Perhaps because of a certain burnout attitude, Su Chen did not deliberately show himself to the entire universe.

But this does not mean that Su Chen is unknown in this universe.

Some things only need to be done once, for example, a snapping finger wipes out all the planets that have been controlled and makes all the planets wiped out.

Even in the process of the game against Yi Ge, Su Chen only showed up a few times, but he was immediately preserved by all interested people and remembered firmly.

Not everyone can easily wipe out a planet with a wave of their hands, and not everyone can own this infinite gem.

That's right, when all the avatars of Yigo were wiped out, some people have thought that this should be the function of the infinite gem.

As Su Chen traveled to another universe, the memory of Su Chen was slowly placed in the depths of everyone's memory.

But with the dispatch of all members of the Celestial Group this time, after attracting all the eyes of the entire universe, they once again found Su Chen's figure.


And when Su Chen completely released his energy particle body and became a tall existence like the Celestial Group, it completely shocked their eyeballs.

"Think I am in danger?"

Su Chen stretched out his hand and violently grabbed a member of the Celestial Group who looked unusually thick, and his blue and white fists passed directly through the middle chest!

"Think that the new mutants are threatening?"

The restless fist exuding terrifying energy, after passing through the chest of the angel formation, did not stop. Su Chen stretched out his hand hard, and the other hand penetrated at the same time, and then severely tore the body of this member. Two halves!

"Yes, you are right."

Su Chen threw the mutilated body aside like trash, then opened his hands and spoke calmly to the surviving members of the Celestial Group.

"But what about that?"

Then Su Chen shook his head indifferently.

"My dream is to conquer a universe. If you can't even threaten the universe, how can you conquer this universe, how can you conquer the next universe?"

Su Chen shook his head.

"Even if you jump out now, the effect you can bring to me is just to make me realize that there is still a group of you guys, and it has no effect other than that."

Following Su Chen's words, members of the Celestial Group fell one after another!(Read more @

Countless members of the Celestial Group charged forward bravely as if they were not afraid of death, but just like a wave hitting the reef, it would not make any changes to the reef. Generally, all they could do was to completely break the waves!

Finally Su Chen stopped his actions.

"It's been a long time since I felt tired. It's really rare."

Su Chen shook himself, slightly sore fists, and couldn't help but said with emotion.

Even if the size is exactly the same, but apart from this simple physical attack method of adding energy, the damage caused by other methods to the members of the Celestial Group is too weak.

So Su Chen used an incomparable, savage, and incomparably primitive way to tear apart the members of the Celestial Group one by one, tearing them all apart, and then stopped.

Thousands of members of the Celestial Group, to solve one by one, is a rather grueling task.

And now all the members of the Celestial Group have all fallen under Su Chen's feet, or scattered in the space around Su Chen.

The only judge standing in front of Su Chen was the judge who made no more moves after making a pronouncement.

His body looks as strong as the other members, but his duty is to pronounce judgments. In addition to this, under such an unusually threatening appearance, there is no fighting ability.

Even if Su Chen approached it step by step, the judge did not make any aggressive behavior, just stood there quietly.

The stereotypes of mechanical life are vividly displayed. I am afraid that at the very beginning, it is also because of this purely stereotyped characteristic that they will become the guardians and law enforcers of this universe.

However, the irony that makes people feel a little bit shortly before, the judge has just issued a sentence against Su Chen, and now the sentence is invalid, it is Su Chen's turn to pronounce his sentence.

"You have completely threatened this universe, please stop your practice immediately, otherwise the entire universe will be destroyed because of you!"

The judge calmly looked at Su Chen who came slowly, and at the same time spoke in a very serious tone...

Even now the judge is still performing his duties faithfully, but what the judge is saying now is more like a prophecy in addition to the pronouncement.

"There is no need to trouble you to think about this."

Su Chen smiled softly when he heard the warning that seemed to be prophesied and sentenced.

"No one can decide my fate, including you."

Su Chen had already arrived in front of the judge and shook his head gently.

Then a silent blue-white light flashed.

A tiny crack began to spread gradually in the middle of the judge's body, and then the whole judge was completely divided into two halves.

In countless corners of the universe, countless sounds of cold breath sounded.

"The Celestial Group was wiped out like that?"

Countless voices whispered, and the tone was full of incredible.

And Su Chen stood among the wreckage of these countless members, but frowned, as if he did not have the joy of winning the battle.

There was no one in the super fortress in front of Su Chen.

The member of the celestial group used to lock Su Chen's abilities was also pulled out by Su Chen mercilessly and eliminated.

But now this super fortress is still in operation.

"If I didn't feel the signs of life in this group of guys at the very beginning, now I have never felt the signs of their lives passing away."

Su Chen shook his head gently, a bit of doubt in his tone of voice.

Although all the members have been torn into pieces now, even if it is a robot, there is probably no probability of survival in this state.

But I don't know why Su Chen still has a feeling.

The Celestial Group is not over.

Immediately afterwards, as if in response to Su Chen's words, the super fortress in front of him finally acted differently.

Around Su Chen, the fragments of the members of the Celestial Group seemed to be suddenly attracted, and generally began to slowly move towards the super fortress. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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