Just between these words, Su Chen could feel the breath of Hela radiating to infinity!

In other words, in less than a minute, Hela's breath has been connected to the entire Asgard continent!

"It's really Odin's heir, and more powerful than Odin."

Su Chen felt all this and nodded slightly.

Even the controlled Odin can still gather the power of the entire Asgaro continent in the unconscious.

This is the privilege of Odin's supernatural power!

It seems that Hela, who calls herself the daughter of Odin, also has this privilege.

And there is no twilight of Odin in Hela's body. On the contrary, Hela is extremely young.

This shows that Hela is more powerful than Odin!

A stronger enemy.

This is really great news!

"Don't get me wrong, foreigner, I don't mean to blame you at all. On the contrary, I am very grateful to you."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, Hela seemed a little misunderstood.

She thought that Su Chen had a misunderstanding, but she did not expect that the biggest misunderstanding was still with herself...

She took a graceful step and walked slowly towards Su Chen, but she didn't have any intention to attack.

"I am Odin's daughter, helping Odin to fight for the 9 worlds, but Odin is afraid that I will divide his power and seal me in the underworld for a whole thousand years!"

It seems to be explaining, and it seems to be speaking to myself.

Hela said to herself, but her tone was full of anger.

"The good name is to protect me and prevent me from being dazzled by death, but I understand that Odin is afraid of me!"

Hela's voice suddenly rose by an octave.

And the breath of death began to become more intense, almost turning into a substantial black.

The entire hall was dimmed.

Sentry, which had all entered standby mode outside, was activated at the same time by coincidence!

The enemy has reappeared!

But Su Chen gently stretched out his hand and pressed it down.

"Re-enter standby mode."

Su Chen said lightly.

In an instant, all Sentry turned off their energy sources again.

"Go on, I don't want your story to be interrupted."

Su Chen looked at Hela who was moving towards the treasure house, but stopped because of the sudden activation of Sentry outside, and stretched out his hand to signal to continue.

Father and daughter fall in love and kill each other?

This is a rare good melon.

Good melons need to be enjoyed slowly.

"You are smart and wise."

Hela misunderstood again because of this action. Su Chen nodded and looked at Su Chen with admiration.

"My father can use the power of this continent, but I am different, I am this continent!"

Hela slowly opened her hand with a solemn expression on her face.

"Odin sealed me not because of family affection, but because he couldn't kill me at all!"(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Then Hela sighed long.

"And he sealed me just to worry about his throne...what a ridiculous thing."

Hela smiled and shook her head.

"But now he is dead, but I am still alive. I finally seized the throne, how ironic."

While talking, Hela continued to walk towards the treasure house.

As if not caring about Su Chen at all.

Hela is not afraid of Su Chen. To be precise, Hela has never put Su Chen in his eyes.

And Su Chen also never put Hela in his eyes.

Su Chen is just waiting for Hela to adapt to all his strength bit by bit and show the strongest posture!

"The previous king was terrible."

It was so bad that it even disappointed Su Chen.

If a new and more powerful king can emerge, this will be interesting.

The treasure house's collection makes Su Chen still more interested.

This collection is too boring as the end of the conquest of a continent.

The most powerful enemy is the perfect ending.

Hela didn't know this.

Then Hela took an elegant step and walked slowly into the treasure house.

The treasure house still looks the same as Su Chen entered, except for the two missing pieces.

Hela didn't care about it, there was only one treasure in Hela's eyes.

She walked slowly to the eternal fire, stretched out her hand and gently held out the eternal fire.

"A king should have his own army."

Looking at the flame in her hand, Hela spoke quietly.

And the bright flame in his hand suddenly turned green!

The endless breath of death was continuously injected into the eternal fire by Hela.

The flame suddenly soared!

The soaring flame instantly separated from Hela and rushed straight to the ground in front of him.


The ground was instantly shattered by the impact!

And a huge, bottomless hole appeared in front of Hela and Su Chen.

That group of eternal fire instantly seemed to have found its own goal, and went straight into this hollow.

"Although I don't know the reason, the endless breath of death on the continent of Asgard has made my strength stronger, otherwise I will have to smash this floor myself."

Hela is very satisfied with the breath of death that is now flooding the continent of Asgard.

Although Hela doesn't know the cause, death is Hela's power.

The deaths of countless Kitari and fairy palace soldiers greatly strengthened Hela's power.

And the handful of bright green eternal fire before has completely disappeared in that huge hole.

"One breath after another awakened in the darkness."

Su Chen stood at the entrance of the treasure house, but he seemed to have seen what happened in the cave with his own eyes.

Rows after rows of the corpses of the fairy palace soldiers lined up in that hollow!

The styles of armor and weapons are more primitive than those of the current fairy palace soldiers.

Presumably this is the army that Hela led back then.

And with the infusion of the eternal fire, this legion, which had only left its body, came back to life!

The eternal fire does not only represent eternity.

Under the blessing of Hela's death power, it also has the power to come back from the dead!

In Su Chen's perception, bright green dots appeared one after another in the dark underground.

It is the resurrected fairy palace soldier.

Immediately afterwards, a larger and more terrifying aura appeared!

"This is my legion, this is the real Asgard!"

Hela seemed to become excited when he felt this breath.

She raised her hands high.

"Wake up, Fenrir!"

In response to Hela, there was a howl full of tyranny and power!

A huge figure suddenly jumped out of the hole and fell in front of Hela.

That is a huge gray wolf!

When it touched the ground, the ground seemed to tremble!

"Welcome back……"

Hela stepped forward gently, stroked Fenrir's fur, and took a deep breath.

After doing all this, Hela finally turned her head and looked at Su Chen again.

"Foreigners, you can be regarded as helping me finish all this ahead of schedule. Now is the time to give you the rewards you deserve."

Hela turned to look at Su Chen, raised her head slightly, and spoke with the arrogance characteristic of the Asgard protoss.

"Now kneel down and surrender to me! This is the best reward for you!".

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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