The arrival of the goddess of death was like a small episode, and everything was fine afterwards.

Su Chen didn't care about this goddess of death who looked like an enemy but not a friend.

The most important thing to do now is to deal with the development of the continent of Asgard.

The continent of Asgard with the Rainbow Bridge is fully capable of reaching any place in the Nine Gods Realms in an instant.

This allows the next Sentry Legion and the Undead Legion to reach any of the nine borders unscrupulously!

It’s just that neither Su Chen nor the Sentry robot have noticed...

When Su Chen and Hela were fighting, a dazzling light suddenly appeared where the Rainbow Bridge was.

Just in the blink of an eye, this light disappeared without a trace.

With Loki's death, the psychic scepter lost its function for a while, and the psychic control was naturally relieved.

It's just that the effect of mind control being released is not obvious. After all, before Loki's death, all the soldiers of the fairy palace had already been frozen by the ice box.

Except for one person!

Asgard's patron saint, Heimdall who also guarded the Rainbow Bridge, woke up at that moment.

When Heimdall saw what was happening outside, his eyes were cracked!

"The dusk of the gods has arrived..."

Heimdall's hands with the sword began to tremble.

"It hasn't arrived yet. The great His Royal Highness Thor is still outside. You must tell him about this. Asgard will definitely be able to save it!"

Then Heimdall's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw.

Maybe you find Thor, and there is a way to save it!

Heimdall did not dare to hesitate, grabbed the sword in his hand, and forcefully inserted it into the control center of the Rainbow Bridge!

After a dizzying light passed, Heimdall was no longer visible on the Rainbow Bridge.

Sandal star.

"The wine here is really bad, just like swill..."

Thor was full of alcohol and shook a bottle to the ground.

Just when Thor wanted to continue to pick up a bottle of wine called swill, suddenly a huge impact came, flying him and the top of the wine in his hand!

"You damn... Heimdall?!"

Thor was dizzy, clutching his head and getting up from the ground, furious.

But when Thor saw the person hitting him, his anger suddenly turned into consternation.

"Why are you here?"

Thor didn't know what happened on the continent of Asgard. He was quite surprised to see the guardian of Asgard appear here.

"'s over!"(Read more @

Heimdall, who had just gotten rid of his mind control, was obviously still a little weak, unable to withstand the power of the Rainbow Bridge teleportation.

Even talking is intermittent.


There were originally some drunken Thors who were sober in an instant!

"The prophetic dusk of the gods has arrived, and a terrifying enemy has come to Asgard. Your father and your brother are all killed..."

Enduring the dual pain of body and mind, Heimdall slowly got up from the ground, and then spoke word by word.

"How can this be?!"

After a while.

"In other words, the current Asgard has fallen, right?"

Thor is no longer the same as Rage before, and has become much quieter.

But anyone can feel the anger that surging like magma under this calmness!

"Yes, I didn't find any survivors before I left..."

Heimdall nodded lightly, as if his heart was bleeding.


Thor's whole body seemed to be trembling, and he gritted his teeth and spoke.

The suppressed anger cannot be vented, but it can penetrate the soul and reach the mysterious place.

"I will avenge them, and use the method my father taught me to gain strength, to get the power I deserve!"

As if making a major decision, Thor gently stood up from the ground.

"I have the power that my father left me, but it's not enough. I need another powerful power, the runic power of Rune!"

Asgard continent.

After the death of the goddess of death, the night finally ushered in true peace.

But it's just the tranquility of the resting place...

When night fell, a light blue light suddenly appeared on the wall of the treasure house of the Asgard Temple.

The light blue light with boundless chill continued to expand, forming a rough array.

Immediately after the blue light flashed, a faintly blue giant appeared in the treasure house!

Then there is the second, the third...

A whole group of giants quietly appeared in the treasure house.

The faintly blue giants seem to have caused the temperature of the entire treasure house to drop as they breathe!

If Hela were here, he would definitely be able to identify these giants, they were the frost giants of Jotunheim, the country of ice among the nine gods!

It’s just that even Hela doesn’t know that there is Jotunheim’s secret path in Asgard in the treasure house...

". ¨ This should be Asgard's treasure house. According to the king's order, we must find our ice chest!"

The headed Frost Giant whispered.

"I heard that they have been in a lot of trouble recently, and the intensity of their patrols must be reduced a lot..."

The Frost Giant knew of the invasion of Asgard through some unknown method.

With the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters, the King of Frost Giants quietly dispatched personnel to Asgard, hoping to steal back the ice box of his own race...

It's a pity that they only knew that Asgard was invaded, but they didn't know that Asgard had been destroyed (good Li Zhao)!

Just as they only knew that the Ice Box was in Asgard, but they didn't know that it had been crushed by Su Chen's hands!

"There are so many things in this treasure house, and it's really luxurious. You see, even their lamp stands are made into human shapes."

As if a countryman entered the city, several frost giants looked around and fumbled.

One of the giants even walked directly to Sentry, which was already active.

Looking at this glowing "lamp" with a novel look!

"How do I feel that this light stand looks so strange..."

Watching the face slowly turn on, as if a light is lit by Sentry's face transmitter.

The leader of the Frost Giant Squad Captain subconsciously touched his head, and put his head up curiously.

After a few seconds.


The sound of splashing water on the flame suddenly rang from the treasure house...

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