Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 110


The body was very honest, and threw the belt to Brother Xiaoming.

after all.

He and Xiao Ming have similar personalities, they are both arrogant people.

"You guy..."

Brother Xiao Ming smiled.

Take the belt and transform into an emperor.

Then, he directly destroyed the Alien Demon God and Apollo Kester.


Apollo Kester died shortly after being absorbed by the double-sided energy mirror.


After dealing with these two people, Brother Xiaoming and his party were much relieved.

Yusuke cheered, "Go back and celebrate!"

Brother Xiaoming and Xia Haiju also smiled.

At this time, they found that the Haidong tree was gone.

Yusuke's face was full of surprise, "Strange, what about Haidong?"

"He was still here just now..."

"Forget it, leave him alone."

Brother Xiao Ming said, "Let's go back to celebrate."

"All right."

Then, the group returned to the photo studio.


As soon as they entered the door, they saw Haidong Tree sitting in the photo studio.

At the moment, he is drinking coffee leisurely.

"Sir, you are too slow."

"You guy..."


As early as when the door Yashi held the double-sided energy mirror and gave Xia Haiju life energy.

Carl heard the prompt of the chat group.

Chapter 49 You were not like this before, brother Xiaoming is good...

As early as when Natsumi Tachibana was awake, Carl heard the system yes.


Carl was not in such a hurry to leave.

After all, he had nothing urgent to do.

In this different world, it seems good to stay for a while.

And also have some food.


After seeing Natsumi Tachibana sober, he communicated with Menya Shi and Onodera Yusuke.

Especially seeing the two of them, the kind of heartfelt joy that their companions were saved.

Carl felt as if he should leave.

Although, Carl originally thought.

Even if you leave, at least say goodbye.

But he had no plans to make light bulbs.

Maybe, it will also spoil the atmosphere of Kadoyaji and his party.

Therefore, Carl did not continue to stay in the world of Emperor Knights.

directly back to his own world.

He didn't even say goodbye to Menyashi and the others.

However, Carl didn't care too much about this little thing.

He was in a good mood for this task.

I solved some people I hated in my previous life.

Also, get points.


He has more than 290,000 points.


Although, he still can't afford something that is more useful to him.

But this number, just looking at it, makes people feel happy.


When Carl returns to his own world.

Erica hasn't woken up yet.

after all.

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