The ability of ECG transmission is certainly powerful.

After secretly replacing the concept of space, with the help of part of the soul's ability, he survives in the gap between the two realms of space and spirit.

This also makes it impossible to effectively limit the creation of electrocardiograms by simply using spatial abilities or mental abilities.


This time, the Cosmos Cube and the Mind Scepter are on the same battle...

The restraint of space and the impact of spiritual energy make the transmission of the electrocardiogram into a bubble.

The tetanus kneeling on the ground was in pain and was directly swallowed by the gap in space!

"Since you like to teleport everywhere, then exile you into the endless void!"

Seeing the tetanus engulfed by the cracks in the black space, Su Chen was expressionless.

"As for you, Queen Medusa..."

Looking at the Empress Medusa standing there with no color.

Su Chen snorted and gently raised the scepter of mind.


The golden light flashed.

The eyes of Queen Medusa, who had been panicked, were suddenly empty.

"Let you all be extinct, this is too easy for your punishment."

Su Chen turned around and looked at the Sentry robot which was aggressively attacking Attilan from behind.

Even with various special abilities, strangers cannot be opponents of the multi-faceted Sentry robot.

Every battle is a growth for the Sentry robot.

All battle information is recorded in the information database, and can be shared, their attack methods will become more weird and varied.

The method that made the soldiers of the fairy palace frightened appeared again, hunting down these alien races who had nowhere to go.

"You wanted to enslave all humans and mutants at the beginning, so this time you should also enjoy the feeling of being enslaved!"

There was a glimmer of coldness in Su Chen's eyes!

"Clear all the Terrigan crystals, and at the same time implant the alien gene fragments into the control chip, as a target for tracking!"

Su Chen gave the next order!

The Terrigan Crystal is a threat to new mutants that cannot be underestimated, and it is also the origin of the alien race.

Destroy the crystal, you can control the population of the alien race.

The alien gene fragment implanted in the Sentry program enables the subsequent photos to target every individual who possesses the gene fragment.

Not only will the Inhumans not grow, but the remaining ones will also be completely controlled.

Whether it is on the earth or the moon, as long as there is a surviving inhuman race, it will never escape the hunt!

"This is the end of the invasion of my utopia!"

One month later.

Caesar Building.

As Yorkton is the tallest building in Manhattan, it almost reaches the sky and overlooks the entire city.

This is Su Chen's home.

"elder brother!"

"Su Chen!"(Read more @

Susan and Super Killer surround Su Chen from left to right.

It looks like three teenage children get together to play, but no one knows how much energy these innocuous children can generate.

Let alone the recognized supreme Su Chen.

The speed at which Susan and Super Killer grew up made others stunned.

When Su Chen launched an attack on Asgard, they were also learning Kama Taj's magic.

The inheritance from Sorcerer Supreme is almost completely open to these two girls.

The two girls have the previous experience of rubbing and fighting, which makes them have more combat experience than the mage apprentice.

It is also easier to combine with actual combat.

Both of the two little apprentices of the mage can achieve autonomous teleportation with the suspension ring, and obvious magic accumulations have appeared in the bodies of the two girls.

Even now the magical powers begin to develop specifically according to their respective characteristics.

Among them, the performance of super-killing women is the most obvious.

Not long ago, Super Killer also received the modification of the Awakening Stealth x gene.

Unexpectedly, it made sense.

Super Killer gained the stealth x ability.

The super killer woman who has entered the invisible state can't even sense her existence by infrared heat.

After cooperating with magic, the mainstream detection equipment on the market could no longer detect this weird girl.

"Simply a born assassin!"

This has caused other mages in Kama Taj to exclaim in exclamation.

At that time, Super Killing Girl was just showing off his little tricks.

After that, it was obvious that the eyes of other mages looked at Super Killer with a trace of respect.

The melee mage is the highest ideal of all Kama Taj mage...

After successively conquering Asgard and Attilan, Su Chen returned to his home in Manhattan.

There will be relaxation as well as Zhang.

It's just that others don't think so.

"The technology on the earth has advanced to a point where we can't just ignore it."

"If this continues, the black technology we are proud of will be completely surpassed by them!"

"We don't have anything we can get!"

The rapid progress of the earth caused some uneasiness in the darkness...

It also includes the most notorious organization, Hydra.

In the Hydra led by Baron Strak, people are panicked.

Utopias that are gradually becoming stronger have begun to annex their power in the dark bit by bit.

But as the leader, Baron Straker has been missing.

There are rumors that the Baron is looking for a super weapon that can easily destroy the world.

But only Baron Straker knew in his heart what he was looking for now.

In an underground test site in Hydra.

"Prepare for the sixth space jump."

Baron Struck looked at the blank, empty Hydra agent, and sighed.

Now his eyes are bloodshot.

From the moment he disappeared to the outside world, Baron Straker had been secretly teleporting one agent after another, and then grabbed them back.

Hydra also has some space technology...

It's just that the success rate is not very high.

So far, Straker has lost more than 40 agents.

No one knew what he was doing right now, but thought he was crazy.

"According to the record, he should be in these places..."

In the dead of night, someone could hear Straker muttering like this.

"It's the sixth time to start jumping in space 4.1!"

This puzzled everyone, but after all, Straker was the current leader, and the scientific researchers next to him just reluctantly followed his instructions.

The anxious agent standing on the teleportation platform disappeared instantly.

", Start crawling."

From the moment the agent disappeared, the people around began to count down.

After the countdown, a light flashed on the teleportation platform.

The agent reappeared in everyone's eyes.


But when everyone saw the appearance of the current agent, they involuntarily took a breath.

Only Baron Strak's eyes lit up and he struggled hard to get up from his seat.

"We finally found you!"

Seeing his whole body twisted and his face turned into a monster agent like octopus tentacles, Straker suddenly became respectful.

"Great, hive!".

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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