Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 128

Has the murderer been found?

Really great.

As expected of a senior agent of our Homeland... Security Bureau.

It's fantastic to be able to complete the task so quickly.

Nick Fury guessed in his heart.

He asked directly:

"How about it?"

"Obadia's case, any clues?"

"Yes, I have an idea."

"And I found a suspected murderer..."

Black Widow nodded, but stopped.

"I actually found it, so fast!"

"How did Obadiah die and who killed him?"

Nick Fury was slightly surprised when he heard the words.

Although he guessed in his heart, the return of the black widow may be to complete the task.

The cause and murderer of Obadiah's death were found.


When I heard Black Widow and said it personally.

Still can't help but be surprised.

"Well, that's it."

"I checked, Obadiah's recent travel records."

"I have also investigated people who have been in contact with him recently."

"Several suspicious individuals found."

"One is Jin Bing, the underground emperor of New York City."

"The other... is named Carl Smith, a young rich man." Black Widow, roughly said what she had done.

Some of Carl's actions were concealed a little.

after all.

Those plans failed miserably.

But the important information, Black Widow did not hide.

The speed and strength that Carl showed.

It also has the ability to emit red light from its eyes.


Will Carl admit to killing Obadiah, threatening the homeland... Security Bureau, also said.

"What? This is too crazy!"

Nick Fury slammed the table when he heard the words.

He has not seen anyone who dares to threaten them.

These criminals are so arrogant.

I thought that if I gained some superpowers, I would be invincible in the world.

For Carl's demonstrated ability.

Nick Fury is not as frightened as Black Widow.

One is because.

Nick Fury didn't see Carl's strength and speed with his own eyes.

And that powerful red laser.

There is no intuitive experience of Carl's power.

after all

Carl played Black Widow, not him Nick Fury.

The second is because.

Nick Fury, who also fought aliens.


He also knew Captain Marvel, who had great power.

A friend of Captain Marvel.

Nick Fury doesn't believe that this Karl will be stronger than Captain Marvel.


He wasn't intimidated by Carl's threats.

Nick Fury also has a hole card.

Not including their homeland... All kinds of powerful and advanced equipment of the Security Bureau.

The most powerful trump card is the contactor that calls Captain Marvel.

No way, call Carol back.

It is not easy to solve this Carl.

Of course, Captain Marvel is busy.

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