"Several different emotional spectrum energies."

And Su Chen is looking at the three energies that flicker, and the other three energies that are slightly dim.

"This is strange, we didn't feel the similar black energy from him."

That gleam was cyan, representing the mercy legion's convergence, but shook his head, and said strangely.

When the last crisis appeared, it was they who warned in time and told the other legions to fuse to resist that kind of black energy.

After receiving the news this time, it was them who were most puzzled and surprised, because this time they did not get any warning.

Is this situation really present?

Or is it just a misunderstanding.

It is different from the other leaders who just came up and started to be cautious and ready to attack at the same time.

On the one hand, while preparing, he was also looking at Su Chen, and it made people feel a little surprised that in his observation, he did not see the black energy that appeared in Su Chen's body, which once made them extremely frightened. .

"This may be a misunderstanding..."

Looking at the other three legion leaders with unusually obvious spectral energy, this one shimmering with cyan light frowned slightly.

"And I don't know if you guys feel that way?"

Immediately after this, the green lantern leader looked at it. Next to him, the other two leaders who also did not show hostility showed a strange expression on their faces.


The leader of the Blue Lantern Corps also nodded.

"Me too."

The face of the leader of the purple lantern also shone with that kind of peculiar light.

"What are you talking nonsense there?"

And the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, which flashed to represent anger and red light, looked at these three guys with an unhappy expression, not knowing what lawsuit they were selling.

The battle is about to begin, and they are still whispering here, saying some inexplicable things.

"It may not be what we imagine."

The leader of the Blue Lantern Corps stretched out his slender fingers, as if to explain something.

"Last time our actions were still too slow, which made our next battle extremely difficult, but this is different. This guy doesn't seem to have anyone around him."

But the leader of the Red Lantern Corps didn't seem to intend to listen to them any more, but geared up to look at Su Chen again.

"Obviously this guy still doesn't know how he guards that damn energy use. We should kill him before he gathers his power!"(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of this leader.

"I would rather kill 1000 by mistake than let one go!"

This leader stretched out his hand and wiped it in the air, and a long red axe appeared in his hand.

After all, the technology of all the Legion’s rings is almost all shaped according to the technology possessed by the Green Lantern Legion, so in some respects their attack methods are similar.

Seeing his boss start to act, the other members of this red legion were not to be outdone, and various weapons were taken out at the same time.

As for the remaining two legions that are equally hostile, one is already preparing for each.

The six legions now show a slightly subtle unbalanced state.

The three legions in front are already gearing up, ready to launch an offensive at any time, while the three legions in the back seem to be hesitating about something, as if they are still in a wait-and-see state.

"It looks like you should have discovered something."

As for Su Chen, he was also looking at the following legions that did not convene to launch an attack with great interest.

One is the faintly seemingly possessing a cyan-ray army that can predict the future.

They represent a very unique power of compassion.

The remaining one is the legion that represents the hopeful blue ray. This legion even elaborated several times with Su Chen.

Because of the emergence of this legion, there was still some connection with the mobile legion at the beginning. The outstanding ones were transformed into unsentimental fighters by the guardians, and some of them chose to resist, and eventually they were expelled from the Green Lantern Corps.

But being expelled from the Green Lantern Corps does not mean that they will forever lose the power they have in their hands...

They rebuilt another army based on the technology possessed by the Green Lantern Corps, and they also regained control of a different kind of energy.

That is this kind of blue energy can also be called the energy of hope.

When it comes to this, even the ion shark seems to have a vague sense of emotion.

It is true that gold will shine everywhere...

As for the remaining army, the army full of love, Su Chen didn't know why he was a little uncomfortable with too much.

After all, I don’t seem to have such feelings...

"Now that some have been discovered, how to make the next move has become a difficult problem."

Su Chen smiled softly.

"But fortunately, there are still these disobedient guys who can take a lesson first..."

While talking, Su Chen looked back at the first three legions that were ready to attack.

"You have begun to look like a legion, but you are not a real legion, at least in some respects compared to you are much worse than the Green Lantern Corps."

Su Chen looked at the three colors of red, orange and yellow in front of him indifferently.

"It's time to rendezvous with the discipline of your legion."

Su Chen's remarks made the three legions of their faces furious.

"Kill this kid!"

"The energy in him is ours!"

"Resolve the hidden dangers of our future!"

And the three legions launched an offensive at the same time, and the three different colors instantly burst into light, rushing towards Su Chen!

And at the moment when the battle broke out, the remaining three legions seemed to have the same tacit understanding, and they all took a step back collectively.

After doing all this, the shamisen handle suddenly noticed, and then looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Don't attack?"

"I don't think it is necessary."

"Maybe we should contact the Green Lantern Corps. Compared to this, the Green Lantern Corps should have already played against the young man in front of him."

Unlike the three chiefs who were full of gunpowder before, the tone of these three chiefs seemed to be more leisurely. .

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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