Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 338: Ghost Rider

"Are you sure you want to see my performance?"

Facing these guys who were surrounded by bad expressions, Chang Amir didn't have the slightest fear on his face. He used his only turbid eyes to swipe at these guys who didn't know whether to live or die, and then said with a strange look on his face. a sentence.

He was able to maintain a respectful attitude towards the consciousness of Immorton in the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand.

But it doesn't mean that he can be polite to the few short-sighted guys in front of him.

"Of course, what are you going to perform, the traditional dance of the primitive tribe?"

I have to say that Chang Emil's skinny and rickety appearance is too deceptive. Looking at this skinny black old man who can be pushed down by a single finger, these guys who are looking for trouble have never thought of his skinny figure. the dangers contained below.

He still said with a giggle.

"If you insist."

Originally, following the will of the high priest, Chang Amir, who had just arrived in New York, did not want to cause trouble.

However, since the trouble has come to him, he has no reason to be afraid.

A strange smile appeared on the thin and wrinkled face, Chang Amir looked at the few people and said coldly.

"Then I will do as you wish."

As his voice fell, the pitch-black scarab flew out of his body immediately, and flew in a circle in the air and accurately stopped on several people.

"Damn, what is this?!"

"There are bugs on this old guy."

"Put the bugs on your body, this guy won't get sick, right?"

Seeing the bugs parked on him, the faces of the people who surrounded Chang Emir immediately showed disgust, and their instinctively flapping bodies wanted to knock down the scarabs.


Looking at the panicked people with indifference, Emil Chang raised his fingers to control these scarabs to crawl towards everyone's heads, and said, "The scarabs are not just a few of you that can be asked to get rid of, now , it's my turn to perform, but just to remind you, my performance is not free."

Saying that, Chang Emil twitched his fingers to control the scarabs to get rid of the blind guys in front of him.

bang bang bang-

However, at this moment, a huge roar sounded, interrupting Chang Amir's next actions.

With a slight pause with his thin fingers, he turned his head and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

Immediately afterwards, under his turbid gaze, a figure with flames all over his body drove a Harley motorcycle that was twisted and ferocious as if it came from hell, leaving a mark of flame and whistling over.

"I can feel that there is a powerful force in his body, and one of them is very familiar to me."

Facing the whistling sound of burning, the [Scarab Seal] on the back of Chang Amir's hand flashed a red light, and a roaring reminder came in his mind immediately.

Hearing the reminder of the consciousness in the brand, the expression on Chang Amir's face immediately became a little dignified.

The power that can make the high priest feel familiar is obviously not too simple.

"Could it be that this is the opportunity the high priest said to break the seal?"

Recalling what Imorton said before, thoughts flashed in Chang Amir's mind.

However, before he could confirm his guess, the burning figure driving a Harley motorcycle came to him.


Accompanied by a harsh drifting sound, the motorcycle left a burnt black mark on the ground and accurately stopped in front of Chang Amir and others.

Stopping the ghost-faced Harley, the burning figure stepped off the motorcycle.

It was also at this time that Chang Amir, who was standing on the spot, could clearly see the true face of the figure.

Stepping down from the ferocious Harley motorcycle was a terrifying figure with a burning skull and a leather jacket with chains on his back.

"Damn it, it's the Ghost Rider!"

"Why, it's this guy."

"If I had known, I should have been obedient and stayed at home."

Obviously, the guys surrounding Chang Amir recognized the identity of the skeleton, and looking at this terrifying existence covered in flames, the panicked expressions on their faces became even more terrified. They began to regret why they had to cause trouble to provoke others.

It's a pity that their regret is obviously too late.

"Ghost Rider?"

Noticing the names exclaimed by several people, Chang Amir raised his finger slightly, and the scarab that emerged from him the next moment immediately gave the guy on the opposite side who shouted the name 'Ghost Rider' to him. Grabbing it, turning his only remaining eyes, Chang Emil looked at the shivering pale face in front of him, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Tell me, what is Ghost Rider?"

Feeling the strange feeling of the scarabs crawling on his body, the man threatened by Chang Emir had no intention of hiding anything at all, and stammered to reveal everything he knew: "...The Ghost Rider is a I don't know the name of this flaming skull on the Internet. I don't know what his real name is. I only know that this terrifying existence is driving a flaming Harley motorcycle through the night. Ghost Rider will appear in the crime. place, and then take away the soul of the perpetrator..."

"Take away the soul of the criminal?"

The information revealed from the man's mouth made the expression on Chang Amir's face hesitate for a moment.

At this moment, the Evil Knight, who had been standing on the opposite side without any movement, suddenly made a move, grabbed the chains on his body, wrapped the fire of hell, and shot towards Chang Amir fiercely.

The Ghost Rider's shot was straightforward, and he didn't give Chang Amir any time to react.

Facing the whistling chains, Chang Emir's expression froze, and from a short distance, he could even feel the terrifying twisting power contained in the hellfire wrapped around the chains.

Chang Amir didn't have time to react, but the scarabs instinctively made a defense. At the moment when the chains flew, a large number of scarabs emerged from his body, forming a huge shield to protect Chang Amir, who could not react in time. behind.


The chain hit the scarab, and a violent flame erupted.

In the face of the terrifying burning power of hellfire, even the scarabs that also contain the power of the undead bible are difficult to resist. For a time, a terrifying flame entangled in the scarabs, and a large number of scarabs were in the power of hellfire, which is said to be incombustible. Turned into black ashes.


Feeling the large number of scarabs that instantly dissipated under the attack of the Ghost Rider in his body, the expression on Chang Amir's face suddenly became a bit ugly.

