Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Marvel: My Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group Chapter 349


What Carl didn't know was that.

This little brother did not recognize his superhuman identity.

After all, not everyone watches the news, and there are always some people who are not interested in gossip.

This blond boy is someone who doesn't know what Superman looks like.

Of course, he still heard from friends about the identity of Superman and Iron Man.

Know one is the famous rich man, Tony Stark.

The other is also the richest man in Stark Industries.

But what exactly Superman looks like, I don't know.

Because the information about the blond boy was learned from a friend.

But friends can say that there are such existences as Iron Man and Superman.

It's impossible to describe what other people look like.

So, the blond boy didn't recognize Carl.

The reason why he looked at Carl.

It's because the blond boy just came out of the bathroom.

The result was stomach pain and came back again.


He remembered it well.

When I was in the bathroom just now, there was no one there.

And I only went out without taking two steps, and I didn't see anyone else going in at all.

Why did someone come out all of a sudden?


When Carl returned to the cold drink shop, Zhao Hailun had not finished his cold drink.

after all.

He performed tasks in the world of Conan, and it only took a few minutes.

This is because I want to tease Conan and wait for the Miyano Shiho sisters to communicate.

Otherwise it can be faster.

Carl picked up the cold drink in front of him and said with a smile: "Let's go shopping, shall we?" "Okay."

With that said, the two of Carl left the cold drink shop.

After the order is placed, the payment is made.

Of course no one will stop them from leaving.

Zhao Helen pulled Carl and walked into a shopping mall.

On the way, she asked curiously, "What do you want to bring?"

"Just bring some presents."

Carl responded casually.

He hadn't really thought about it.

However, Tony Stark is rich.

Think about it and know that he can't be missing something.

Zhao Hailun was a little surprised, "Is it so casual..."

Carl took her out and said to buy a gift.

Zhao Hailun thought that Carl had already thought about what to buy.

Carl smiled, "Yeah."

"He's Tony Stark after all."

"There is no shortage of everything. I don't want to buy anything, just buy whatever."

Zhao Hailun nodded when she heard the words, "That's true."

Tony Stark is really a very famous rich man.

"Okay then, just buy some accessories."

Thinking like this, Zhao Helen pulled Carl into a jewelry store.

In the end, a four-leaf clover-shaped crystal ornament was chosen.

This jewelry is not a piece of jewelry to wear.

Rather, it is a crystal ornament placed in the house.

Crystal four-leaf clover, about twenty centimeters in size.

The base is platinum with pale blue crystals.

It looks very pretty.

Although Carl said, Tony lacked everything.

But he didn't choose, that kind of gift of hundreds of dollars.

This blue four-leaf clover is worth more than 300,000 knives.

This is still the store manager, recognizing Carl as Superman.

10% off the price.

The store manager preached, saying how precious this crystal is.

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