"The mutant number one will come out and die."

The words of Reid's son resounded like thunder over the entire Yorkton city.

The majesty and prestige resounded throughout the world.

His words seemed to use some kind of mental fluctuations, so that they fell on everyone's ears so clearly and unmistakably.

"How is this going?"

"Oh my god, is this someone provoking the mutant number one?"

At this moment.

The urban residents of Yorkton suddenly felt it, and looked up directly at the sky. The first time they could see outside the towering Caesars Building, there was a young figure stepping on the void and berating the number one mutant.

"Is he crazy, dare to challenge the number one mutant?"

"This is simply not knowing how high the sky is."

"Dare to provoke Utopia Supreme, and wait to die!"

Words from below just spread from the ground.

The sound of criticism, sarcasm, and ridicule fell on the ears of Reid's son.

After all, this is within the sphere of influence of the utopian camp, so that the strength of the ridicule is very strong.

His face sneered more and more.

very good! !

Even if you all don't look down on me, then I will kill your number one mutant in full view, and let you feel what despair is.

But at that moment, the sarcastic words underneath were suddenly relieved, and bursts of cheers broke out.

"Come on, the number one mutant is coming out to challenge!"


"Let the guy who offended the mutant king go to hell!!"

The cries of carnival just rushed one after another, like waves, one wave after another.

The son of Reed who has been criticized and ridiculed more than just now.

Su Chen in front of him walked out of the ripples of space and surpassed the sky above the city, and it ushered in the shouts and revelry of the whole people.

This is the belief of mutants and the cornerstone of their rise.

It is a leader who will never forget.

Under the sound of such a carnival, the face of Reid's son became more and more distorted. Vaguely, a childish face became a bit hideous, and the devil's side in his mind made his heart degenerate.

"Are you imitating me?"

Su Chen's cold eyes fell towards the figure who was above the air in the distance.

The upper body sweater and the matching hood just covered her head, and an untrimmed bangs just covered her eyes. Even if she was dressed like this, she also had a pair of earphones hung around her neck.

Such behavior is indeed dressed like Su Chen who first arrived in this city.

He also wore this suit when the nuclear explosion was broadcast live around the world that day.

It's just that he is now in a casual white shirt, and his sleeves are still specially customized, and he reveals the majesty of a superior.

He is no longer the helpless boy who fights with a lone wolf.

It is the leader in charge of a huge mutant power.

Image and temperament, and behavior and dress are another change.


Seeing the appearance of the Lord, the son of Reid gritted his teeth bitterly, and the killing intent in his eyes was completely concealed.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

"Imitate you? That's right, I just want to repeat your old path in your blackened way."

If it were not for the court tragedy, after the death of the parents.

To be honest, in the past, he did admire such a young man who was not a few years older than himself and dared to fight for his own interests in the global live broadcast.

Because it's so cool.

So handsome.


Everything has changed.

"I will kill you."

He gritted his teeth.

Then he said affirmatively in a very hateful way, word by word.


"Killing your sister."

"at last....."

"I want to completely destroy the city you are in, as well as all members of the utopia."

Stop talking.

The son of Reid stirred up a terrifying force wave all over his body, and the invisible air current made one of his bangs constantly beating.


He roared and immediately released his big move.

Click! !

Su Chen's whole body space area suddenly filled with cracks, and the real structure collapsed, and a terrifying black hole was formed behind him, sweeping out an unparalleled attraction.

this moment.

It is as if there are a series of invisible giant hands constantly dragging Su Chen's back, trying to drag him into the black hole behind.

Compared with the collapsed device last time, this man-made forced expulsion is indeed much stronger.

It's a pity that the slender and thin figure is as stable as Mount Tai under the chaotic energy fluctuations.

It is as if there is a huge anchor rooted in the world, making his figure stable and calm.

"It's this trick again."

"As Reid's son, I still don't give up, and I still want to expel me."

Su Chen sneered.

【Spatial characteristics +100】

this moment.

There were extremely surging spatial ripples around him, and in just a moment, the black hole behind him was completely closed, and all the collapsed reality structures were repaired.

This is too easy.

Understatement, it was so easy to resolve.


The son of Reid didn't expect the other party to respond so easily and freely.

Although he knew that this expulsion did not necessarily work, but Captain Marvel Carroll, his response was too easy.

"You seem to have overlooked one thing, that is, I can not only evolve under external stimuli."

External stimuli will only speed up the process of evolution, so as to quickly form a means of restraint.

And his own genes are evolving all the time.

Su Chen one day later will always be stronger than himself one day ago.

"Coincidentally, my understanding of space is improving every day."

There is no emotional fluctuation on Su Chen's extremely cold face.

He stretched his right hand to the void next to him, and saw that his entire arm was caught in the ripples of the water ripples slowly rolling.

Soon, the son of Reid in the distance felt a little bit, and suddenly found that his back was suddenly caught with a huge force.

"Damn it, no way!!"

He never thought that he would be caught by his opponent like this.

what! !

With a cry of pain, the entire figure of Reid's son poured into the space behind the ripples.


In this way, Su Chen's right hand grabbed him from the void ripples next to him.

"I didn't expect it."

Su Chen firmly controlled his opponent in an instant.

His expression was cold and murderous.

In this life, he hates others threatening himself with his family.

He had already remembered the words of the son of Reid just now.

Click! !

He clenched his fist with the other hand, and directly bombarded this guy's head with the violent energy fluctuations.


PS: The schedule will be changed recently. .

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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