
Over a city on a certain western continent, under the bright colorful light, the vast and incomparable Qitarui invaded in such a large scale, and began to ransack the entire city.

Under the night.

The war from the alien invasion started so quietly.

"what is this?"

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the house, a couple witnessed a huge monster that seemed to be like a whale suspended in the air and moved around in the city.

Less than a second.

This suspended war whale-like War Machine immediately opened the hatches on both sides, and a semi-mechanical transformation soldier Zeta Swiss soldiers jumped out and climbed on the surface of the buildings on both sides.

boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, these alien monsters just raised the laser guns in their hands and began to attack civilians wantonly.

"My goodness!!"

No one thought that the alien species that people saw for the first time would start attacking the earth so brazenly.

Is this the subordinate of the so-called Planet Devourer?

Humans can't tell where this alien species comes from.

After Carol Captain Marvel reminded them, they knew that there would be an alien invasion soon, but they didn't expect it would come so soon.


Accompanied by a roar in the sky, Carol Captain Marvel, which turned into a golden streamer, flew from the outer space of the earth.

Hum! !

The golden light released from her hand resembled a magnificent golden beam of light, directly sweeping through the air, blasting all Qitari fighters into the air one after another.

boom! !

For a time, under Carol's trick, it seemed as if a fireworks feast was blooming under the night sky, and the orange-red fireworks were so dotted under the stars.

"Successfully identified the alien species, the Si-based life and transformation of the Zitarians."

"They are a legion under the banner of Titan Thanos."

As soon as the intelligent system of the alien watch was reminded, Carol frowned.


She cursed secretly.

Carol couldn't think of the evil forces that have recently ravaged the universe, the Thanos Army, so it's eyeing the earth like this?

Thanos' collection of infinite gems has not leaked yet.

At this moment, Carol didn't know what he meant.

But she was not afraid of Thanos at all.

Under the sorrow and anger in her heart, the golden light bathed all over her made her look like a golden god.

"Huh! Are these little characters?"

Carol, who directly inspired the dual-star mode, broke through the air, and the wanton energy fluctuations became more and more shocking.

In the blink of an eye, all the alien visitors she saw in her pupils were killed by her alone.

This is the first combat power that Captain Marvel has demonstrated to people all over the world! !

If in the movie, the most powerful woman on the surface did not leave the earth in the last century, then it is likely that there will be no need for the Avengers afterwards.(Read more @

The Zeta Swiss soldiers who came because of the invasion, the Ultron crisis, and even the Infinite War may be completely contained by her alone in advance.

She is too strong.

Especially after entering the binary star state, the small universe linked in her body gives her endless cosmic energy.

Under the gorgeous golden fireworks, orange-red flames continued to explode.

Before the countless culled Qitarians even came close, the radiant energy of her agitated completely evaporated.

I am invincible! !

She can fight against a legion and a world alone.

This is why Captain Marvel can stand alone against the Kerry Empire for so long.

The Kerry Empire is one of the three super interstellar empires in this universe!

The space shuttle achieved by the Rainbow Bridge, after all, is definitely not as stable as the wormhole formed by the space gem.

The funny thing is.......

In a different way, Loki just transported the first batch of Qitari Legion through the Rainbow Bridge almost destroyed seven or eighty-eight.




In Asgard's realm, in the center of the Rainbow Bridge, Loki had a surprised look on his face.

"Is it almost finished?"

He was stupid.

Even Loki, the god of fraud, who has always been quite deep in the city, was completely frightened by this answer.

"Yes, the first batch of Zetaric army transported was almost destroyed by a woman."

Heimdall, who was reduced to a puppet, had a sense of cloning, and said very tamely.

"Damn it..."

Loki's face became more and more distorted, how come there are so many terrifying monsters on a small earth! !

Just now, a human teenager suddenly appeared a powerful woman...

How come they are so powerful! !

The situation that was out of control has been turned back on track by him, but now the facts have gone back again.

The power of the earth is beyond his imagination.

no! !

He could not be willing to fail like this.

The thought of the young and arrogant human face made him furious.

"No, I want to retake Asgard's throne first. The strength of the Rainbow Bridge each time it transports is still not as good as the space gem."

Thought of it.

Loki couldn't make a plan, but he wanted to make a plan. He had to use the Qitar army to seize the throne that belonged to him.

Bastard, right?

Let me, an Asgard bastard, rule everything here first, and then he will quickly seize the earth, and even the entire nine gods will be accepted as his own territory.



The first attack of the Zetaru army came to an abrupt end.

After the rainbow bridge's light faded into the night, no other army was sent back again.

This night, humans actually felt the invasion from alien species.

The earth is being coveted and peeped! !

This night, humans also felt the power of Captain Marvel Carol! !

She is the most powerful woman on the surface!

But when we learned that this alien invasion originated from another terrifying force in the universe, the subordinates of Thanos Army, the human heart collapsed.

"In other words, we haven't ended this Zetarian invasion. On the contrary, will there be Planet Devourers coming soon?"

"Yes, although this is bad news, I have to admit it!!"

After getting Captain Marvel's affirmation, everyone was stupid.

Fear, fear, panic...

Various emotions continue to permeate the people of the world.

Hesitating, confused...

The people of the world are plunged into panic about the uncertainty of the future.

And at this moment.

Utopia supreme Su Chen's plan was thoroughly promoted at this moment.

X Gene Awakening Project!

He knew that the era of mutants had arrived!

His ambition to become the Lord of the Earth is almost fulfilled. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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