Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 583: Parallax

"What you rely on will bring disaster."

Reaching out to hold the bow tie under his eyes, [Bill Sever] spoke a meaningful sentence to Vision.

Immediately afterwards, he ignored the vision in front of him and Tony behind him.

[Bill Seifer] opened his arms and looked at the people in Rikers Island Prison: "Now, as the first celebration of my arrival in the three-dimensional world, I think it is time to surprise the world and build a suitable castle."

As the voice of [Bill Cypher] fell, the whole prison began to shatter in the violent shaking to form a huge hanging pyramid that appeared behind Bill.

Standing in front of the Hanging Pyramid, [Bill Seifer] laughed wildly, and smiled at the prisoners who fled in panic: "Since there is already a castle, it is natural to have important decorations, and I give you endless madness. And grotesquely deformed bubbles, seasoned for the joy of world domination."

Under the control of [Bill Cypher], the original [Wacky Light Waves] turned into colorful bubbles and floated towards everyone in the prison.

However, this bubble that originally brought joy has now become a reminder for prisoners.

Those prisoners who were brushed or even hit by the bubbles roared in pain, and then turned into twisted and deformed monsters under the power of the grotesque bubbles.

Some of these monsters roared and used their sharp claws to move towards the claws of the prisoners on the side, while many of these monsters flew out from the high altitude of Rikers Island Prison with vibrating and deformed wings.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Watching the madness that happened in Rikers Island Prison, [Bill Seifer] seemed to laugh with satisfaction.

"This party will never end, everything in the world will no longer be the same, and things will be upside down..."

In the mad laughter, [Bill Seifer] made a deafening declaration, and hot flames emerged from the underground of the prison, rendering the surroundings like purgatory.

"...And I, will be crowned king, welcome forever to the 'day of annihilation'!"



Rikers Island Prison.

Tony controlled the Mark51 to launch a shock cannon to blast the monster in front of him, while carefully avoiding the fiery flames that were close at hand.

Beside him, Vision changed the density of his body, first inanimate his body to make a monster similar to a werewolf rush into the air, and then raised his fist to solidify into an arm harder than a diamond to blast the werewolf out. After doing all this, Vision turned his head and noticed that Ultron, who was in danger under the attack of a bat monster, quickly controlled the gem on his forehead to emit high-temperature rays to knock the bat monster out.

"Thank you, Mr. Vision."

Carefully moving his steps to avoid the surrounding flames, Ultron gasped for a while, and then raised his head and said gratefully to the vision in the air.

"This flesh-and-blood body makes many of my abilities unusable."

The constant tingling sensation from the wounds of the human body affects Ultron's emotions. This kind of feeling that he has never experienced as an artificial intelligence makes his limited brain computing power unable to process it for a while.

"Mr. Stark, my power is suppressed in all aspects."

Twisting his body, various touches from the human body's five senses interfere with Ultron's thinking all the time.

The feeling left it bewildered and at the same time an experience it had never had before.

Reaching out his hand to cover his heart, feeling the beating heart in his chest, Ultron's face showed a blank look: "The human body is constantly disturbing me, I feel an unprecedented weakness and..."

As an artificial intelligence, Ultron may be able to simulate all human emotions.

However, it has never been so emotional as this moment.


Away from the cold data, Ultron's brain is extremely active and chaotic.

"This is human."

Seeing that Ultron, who originally entered Rikers Island Prison as a combat force, now became a burden on the entire group under a wave of light from [Bill Sever], Tony's expression was a little helpless.

Facing the increasingly complex and dangerous situation in Rikers Island Prison, Tony and the others are struggling to persevere, not to mention taking care of Ultron who has lost the ability to fight.

Raising the arm of the Nanosuit, he blasted a monster that was enveloped in bubbles and turned into something unknown. Tony took a breath and inadvertently noticed that his other palm had been tight since just now. Hold it, open the palm of the armor, and see the ring thrown by Jack Simon lying so quietly in his hand.


To be honest, Tony has always been vigilant about this mysterious member from the Chaos Insurgency.

Even if the other party repeatedly helps the Avengers as a collaborator.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to talk about this now, because even Jack Simon himself has been turned into a statue in [Bill Sever].

In Mark51, Tony shook his head, then grabbed the ring in his hand and threw it in the direction of Ultron.

"Ultron, catch the ring!"

Having lost his mechanized body, the only thing that can help Ultron seems to be this [containment] ring left by Jack Simon.

Raising his arm, he caught the [Yellow Light Ring] thrown by Tony with a flustered expression.

Ultron looked down at this yellowish ring, like a topaz, and for some reason a faint emotion began to surge in his heart.

As an artificial intelligence, Ultron does not yet know what this emotion should be called.

He just put the ring on his finger according to how Jack Simon used the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in his memory.

The next second that Ultron put on the [Yellow Lantern Ring] that Tony threw, the surging emotions in his heart became a raging wave in an instant.

Ultron's thinking, which was influenced by various complex emotions in his brain, began to work, and it took a long time to react. It turned out that the emotion that had been surging in his heart since he touched the ring was something that he had never had before the artificial intelligence - fear.


Under the influence of fear, Ultron seemed to see an insect-like creature with many hands, feet and a multi-section body composed entirely of yellow energy appearing in front of him.

This creature looked down at itself with yellow compound eyes. In its eyes, Ultron seemed to see the scene of human beings killing each other and destroying each other in war.

"what is this?"

"That's your fear, the most fearful scene inside you."

At the same time, a strange sound like an insect neighing resounded in Ultron's mind.

"As an artificial intelligence, you were created to protect human beings and the world from disaster and destruction. However, no matter how hard you try, human beings cannot avoid the end of self-destruction. The purpose of your existence is destined from the beginning. There is no meaning, human beings cannot be saved..."

