"Speed ​​up now!"

The captain immediately gave the order and said!

It's one thing to appear outside the earth.

The appearance of malicious armed forces outside the earth is another matter.

And when this unknown malicious armed force begins to approach the earth, things are big!

Although the spacecraft stayed in place honestly.

Although this robot does not seem to carry any weapons.

But no one can guarantee that in the next second, this robot will eject a huge ion beam cannon and then aim it at the earth!

There are so many possibilities in this universe. It is not an impossible thing to hide some deadly weapons in this huge robot.

The Utopia Alliance can protect the safety of the earth, but it cannot reverse the time of the earth...

Once destroyed, it will inevitably cause certain losses, and no one can predict how great such losses will be.

Speaking of this news, Captain Marvel did not dare to neglect the slightest, and immediately accelerated his speed.

But even in this way, when he came to outer space, the only one that appeared in place was still the lone spaceship. At this time, a huge robot was no longer visible.

"That huge robot flew to the southern hemisphere!!"

"No, he didn't stop!"

"He is not marching towards the earth, he is circling the earth, he is exploring the whole earth!"

And in the captain's headset, there was a constant cry of exclamation from the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

This robot was extremely slow when it first moved, but with the start of the engine behind it, it almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Originally there was still some distance from the earth, at this time this robot has appeared close to the atmosphere!

And this robot did not stay in the slightest, nor did it mean to go deeper, but continued to surround this earth, seemingly conducting a full-scale exploration!

That cold feeling reappeared.

It's just that this cold feeling is not just wrapping the headquarters of the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

New York.

San Francisco.


Wakada.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

In these cities, all people are living their lives normally.

Although these different humans have all evolved into new mutants, the things that should be done are still done daily.

After all, even if they become a new mutant, there is no way to turn themselves into bread, and only work can obtain the necessities of their lives.

Moreover, the abilities they master are all non-combat abilities, and apart from bringing some convenience to their work, they can't have much effect.

But today, after a brief period of astonishment, they all suddenly raised their heads in unison.

"What happened just now?"

"How come it suddenly becomes so cold?"

"What is in the sky?"

This cold feeling instantly enveloped the entire city, and the people in the entire city instantly noticed something was wrong.

After all, it's summer now!

And that cold feeling did not bring them coolness.

More of it is a feeling of being stared at by predators!

Activating the invisible x gene in the body, although they have not gained much combat ability, they have long been unaware of how sensitive they are to the outside world.

As for the restraint in nature of certain species, they feel more acute.

A new mutant is wrong, to be precise, it is a species that is more powerful than the entire human race, and it flashed by outside just now!

And there are some new mutants who are not combat-type, but can strengthen their eyesight. At that time, they could see the silhouettes passing by outside the atmosphere!

Although the size of the robot is extremely large, it looks like a palm-sized object from afar from the atmosphere.

But it is precisely for this reason that this group of new mutants also feel a little shocked.

They can be seen outside the atmosphere!

This is not a product of the Utopia Alliance!

And this guy seems to be scanning us just now!

What are these guys from?

With this cold feeling, the people in these cities instantly exploded.

Also in these cities, the branch members of the Utopia Alliance have also begun to report on the abnormal conditions that their cities have just suffered...

And this information is quickly gathered into the headquarters, and at the same time, the headquarters has begun to appear quickly, those cities that have been scanned.

Seen from the whole earth, it looks like a huge brush that has brushed one city after another, and even one continent after another.

"What the hell does this guy want to do?"

At this time, the captain who was still on the outer surface of the atmosphere was frightened and angry.

Accompanied by the reports from the people in the Heavenly Sword Bureau in their headsets.

Captain Marvel can already imagine that the whole earth has gradually been revealed under this guy's glance.

That huge robot almost skipped the entire earth in a short time, and at the same time he scanned almost every place on the earth.

Including every city on every road, and even every piece of ocean, as well as Antarctica that almost anyone reaches.

That huge brush gently swept across the entire surface of the earth!

"Notify the city that has not been scanned, immediately prepare a long-range weapon, and open fire as soon as he finds his figure!"

The captain's face has become gloomy.

This one appeared in the first person inexplicably. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, what he was doing was already a great insult to the earth and the utopian alliance on the earth.

The unrestrained attitude almost makes everyone angry!

The city that had been ordered and had not been scanned instantly cracked the ground, and one after another giant particle weapons protruded from it.

The head launcher of the Sentry robot is indeed devastating, and this one thing has also been borrowed from the fortifications of various Utopia League branches.

Unable to be moved by intention, so the body is enlarged, and the power is not much smaller than the head launcher of the robot!

And now these launchers have all started to operate, aiming at the sky, waiting for the arrival of this huge robot!

When a black human figure faintly appeared in the sky, these transmitters quickly locked on, and at the same time released a scorching red light without mercy! .

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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