Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 261: practice

"Ripple Qigong."

"...breathing and blood are closely linked, because blood transports oxygen out of the lungs, and the oxygen in the blood is connected with the body cells, which are equal to the body, that is, like ripples in water, to Use breathing to create ripple energy in your body..."

Joseph Joestar and the defenders stood opposite each other, standing on the icy river surface, the ripples under his feet rippled in circles, forming wonderful ripples, which looked extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

"My master, Will A. Shapiri, once a baron in Norway, discovered the secrets of vampires by accident, which led to a **** massacre, which he thought was fatal at the hands of the vampires. He was spared when the sun rose and the vampires melted, and it was for this reason that Shapiri discovered the shadows hidden in the sun in Norway, an evil that had been completely ruled by vampires dynasty."

"In order to avoid the pursuit of more vampires, and to find a way to deal with vampires, he abandoned everything, traveled far across the ocean and finally discovered the immortal power called 'ripple' in the far east. In order to learn the power of ripples, Xie Pi It took several years, and during this period, he was on the verge of life and death many times, and finally he found an immortal island in the vast sea in the east that only existed in the legend called 'Penglai', and learned the power of ripples from it."

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

The history of ripples told by Joseph Joestar, especially the Penglai that appeared in the process of Baron Shapiri's learning of ripples, shocked the hearts of the members of the Defenders.

"Penglai! What do you mean, that guy named Shapiri, the ripple power he cultivated came from Penglai?"

Jessica couldn't hide the stunned expression on her face, and blurted out a question to Joseph Joestar.

She didn't expect it, but simply listened to the other party's explanation of the cultivation process of Ripple, and there was such an unexpected secret hidden behind it.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the defenders in his eyes, Joseph Joestar nodded and replied with a puzzled expression: "Why, is there anything strange? Why do I feel that you seem to be so big on Penglai's performance? ."

"We fought side by side with Penglai, and one of the members of the Defender Alliance was from Penglai."

Matt was silent for a while, and then revealed the connection between the defenders and Penglai.


Hearing the answer, Joseph Joestar's face showed a surprised expression at the right time, and even the ripples under his feet seemed to be much denser due to the changes in his emotions. He shook his head, barely restrained his emotions, and muttered. He murmured: "I didn't expect that I would be able to hear the news of Penglai again in New York. This is really..."

"Immortal power."

Danny lowered his head and muttered to himself.

He noticed that Joseph Joestar described the ripple as the explanation given, so after Matt answered, he couldn't wait to ask.

In fact, not only Danny, but the members of the Defenders are also very concerned about this.

After all, this is the power of immortals. Ah Xing once told the defenders about Penglai's immortal method, and they have also seen the power of immortal method "Tathagata's Palm" with their own eyes. A star.

If everything Joseph Joestar says is true, then...

Thinking of this possibility, even the calmest Matt, his breathing became rapid involuntarily.

"I have no idea."

However, facing the expectant gazes of the defenders, Joseph Joestar shook his head: "I don't know, the power of ripples is very magical, but what step can it achieve, even my master Baron Shapiri didn't know either. After all, the reason why he learned the power of ripples was to destroy vampires. Therefore, after mastering the practice of ripples, he left Penglai and embarked on his destiny as a vampire hunter. And it was during this period that I met him."

In fact, Li Ran actually had some certainty in his heart as to how much the power of the ripples could achieve. At the very least, he can judge that even if he cultivates the ripples to the top, he can only strengthen his body and resist aging.

After all, the power of the ripples he currently has come from [Kaz], and according to the cultivation method of ripples, as the ultimate creature, [Kaz], who can freely control the cells, the power of the ripples displayed can almost be said to be It's the peak of the ripple. And even the power of the ripples of [Kaz], which is far beyond human beings, can at most melt the flesh of ordinary human beings.

According to this inference, even if human beings practice the ripples to the highest level, they can only get sunburned. The principle is similar to that of sunburning people.

Of course, what I said above is the lethality of ripples to human beings. For vampires and even corpses, the destructive power of ripples is still extremely terrifying. After all, whether it is a large piece of sunlight or a little sunlight, as long as it shines on the vampire's body , are sufficient to inflict lethal melting damage.


Joseph Joestar's reply somewhat disappointed the members of the Defenders.

