Although he spoke in a joking tone, except for Su Chen, the expressions on the faces of the other members of the Third Army did not relax at all, and on the contrary looked extremely solemn.

Thanos was never a light word for them. At that time, the Utopia Alliance had not been fully established. Similarly, except for Su Chen, most of the other people remained on the earth, and the superhero was even weaker than the superhero. level.

At that time, the former Thanos was at a height that they needed to look up to, not to mention that at that time Thanos had already mastered several infinite gems.

That mountain-like pressure is exactly the same as the pressure that Daxede puts on them now.

But now they have no idea how many times they have grown up. The former Thanos does not seem to be so nervous in their eyes now, but now this pressure is still as heavy as it was back then!

"People from Universe 1, you can find my planet, which surprised me very much."

Darkside came slowly in front of Su Chen, condescendingly looking at Su Chen and other members of the surrounding army.

Although he was very surprised when it came to talking, he couldn't find any surprised expression on Darkside's face.

"I'm surprised that this wasteland wolf can win me a bunch of enemies who can surprise me so much. This is something that hasn't happened in thousands of years."

When Darkside said this, the expression on his face finally ceased to be the same as it was at the beginning, as hard as a rock, but showed a look of remembrance.

At that time, Darkside had not completely ruled this empire, nor had he reached out to more universes.

"I am not from Universe 1."

Su Chen shook his head lightly after listening to the words of the aloof man, with a faint smile on his face as well.

"On the contrary, Universe 1 is only a part of the universe I conquered."

Su Chen looked at the Darkside in front of him and spoke calmly.

This time, Darkside's face finally moved.

"Oh, it looks like I have found a like-minded person."

Darkside did not worry, but shook his head gently. This time Darkside finally lowered his head and looked carefully at Su Chen in front of him.

"So, maybe the one who descended on my planet this time may not be my enemy."

Darkside also spoke with a flat face.

"But before that, you have to prove your value to me. Simply killing a steppe wolf does not have much effect. That guy is too wasteful. I need to see your strength and be qualified to walk with me. strength."

Darkside faced the rear and waved gently.(Read more @

"How does this guy feel so good about himself?"

Although the other members in the rear were still nervous about the strength of Darkside, after hearing Darkside's words, some people couldn't help but vomit.

"Shut up, this guy can conquer multiple universes anyway, and it seems to be at the same level as the Supreme Lord."

"Fuck your superhero, how can this guy who is like a gorilla with no hair be of the same level as the Supreme Lord! At best, it's just a shit luck."

Some whispers behind Su Chen sounded quietly.

Su Chen heard the murmurs of the members behind him, and couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth, but did not stop them from speaking behind.

If it were placed in the era when Thanos arrived, these members would not have the courage to say such a thing. Although they are facing a transcendent existence of the same level as their own strength, they have long since failed. There is such a strong heart of fear again.

This can be understood as the growth of alternative courage, and the jokes made now can also relieve their tension to a certain extent.

Courage is enough in the battlefield, but this damn tension is not needed.

But after Dakside finished speaking the previous words and waved his hand, he turned around and turned his back to Su Chen, and then left here unhurriedly.

"I'm waiting for you in the palace ahead..."

Darkside's words floated over intermittently, and in the direction that Darkside was advancing, the other two seemingly different streams suddenly rose from the ground!

"Kill them all and leave none of them."

The unique language of the planet Darkside was spit out from Darkside's mouth and spread to the ears of all the surrounding demons.

These words that were originally rebellious because of the advent of rebellion, but the rare magic words that have become quiet, are after hearing this exhilarating word, they are suddenly excited like chicken blood, behind the annoying boring incitement of wings. The voice resounded crazy again!

This sudden annoying noise is also an attack, but such an attack is far from the horror of the two lightnings coming from the big front!

Two completely different lightnings, 1 blue and 1 red, screamed, and the target was Su Chen directly ahead!

"This guy looks really arrogant."

Seeing Darkside without any defense behind, Emma couldn't help but speak.

This is a kind of absolute self-confidence, and also a kind of absolute arrogance. After the battle started, the big thorn showed his defenseless back to the enemy.

"Of course he has arrogant capital, after all, he also conquered the existence of multiple universes."

Su Chen in front of him smiled.

"As a guy who has conquered multiple universes, if he is not arrogant, how can he be worthy of his identity?"

Su Chen continued to speak indifferently.

At this time, Su Chen's temperament is also unreliable, and the departed Darkside also seems to be somewhat similar to Su Chen.

"It's just a pity... he finally met today, a more arrogant existence than him."

Su Chen spoke plainly, watching the two lightning bolts get closer and closer to him.

"The first legion, the third legion attack, target the demon legion!"

From the language of the earth, Su Chen's voice also resounded in the First and Third Army!



The Third Legion, which had already tightened a string long ago, finally broke out its own cry of killing after receiving the order, and this cry of killing was like a signal, and it also ignited them. The opposite demon army!

Two different torrents simultaneously charged towards each other! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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