ended! !

everything is over.

It's just that the harm caused by the Planet Devourer and its four Star Devourers is too great.

A continent was almost completely cut off by a tyrant's messenger, and the fluctuations in the remaining power within it turned all the creatures in a radius of hundreds of miles into embers, and the entire west coast suffered heavy losses.

As for the other area where the Flame Emperor fell, it turned an area into a fiery purgatory, and the fireworks are still burning.

Not to mention...

The climate change brought about by the silver glider before, even still affects the entire planet.

The casualties were heavy.

The earth's ecology has been ruined.

All compensation requires an astronomical number.

That's horrible.

But fortunately...

"everything is over."

Captain Marvel said relieved.

Even the exhausted Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One couldn't bear a smile.

"He did it after all."


He really is destiny.

But who would have thought that the 12 most controversial mutants in the past would have become the saviors of the earth.


Even Captain Marvel Carol felt awe of this earth boy inexplicably, as well as a hint of...instinctive fear.

She didn't know the realm of the power of the Planet Devourer.

However, it was an unparalleled achievement to overturn all three Star-Swallowing Envoys alone.

"At this moment, I am afraid he has also benefited a lot from this battle."

Carol feels a headache when he thinks of the other's immortal and infinite evolutionary physique.



"It's over, my God, it's all over."

"The crisis of the Planet Devourer has been completely lifted."

"Oh my God, did they really successfully resolve this doomsday crisis?"

At this moment.

In order to resolve the panic of the people, the Heavenly Sword Bureau had already spread the news everywhere.

at the same time.

The superheroes under its banner were dispatched to suppress the villains who were clamoring for chaos in the doomsday carnival.


"Su Chen!!"

"Hurry up and let the mutant number one show up!"

"Savior, he is the savior of the earth!"(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)


Cheers finally broke out in cities all over the world.

The mutant carnival that originally belonged to Yorkton City was actually infected by the panic of the doomsday, and these people began to spontaneously explode their repressed emotions.

A crisis that would have extinct the earth was resolved in this way.

No one doubts the threat.

After all, most of the collapse of a huge continent is the best proof. The helicopters of the media have set off to report on the front lines.

To this day, the fireworks left by the Flame Emperor's messenger still burned a piece of heaven and earth, as if a volcano erupted, turning an area into a purgatory on earth.

"Oh my God, this is the battle trace left by one of the Flame Emperor's envoys."

"The flame is still spreading, and it is expected to completely turn a forest into ashes."

"We can't care about the carbon dioxide emissions caused by the complete burning of such a forest. Now we can only pray for the peace of Captain Marvel Carroll."

The reporters reported.

After the surprise team appeared, there was a burst of cheers.

As for the other reporting scene, it is even more amazing.

"Oh my God, this crack is already comparable to the Great Rift Valley in Africa..."

Over a continent, an armed helicopter overlooks the entire central region.

"Here is the scene of the number one mutant fighting two star swallowing messengers. The cracks and bottomless pits in it alone make people sigh whether this is the back of the moon."

As the camera moves, the viewers in front of the TV can even see that there is no good place at the end of the horizon.

This completely refreshed everyone's awareness of the existence of the universe.

It's horrible, it's horrible.

"However, Mutant No. 1 resisted all this and brought victory back to Earth."

Under the reporter's provocative words.

The audience also burst into cheers.

"What a great irony."

The white queen Emma in the Caesars building also sighed for it.

In this way, a good extreme mutant became a savior of the earth.

But no matter what...

The will of the world should also be controlled by the Supreme.



at the same time.

Just when the earth collapsed, the eyes from the Asgard God's Realm had already been watching here.

Loki, who had firmly controlled the entire God's Domain through the Sceptre of Mind and the large-scale Zetaru army, achieved his wish and ascended to the throne, but his mission on this trip was not completed at all.

That is the infinite gem on earth.

Thanos did not have much time to tolerate.

After learning that the messenger of the Planet Devourer had descended on the earth, Loki knew that his opportunity had arrived.

It would be a trouble if the starving planet devourer swallowed the space gem completely, so Loki must completely recapture the space gem from Su Chen's hand before the destruction of the earth.

"Only you?"

The leader of the Qitarui Legion said blankly.

This monster, who has never officially demonstrated its combat effectiveness in the movie "Reunion 1," is also a capable man of Thanos.


Regarding the existence of this warlord, the evil god Loki did not get overwhelmed after gaining the throne.

Because he knew how terrifying Thanos was behind this guy.

"To deal with that earth boy, I only need to personally open the sealed door to be able to win for this."

As the guy with the most conspiracies, Loki, the god of fraud, already knows how to deal with Su Chen.

As the earth fell into the end of the war, his figure descended on the earth in this way.


The figure of the whole person has arrived in the Western Pacific, sinking all the way, and the figure of the whole person rushed to the Mariana Trench.

If the top of the earth is Mount Everest, then the lowest valley of the earth is the Mariana Trench.

The darkness is boundless.


As if it were an abyss, people couldn't feel a sense of peace.

In fact.

This is not just the uneasiness caused by the deep sea, because in the deep ditch of the earth, there is a very terrifying mythical monster sealed.

That is the giant sea snake that can encircle the world, the legendary ‘Earth Anaconda’, a generation of monsters in the Asgard God’s realm in the past, was personally sealed in the bottomless deep sea of ​​the human world by the god King Odin at his peak.

"I have to say that Odin is too shameless to seal such a dangerous thing here."


"Alright, I need such a baby to help me regain everything!".

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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