
The first time I experienced the feeling of being a pit man, and it was a success!

Coulson now feels happy, energetic, and flying a lot easier.

Once is 100w, think about it this way, Russell’s 500w is not a matter at all!

If only a few more times! Coulson looked at Tony, who was full of expectation, and thought to himself.

Russell on the side, sensing Coulson’s malicious gaze towards the big fat sheep Tony, immediately became vigilant

The one who robbed the business, coming!

And the famous ** son, Tony Stark,

At this time, the gray-faced giggle was talking to Colonel Rhodes, excited, and from time to time there was a barbell-like laughter.

They didn’t know about the scheme in their hearts and were kept in the dark.

But obviously, this is not the right place.

And just like that, with Tony’s excitement along the way, it wasn’t long before they were already dozens of kilometers away.


This is a ‘rustic’ town in the desert

Every resident seemed extremely ‘hospitable’, and the first reaction to seeing strangers was to clench their trouser pockets and seem to want to give them a big gift.

But immediately, a pair of long-awaited black-clad agents surrounded them

The residents could only express regret and disperse.

“Are the people here so ‘enthusiastic’?” Tony was a little frightened

As a weapons supplier, the meaning of their movements is of course understood in seconds

However, is it really appropriate to pull out a gun and make trouble if you don’t agree with each other?

“Of course,” Coulson shrugged, as if commonplace, “if there was a terrorist base next to your house, you would too.” ”

Everyone was speechless, and could only mourn in their hearts.

But fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have already passed the ditch with the residents here

The uncleansed blood on the ground and the collapsed walls are proof of this.

At a slight price, the results were remarkable, and the town was successfully controlled.

In the silence of everyone, before long, everyone had already arrived outside a building

This is an ordinary building, divided into three floors, which looks a little shabby

Next to it, a wall has been set up that encloses the entire building, and thick steel plates directly separate the area where the building is located.

Outside the walls, the townspeople were whining and talking, apparently curious about their purpose.

Could it be? What treasure can’t be made in this? This is what everyone thinks in their hearts.

If it weren’t for the fear of the combat effectiveness of those black-clad agents, I believe they would have been unable to resist rushing up and snatching it!

“This is it, you guys wait a minute.” Coulson stopped, ignored the gazes around him, and quickly stepped forward to talk to the agent guarding the door.

After a while, under the wave of Coulson’s hand, Russell and everyone stepped forward and passed through the gate smoothly.


As soon as he entered, Tony let out a sound of surprise

“What’s wrong? Mr. Stark? “The ‘enthusiastic’ Agent Coulson came over and asked

Now this one, but his big patron, can’t help him not care!

“What about saying yes? It shouldn’t be some…” Tony was broken, not knowing how to describe it

With a flash of light in his mind, Tony suddenly blurted out, “Monster, yes! Where are they? ”

At the same time, he also probed his head and looked around, as if he wanted to see the abnormality here.

Coulson smiled when he heard this, and said as he walked, acting as a docent for Mr. Tony

“Not all weirdness is monster-like, Mr. Stark, you know, perhaps, a house, a daily object, can be a weirdness!”

“They appear without warning, and they are very different in ability, but one thing is certain, they are all things that are difficult for humans to understand, and they follow some kind of rules.”

“Secret and dangerous, it’s them!”

When Tony heard this, he was faintly worried

“According to you, weird phenomena can happen to me at any time?”

“Yes!” Agent Coulson affirmed, while stopping, “It’s arrived!” There, it’s weird! ”

As they spoke, they had been led by Coulson to the back door of the building, and everyone looked in the direction he was pointing


“You mean this building is weird?” Mr. Tony blurted out directly, surprised at the expression.

“No,” Coulson explained, shaking his head, “if the whole building were weird, it would be even more troublesome.” I mean, inside the door, that’s our goal this time. ”

“What’s inside the gate?”

“Endless stairs and endless darkness, and, some monsters!”

Coulson said, smiling

“Let’s go, I’ll take you inside and see, as long as you don’t enter the depths, there will be no danger.”


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