Starting from above Earth 1 is the neatly organized Sentry robot army.

Strictly speaking, this should be the Sentry robot that has undergone the third evolution.

Since it was first developed and then improved through Asgard’s technology, it has undergone two upgrades. This time, Dr. Zola has found some of their still existing weaknesses and targeted these weaknesses. Improvements have been made.

Coupled with the addition of the unique technological power of Earth One, the Sentry robot has entered the version.

And the first army composed entirely of Sentry robots finally ushered in the first pioneer, that is, Yamozhuo.

Since the material that constitutes this individual is 10 points unique, the Utopia Alliance cannot replicate this material in a short period of time and create more Amojos, but this one alone is enough.

The performance is obviously better than the Sentry robot, even if it is started, the speed is far lower than that of the Sentry robot that has become a system, and it needs special personnel to control it.

Still exerting its powerful combat effectiveness, just after detecting the arrival of the Black Lantern Legion, the Sentry Robot Legion was dispatched. The first Yamozhuo was the last one to start successfully, but it was the first to arrive at the calculation. Good battlefield!

The front battlefield saw two groups of personnel about to collide, and in the rear base camp, hundreds of computing personnel in the entire control room were operating nervously.

On weekdays, the First Army performs tasks. You only need to enter a simple command, and the artificial intelligence will complete it. But this time, seeing the menacing and seemingly uncomfortable Black Lantern Army, Emma promptly issued a new one. Order.

Cancel the control of artificial intelligence and change all to manual processing!

In the eyes of this result, Emma will never allow flaws anywhere!

Although artificial intelligence is much more convenient than pure manual processing, there will still be some unimaginable things happening at critical moments, and only manual processing is the most reliable method!

"The Sentry robot is about to arrive at the designated location...!"

"The opposite Black Legion is about to arrive at this location, and the battle will begin in 10 seconds!"



When the Black Legion appeared in the observation of the Utopia Alliance, this huge machine had already begun to operate rapidly!(Read more @

Most of these computational talents are users of mental abilities.

Because only those who have developed their mental abilities can perform huge data calculations, and can even completely get rid of the dependence of computers.

All the data is surging rapidly and is quickly communicated in the New Year network. This is faster than the transmission on the network, the language, or the legend on the text. It only needs a thought. The undertaker immediately knows what the above wants to express!

And in this terrifying computing network, a data model comparable to artificial intelligence computing is rapidly taking shape!

"A group of broken copper and iron also want to stop my legion, is it too small to look down on people?!"

And the Black Death Emperor, who came with his own army, looked at the robot that intercepted him in front of him, which seemed to be an assembly-line production robot, suddenly a little disdainful.

Although I don’t understand why the other party happened to encounter his own weakness and knew that he chose to use lifeless robots to deal with him, but judging from the fact that there is no energy fluctuation in them, these robots do not seem to be strong...

"Crush them! I want to make the manipulator behind them look desperate!!!"

Immediately afterwards, Fanfan's face suddenly became cold, and then he spoke unceremoniously to the Black Lantern Legion behind him!


Behind the black legion, pulling at the already ragged throat, it made a sound similar to the sound of breath or more similar to that of a dead body!

But at the same time that this kind of sound has been emitted, the energy of various colors in their bodies also lights up simultaneously with the deep black!

The Black Lantern Corps will never make soldiers, they will only plunder them!

Their energy is like a virus, and they can easily infect any existence.

Death is a plague, and this sentence is not fake at all.

After being infected, in addition to continuing to retain the previous settings and memories, the guys can also retain their original energy, but this energy will be mixed with their unique black death power.

Immediately after they belonged to death, they would be even more crazy and want to plunder more lives for their own use. This will lead to them, who have completely converted their minds, will start with the people they are most familiar with!

As long as there is one, there will be thousands of them if you don't pay attention!

This is also the reason why although the most elite group of members of the Black Lantern Legion disappeared with the big incident, there are still so many private goods behind the Black Death Emperor!

It is difficult to get rid of this kind of death, but it is too simple to create this kind of death...

Looking at the black and bright robots in front of them, the members of this group of Black Lantern Corps can't wait to raise their broken weapons in their hands, wanting to launch an attack!

".¨ Start data collection! Synchronize data processing!"

Seeing that the other party has already assumed an attacking posture, in the data processing room of the Sentry robot, a new batch of budgets are also starting to operate at the same time!

This time (? Zhao Zhao) they quickly captured the various energies surging in each other's body, and carried out quick calculations!

As they deduced the energy data of each other, one after another special characters were re-entered into the Sentry robot's information processor.

And the Sentry robots finally opened their heads again, showing their red particle emitters!

Various energy conversions are also taking place in them. This time their breath is no longer weak, it does not exist at all, but it exudes a powerful feeling!

"Find their weaknesses and kill them!"

Emma, ​​who was sitting at the end of the entire data processing room, looked at the countless huge tablets in front of him, and the battle screen flashed quickly, her face was serious, and she spoke coldly.

"Let them know that the earth is not easy to mess with!".

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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