The scarabs that Ghost Rider killed with this blow were even several times more than what he had previously consumed in the battle with Tchaka in Wakanda.

"This is not a simple flame. I can feel the power of the opponent's flame that can attack the soul."

In his mind, the wisp of consciousness in the [Scarab Seal] that Immorton kept explained.

"This kind of fire power that can attack the soul, in my impression, seems to belong to the unique power of hell."


In traditional Wakanda mythology, they worship the great **** of the black panther. However, during the time of being expelled and wandering, Chang Amir also came into contact with many myths in the foreign world, so he was no stranger to the legendary hell. It was precisely because he was no stranger that when he heard Immorton's description, His inner emotions became a little more restless.

Even with the [Scarab Seal] bestowed by the great existence in the pyramid, Chang Amir felt a little bit of flinch in the face of the existence that seemed to control the flames of **** in front of him.

After all, he is not the kind of warrior who is not afraid of life and death, especially on the premise that the great revenge against Wakanda has not yet been repaid, Chang Amir does not want to die in such a confused way in front of this so-called ghost knight. on hand.

"Actually, it's all just a misunderstanding. I don't have the idea of ​​fighting you."

The scarab that controlled the body guarded him again, Chang Amir turned his cloudy eyes to look at the burning skeleton in front of him, and said hoarsely.

Chang Amir carefully revealed his plan to retreat.

However, the Ghost Rider in front of him obviously had no plans to stop.

The real name of Ghost Rider is Johnny Blazer. He was originally just an ordinary young man from a motorcycle stunt family. However, in the transaction and deception with a demon named Mephistopheles, he was endowed with evil. The power of the spirit knight turned into the appearance of this burning skull.

And, according to the contract requirements of the transaction, he would walk the world in place of Mephistopheles, and capture sinful souls and send them to hell.

And obviously, Chang Emir was the sinful soul he had just chosen.

And, under the reminder of the demon power in his body, Johnny Blazer or the Ghost Rider had clearly noticed the difference between Chang Emil in front of him.

He stretched out the palm of his pale skeleton and grabbed the chain in his palm. The next moment, the flaming fire of **** was wrapped around the chain again. The Evil Knight waved the chain in his hand, and his dark eyes looked at Chang Amir in front of him. Opening and closing the mouth of his skeleton surrounded by flames, a roar resembling a hellish ghost sounded in an instant: "I want, your soul!"

"Looks like there's nothing to talk about."

The attitude of the Ghost Rider clearly explained everything.

Dangerous colors flickered in the cloudy and only one eye, Chang Amir controlled the scarabs in his body to continuously emerge, forming a huge twisted face to face the Ghost Rider in front of him.

Looking down at the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, Emil Chang said with a light expression.

"By the way, my soul has long been equal to mine."

As his voice fell, the scarab in front of him turned into a huge black mist and rushed towards the Ghost Rider in front of him.

Combined with the power of demons and incarnated as Ghost Rider, all of Johnny Blazer's emotions as a human have been burned by the fire of hell. At this moment, under his burning skull head, there is only the order to collect souls that Mephistopheles gave him.

Although, Johnny Blazer also tried hard to get rid of the curse that Mephistopheles put on him when he returned to his body during the day, but all this became futile under the influence of the contract.

The insect shadow formed by a large number of scarab beetles is like an airtight black net just wrapped around the Ghost Rider's body.

Although a single scarab is extremely vulnerable under the power of hellfire, the terrifying power formed by the gathering of many scarabs, even the evil spirit knight who masters the power of hellfire will be lost for a while. It is difficult to break out of it easily.

After all, these scarabs are not ordinary bugs. The Bible of the Undead, as the top evil force in the world of "The Mummy", although the medium that passes through at this moment is only Chang Emir, but it does not affect the power of its power. In particular, although Johnny Blazer in front of him has already obtained the power of the Ghost Rider, it is obvious that he has not been a Ghost Rider for a long time.

At least, according to Li Ran's understanding, the time when Johnny Blazer's amusement park came to the outskirts of New York was only about a month ago.

Surrounded by layers of scarabs in the center, a trace of obvious anger immediately appeared on the skeleton of the evil spirit knight wrapped in flames. He loosened the chains in his hands and ignored the scarabs that were constantly pouring in around him. He grew up his own. The fiery fire of **** immediately emerged from his body.


Under the fierce fire of hell, the scarab that originally wrapped the Ghost Rider was emptied.

Feeling the large number of scarabs that dissipated in the body in an instant, Chang Emil's dark face was also obviously painful.

Put away the **** flames that emerged from the body and return to the body. It can be seen that such a powerful flame burst out in an instant, which seems to be a lot of consumption for the Ghost Rider. With the return of the flame, the burning flame on his skull was visible to the naked eye in a small circle.

However, the results brought about by all these comparisons and outbreaks undoubtedly satisfied him.

Turning his pale skull head wrapped in flames, the Ghost Rider waved the chain he put down from his hand, and the chain wrapped by the flames of **** the next moment wrapped around the body of Chang Emir in front of him with the dexterity of life.

Pulling his arm, he pulled Chang Amir, who was facing him, in front of him. What the demon power bestows on the Ghost Rider is not only the terrifying hellfire, but also the powerful power and many other terrifying and strange abilities.

Although the scarabs that are constantly emerging from the opponent are trying their best to resist, the hellfire that keeps burning on the chain has obviously become the best way to block the scarabs.


Tightening the chain in his hand, the Ghost Rider turned his head to aim at Chang Amir, who had a painful expression in front of him. In the next instant, two intense flames erupted from the position of his eyes.

"look into my eyes!"



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