【Body Strength +1000】

【Energy absorption +1000】

【Fire Resistance +500】


As Su Chen got deeper into the core of the sun, his immortal body began to crack.

The rise in temperature and another high-energy impact from the flare will only make Su Chen's reorganized and healed body gain more resistance.

A high temperature stand of millions of degrees Celsius is enough to evaporate everything.

But now his re-healed physique has gained terrible resistance. There is no flaw in his whole body, unharmed, dragging the two'torches' toward the core.

The core of the sun is at least tens of millions of degrees Celsius high temperature.

Not to mention the terrifying heat wave, the collision of flares and sunspots alone is enough to make the whole body completely shattered.

Su Chen did not hesitate and just continued to go deep.

And his body cracked again.


The two Star Devouring messengers dragged by his side had completely lost the consciousness of resistance, and even the life fluctuations were still slightly weak.


The tyrant messenger who was clamoring just now was completely reduced to a torch and burned, and the whole person's life fluctuations disappeared.

The immortal body he relied on was obviously reduced to a joke at the core of the sun.

As for the stardust with only a few life fluctuations, Su Chen sneered and grabbed his remnant with both hands, and threw it toward the core of the sun.

Huh! !

Stardust's body then drifted away, gradually evaporating under the heat.

Since then.

After all, his so-called energy particle body was unable to withstand the burning of the sun, and was completely swept into the core of the sun in a rude and rude manner by Su Chen and annihilated.


Feeling the impact of the surrounding flares, Su Chen's body that had just collapsed was healed again, and even his dizzy consciousness suddenly became sober.

He remembered that when he suffered a nuclear explosion in the laboratory for the first time, he briefly lost consciousness for a second.

However, this time entering the sun in the way of ‘same death’, it was a gradual advancement, and it did not hit the most central zone all at once, so Su Chen’s consciousness was not completely cut off.

"Very good..."

Under the baptism of solar fireworks, Su Chen's body has undoubtedly undergone a lot of tempering, and the strength of the body is almost a huge step up from before.

The nature that accompanies it also has a huge improvement in strength.

"By the way, the most important things need to be done before leaving..."

That is a great gift to the upcoming planet devourer.

Hum! !

Su Chen just pondered for a while, and suddenly there was a surging wave in his body. A surge of suction rose up in his body, and the whales started to absorb the surrounding solar flares recklessly.

Needless to say, the power of solar flares.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Under the explosion alone, the nuclear equivalent equivalent to hundreds of millions of nuclear explosions was completely released.

Among them, the power of sunspots made these star swallowing messengers miserable, and their skins were broken.

It is very interesting...

In DC, the ultimate big move of the new 52 Superman is the solar flare. One can imagine how exaggerated this power is.

In an instant.

Su Chen frantically absorbed the flares and sunspots visible around him.

A wave of heat disappeared like this, and even a vacuum zone was formed around Su Chen for a short time.

Half a minute.

One minute.


【Body Strength +1000】

The constructed system once again sent the metamorphosis information from genes.

After all, the tempering just now is more outside the body surface, but now, absorbing such terrifying energy in the limbs and hundreds of skeletons has allowed his own bones and meridians to have evolved and transformed.

【Energy Absorption +200】

Even suffer this

After a period of time.

call! !

Su Chen took a long breath, and a pair of black and white eyes glowed with golden luster.

That is caused by too much energy in the body.

"Now finally I have all the gifts."

Stop talking.

Su Chen's figure disappeared completely inside the sun under the ripples of space.



Solar system.

Outside the earth, in outer space, a vast and majestic figure just descended.

His presence even made the surrounding space chaotic and turbulent.

It seemed that the whole surrounding world could not accommodate his existence at all.

"So hungry."

An abrupt word suddenly came out of his mouth.


"I'm so hungry!"

In any case, it is hard to imagine that a hungry wolf-like word came from the mouth of a planetary devourer, one of the five great gods of the universe.

However, this so-called creation god is indeed free from the other four universe creation gods.

Not to mention its eclectic way of doing things.

Even the strength of a body is fluctuating, depending on whether he is hungry and fed?

it's said.

When the planet devourer is completely full, that is the moment when he is at his peak, becoming a golden star-swallowing horrible existence. At that time, he can even suppress the existence of the multiverse.

But now...

He is too hungry.

He needs to eat more life planets to supplement his strength.

There may be many cosmic creatures who are confused about the way the planet devourers wantonly destroy the planet. Could this act be regarded as one of the great creation gods on Friday?

Of course! !

Because the planet devourers wantonly destroy the planet, the way of devouring planets has eased the skyrocketing population of the universe to a certain extent, forming a perfect balance of life and death, so as not to allow too many people to squeeze the entire universe. resource.

So the planet devourers wantonly destroy the planet is indeed the default of many cosmic gods.

The reason for allowing Stardust to handle the work at the end of the hand and obliterate all traces of civilization, apart from covering it up, is that it just wants to take advantage of the imperfections of the next civilization and directly swallow it up.


The Planet Devourer suddenly felt an extra consciousness from the boundless hunger, what about his messengers?

not good! !

At this time, the Planet Devourer, who had just struggled out of starvation, suddenly felt a vast force coming.

"This is a great gift for you!!"

Su Chen, who was as small as a peas, didn't even alarm the swallowing star out of thin air, so that when the terrifying solar flares completely erupted, the hungry swallowing star realized that he had been attacked.

boom! ! ! .

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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