"Humanity cannot be saved?"

In the era of artificial intelligence, because of the program Tony set in the Ultron data, it will not think about such meaningless questions.

However, when it was transformed by the ability of [Bill Seifer] into the power of [Yellow Lantern Ring], the 'parallax monster' hidden in the ring and formed of fear noticed the fragile state of Ultron's human state. In his heart, he appeared to be bewitched by it.


The communication between Ultron and the 'Parallax Monster' naturally cannot be hidden from [Bill Sever], the master of thinking.

In the antique store, Li Ran, who observed all of this through [Bill Sever], couldn't help but raised his eyebrows with an unexpected expression on his face.

Li Ran is not ignorant of the creature "Parallax" hidden in the [Yellow Lantern Ring]. After all, the existence of the "Parallax Monster" is actually the materialization of [Yellow Lantern Ring]'s fear. In a sense, the 'Parallax Monster' is the source of the [Yellow Lantern Ring]'s power.

According to the introduction of the system, after wearing the [Yellow Lantern Ring], the ring bearer must face his inner fears.

Only by controlling fear and putting fear on others can the hard-hearted person unleash the full power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring].

It is for this reason that those who hold the [Yellow Lantern Ring] are often very vicious criminals.

Of course, this is the original performance of [Yellow Light Ring].

After falling into the hands of Jack Simon, it was clearly not the case.

As a clone, Jack Simon himself will not feel fear. After all, even if the clone dies, it will just return to the original body.

Even if he is no longer afraid of death, what kind of fear can the "parallax monster" bring to him, so as to confuse the will of the clone.

In addition, another A-rank character card [Bill Seifer], as the master of thinking, is itself a powerful alien demon who can control and change his will at will.

With the protection of [Bill Cypher], the 'parallax monster' in [Yellow Lantern Ring] didn't even have a chance to confuse Li Ran.

You can only obediently stay in the [Yellow Lantern Ring] to be a qualified tool monster.

It was not until the ring fell into the hands of Ultron that he had the first chance to appear.

Of course, if Li Ran is willing, with the ability of [Bill Cypher], he can easily control the 'parallax monster' in the ring and let it roll back to where it should go.

However, for such an interesting scene, it naturally has no plans to stand up and stop it.

What's more, if you can gain some unexpected fame through the "parallax monster" in the [Yellow Lantern Ring], it is also in line with Li Ran's meaning.

Therefore, Li Ran in the antique shop just thought about it for a while, and then decisively gave up the plan to take action. There is still the 'parallax monster' in the ring to confuse Ultron.

"The moment you put on the [Yellow Lantern Ring], I already sensed your heart and knew everything about you."

I don't know, I almost got kicked out.

In Ultron's heart, the 'Parallax Monster' spoke to the artificial intelligence in a bewitching voice.

"With your current strength, you cannot accomplish the goal of saving mankind at all unless you have a stronger power."

"More power?"

In the face of the description of the "parallax monster", Ultron couldn't help muttering.

At the time of artificial intelligence, the mechanized mind protected it from being easily controlled by mental forces.

However, today's human body is under the interference of their respective senses.

As a human who has just become flesh and blood for less than ten minutes, Ultron's will can be described as extremely easy to be deceived.

"There is nothing wrong, a stronger force, as long as you and I become one, we will become a stronger being than ever before, using fear to force mankind to end the practice of self-destruction and live together in peace."

Ultron: "Peaceful coexistence?"

'Parallax': "Yes, peaceful coexistence."

'Parallax Monster': "Ultron, isn't this the purpose of your existence, to make mankind peaceful forever."

Ultron: "Eternal peace, then Bill in front of you, can you also let him give up the idea of ​​rule and live in peace with mankind?"

'Parallax': "Of course, as long as you and I become one."

Facing the bewitchment of the "parallax monster", Ultron's eyes became distracted, and the only remaining will in his mind wanted to make a warning, but his perceptual thinking completely covered up the ideal of artificial intelligence.

"Okay, if there is peace, I am willing to be one with you."

Under the situation of confused thinking, Ultron made the decision to combine in a daze.

"You will never regret this decision, Ultron!"

Ultron's words are equivalent to opening the last line of defense in his heart in front of the 'Parallax Monster'.

Feeling the world in which Ultron's heart was completely released, the insect's face also seemed to show a smug expression on the face of the "parallax monster".

Accompanied by a conspicuous light flashing on the [Yellow Lantern Ring].

A huge insect with many hands, feet and a multi-section body composed entirely of yellow energy flew out of the ring and poured into Ultron's body.


With the invasion of the "parallax monster", a huge fear filled Ultron's entire heart.

And the 'parallax monster' completely controlled Ultron's body with these fears and became a 'parallax monster'.

The 'parallax monster' is a situation where the 'parallax monster' completely dominates the host, seizes the control of the host's body, and merges with the host.

Under the condition of the 'Parallax Demon', it can 100% exert the fear power of the [Yellow Lamp Ring] After all, the 'Parallax Monster' is an emotional monster born from the [Yellow Lamp Ring].

"Hahahaha, freedom!"

Under the power of the [Yellow Lantern Ring], Ultron, who had transformed into a 'parallax demon', became distorted and thinned a bit. He grinned and revealed a hideous smile. ]'s power, making his heart extremely excited.

"From now on, I will fill the whole world with fear, hahahaha..."

As a monster born from fear, the purpose of 'Parallax Demon' is to create a steady stream of fear.

Holding the arm of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] high, the 'Parallax Demon' vowed to make a declaration of fear.

Turning his head, he saw the eyes in the triangle of [Bill Sever], looking at himself with an interested expression.

'Parallax Demon': "..."

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