... mushroom clouds rise.

As for why the nuclear missile intercepted by the American Federation still explodes at high altitude, have you forgotten that Apocalypse's mutant ability can directly cause the nuclear bomb to detonate before being intercepted? Apocalypse: The nuclear bomb I launched did not have a dud!... .....................Obviously, Wakanda understands how nuclear bombs work.

Any nuclear missile hit by the energy attack launched by Wakanda instantly turned into a 'dumb bomb'! Of course, even if it turned into a 'dumb bomb', its huge structure would fall freely to the Wakanda. When Kanda comes, it will also cause a huge kinetic energy attack! What's more, Wakanda's energy attack only destroyed nearly half of the nearly a hundred nuclear missiles. The remaining dozens of nuclear missiles, It can still destroy Wakanda into a restricted area where no living thing can survive! Therefore, immediately following the energy attack, dozens of Wakanda fighter planes quickly flew out of the virgin forest in Dana.

These fighter planes directly boosted their afterburners to the maximum, and bursts of sonic boom clouds were generated. Unable to shake them, they directly crashed into those nuclear missiles that were flying closer and closer to the end of Wakanda... ............."suicide attack"

"Although it is cruel to the driver, it is a very effective attack method."

When Qi Jun saw this scene, he naturally understood what those... fighters in Wakanda wanted to do.

Not only Qi Jun understood, but all the forces that could 'watch' the battle also understood what these dozens of fighter planes were doing.

Under the dual effects of missile propulsion and gravity, a nuclear missile in its final flight is difficult to control because it is too fast! But similarly, the trajectory of a nuclear missile in its final flight is also very clear.

This is why Wakanda's energy attacks can easily hit all targets, but...it's a pity that Wakanda's energy attacks are too few, or that Wakanda's energy weapons are not powerful enough in this era. , far from being as perverted as that in the future... the era of Wakanda's highly intelligent scientist Shuri as a little princess.

In order to intercept those... nuclear missiles, dozens of energy attacks were launched urgently. Wakanda's energy weapons have been damaged and scrapped. At least, they cannot be repaired in a short time.

And those... fighter planes will naturally follow the end flight trajectory of the nuclear missile, directly collide with it, and detonate the vibranium energy core of the fighter plane to achieve the purpose of destroying the nuclear missile.

To Wakanda, these fighter pilots, as well as the combatants among them, are their heroes.


"Apocalypse can detonate nuclear warheads in advance"

"Old Maozi and Old Vulture can do it too!"

Qi Jun is not optimistic about Wakanda's counterattack plan.

Although Lao Maozi and Lao Vulture detonated the electromagnetic waves of nuclear missiles in advance, they would be affected and delayed due to the environment and distance.

But Lao Maozi and Old Vulture don't just have these...nuclear missiles! Even if Wakanda really intercepted them all this time.

But what about the next wave of nuclear strikes? If Wakanda doesn’t have energy weapons, how can it intercept them? Will it still rely on fighter planes to commit suicide? What’s more, does Wakanda still have extra fighter planes? You don’t have more defensive power, and Peace talks and counterattack. All your fighter planes have been used up in this defense. You take the lead in counterattack. "The so-called Leopard God, it's time to come out, right?"

"If we don't come out, Wakanda will really become a restricted area for life and a purgatory on earth."

Qi Jun looked at it with some amusement.

To be continued:... Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 460: The Spiritual Body ‘Leopard God’

"A rubbish leader can really kill all the people!"

“The leadership is all rubbish too!”

"History has been written by the victors since ancient times."

"But you haven't prepared anything for your special code. Why are you going to provoke the two most powerful lunatics in the world?"

As if in response to Qi Jun's words, it looked like a spiritual body 'Black Panther' that was enlarged a hundred times according to the proportion of a natural black panther, ignoring any physical rules, stepping out of Wakanda's vibranium Came out of the mineral vein.

As he walked, he kept cursing.

.................. "This 'Leopard God' is actually a spiritual body."

"And it still exists based on the existence of vibranium veins."

Qi Jun's eyesight is now much different than before, and he can easily see through the nature of this so-called 'Leopard God' of Wakanda.

Qi Jun discovered that this 'Leopard God' was somewhat similar to the supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire. They were both condensed and formed by different spiritual powers that were constantly accumulated and gathered.

The difference between the two is that the Supreme Intelligence serves the entire Kree Empire. The Supreme Intelligence can have its own ideas, but it is limited to the framework of "everything is for the Kree Empire."

But this 'Leopard God' has his own thoughts, but there is no so-called limiting thinking framework. He can do whatever he wants without taking into account the public opinion of Wakanda.

............................. However, because of its appearance, Wakanda instantly boiled.

The citizens of Wakanda, who had just been enveloped in the crisis of a nuclear explosion, knelt down and worshiped the Black Panther crazily, as if the nuclear bombs above their heads had never appeared. It's as if it doesn't exist at all.

Even if he is the king of Wakanda, he will kneel down and worship the Leopard God just like the people of Wakanda.

"What kind of crazy king is this?"

"What kind of idiots are these people?"

As for the actions of Wakanda's leadership, Qi Jun was confused anyway.

You are facing a nuclear threat! No matter how small Wakanda is, as a kingdom, you are still a country! At a time when the country is in crisis, you leaders are not thinking about how to break the situation, but instead directly attack a leopard. 'Kneel down, forgetting the threat of nuclear weapons above your head, "Can you say?"

"Is this the feudal dynasty?"

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