Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 314

Sister Miyano Akimi was forced to join the organization only because of her parents.

It's just that Miyano Akimi, who is under surveillance by the organization, works as a bank clerk.

Although, this job was changed not long ago.

Taking advantage of the convenience of bank staff and robbing one billion yuan, there should be hope.

Thinking about it carefully, the organization also knew that she had changed jobs and taught her this task.

Of course, there are some difficulties.

And not small.

But this difficulty is nothing compared to leaving the organization.

Leaving the organization was her dream.

Of course it's worth the risk.

However, after all, it is such a thing as a bank robbery.

And to rob a billion.

It has to be well planned.

What makes Miyano Akemi happy is that the organization allows him to visit his sister.

after all.

As an important talent in the organization, Miyano Shiho is usually very busy.

Even if Miyano Akimi is her sister, she rarely sees each other on weekdays.

One is because the other party is busy, and the other is because the organization does not allow it.

Now, it's hard to get a chance.

"Well... I'll make some delicious food and send it to my sister."

"After completing the mission, you don't have to stay in the organization."

"You can find your Majesty..."

Miyano Akimi seems to see a bright future.


It was just seven o'clock when Carl woke up.

Zhao Hailun was still asleep.

Carl did not wake the other party, but went to prepare some breakfast.

Afterwards, the two had breakfast together.

Because Zhao Hailun is usually very busy with work and has no time to go out to play.

So Carl drove directly this time and took the other party out for a drive.

At night, naturally do what you like.

After a few days, he accompanied Zhao Hailun to visit his parents.

The parents of the other party are very healthy.

Carl already knew about this.

Not to mention that after he obtained the silver superman template, he would pay attention to Zhao Hailun's parents from time to time.

Even before there was no template, Carl arranged bodyguards for them.

Directly transferred from Stark Industries, Security Department personnel.


This morning, while having breakfast.

Zhao Hailun suddenly remembered something and said in surprise:

"By the way, I'm here this time to study your body."

Indeed, as a doctor of medicine, his research institute is still Zhao Hailun of genetics.

Nature was very interested in Carl's body.

Well, it is with a serious research attitude.

Of course, unorthodox research has also been studied.


It was the first time that Zhao Hailun had seen such a powerful being as Superman.

What's more, Carl didn't have this ability before.

For some reason, there has been a change.

This is even more interesting.

After asking Carl about it, he agreed.

Zhao Hailun decided to do research.


When she saw Carl before, she forgot about the research.

And these days, I had a lot of fun with Carl.

Until now, Zhao Hailun's vacation is coming to an end.

She just remembered it was right.

When Carl heard the words, he didn't have any extra expressions, just nodded with a smile.

"Okay, let's study after dinner."


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