They were even thinking, if Baron Shepeley did not choose to leave Penglai, but continued to practice, to what extent would he be able to learn the immortal method, like Ah Xing.

Of course, Matt and the others knew very well that this was just an imaginary. If Baron Shepeley hadn't left Penglai, they wouldn't be able to meet Joseph Joestar as a vampire hunter now, nor would they know the history of Ripple. and their relationship with Penglai.

After throwing out the setting of Ripple, Joseph Joestar did not delay much, and continued to talk about the real cultivation method of his Ripple.

As Joseph Joestar said before, the power of the ripple comes from breathing, but this is not something that can be achieved by simple breathing. Even according to the explanation in the world of "JOJO's Wonderful Journey", the general Ripple messengers often need to practice for more than ten years before they can skillfully coordinate blood flow and breathing and learn the power of ripples.

To put it simply, ripples are actually a kind of subtle control over the body. Cultivators often need to be extremely qualitative and reverse their breathing habits for several years before they can feel the power of ripples.



He frowned and cursed in a low voice.

Jessica opened her eyes and looked at the members of the Defenders who were still closing their eyes and concentrating on breathing, feeling the ripple power of that shit.

She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she swallowed the words that came to her mouth, pouted, stood up, and walked towards the river.

Cultivating the power of ripples requires a certain degree of xinxing and calming one's heart. Obviously, this requirement is too difficult for Jessica. Her past experiences have been haunting her, even though Ziren has died in the hands of Li Ran's clone Wesley, and was shot in the head, but the psychological trauma left by Ziren has always been entangled in Jessica's. In her heart, it seemed to have become a shadow in her heart.

In fact, the reason why Jessica became so alcoholic is also related to the shadow caused by the purple man.

It can be said that as long as Jessica does not forget these for a day, she will never be able to calm down and feel the power of the ripples.

Of course, for the next time, there is not much difference between learning ripples or not. Her own abilities have actually given her an obvious advantage in the battle with vampires. After all, according to Joseph Joestar, although these vampires are difficult to deal with, they do not have the flying ability that the legend says.

Standing by the river and taking a deep breath, Jessica looked at the calm river surface and the subtle ripples with a dazed expression on her face.

The words she said at the law firm before were not just casual remarks. The endless evil villains have completely changed the world.

However, superheroes are not as popular as everyone thinks. Although some people have been saved because of superheroes, there are also a few people who will accommodate their tragic experiences to superheroes. The Great War in New York killed and wounded countless thousands of innocents who lost their families to the alien invasion.

Among them, there are grateful people, and there are also extreme people.

A small group of people who lost everything because of the invasion turned their attention to superheroes.

Even the League of Defenders was partially angered. Jessica was once attacked by a lunatic on her way to work. The reason was that she believed that it was because of the existence of superheroes that her tragedy was caused.

In this regard, in addition to cursing this shit-like world, Jessica also rewarded the guy with a punch to let the other party understand that although the defenders saved Hell's Kitchen, they were not idiots who couldn't fight back. .

"It seems that you have given up on the cultivation of ripples?"

In the silence, Luke Cage's low voice pulled back Jessica Feiyuan's thoughts again.

Turning her head and looking at the black big brother beside her, Jessica raised her eyebrows: "Aren't you the same."

Hearing this, Luke Cage lowered his head and showed his signature smile.

Learning Ripple takes talent, and it's clear that Luke Cage doesn't have that.

Fortunately, Joseph Joestar has already explained that although the ripple is the most effective power to kill vampires, it is not the only one, especially in the battle with the corpse, the attack with sufficient power is also more than enough. kill it. Obviously, both Jessica and Luke Cage have a certain degree of confidence in their own strength.


"Sure enough, isn't it okay?"

Frowning, Danny opened his eyes from the meditation.

As the owner of Iron Fist, Ripple's cultivation method is similar to the power of Iron Fist to a certain extent. His past practice experience has also enabled him to immerse himself in his heart more smoothly, feel the power of breathing and blood in his body, and even go a step further. It is possible to perceive the power of the ripples mentioned by Joseph Joestar.

However, it was at this crucial step that Danny felt a hindrance.

What hindered him was nothing but the iron fist power in his body.

Iron Fist gives Danny the powers of Superman, but also limits his understanding of Ripple.

It can be seen that the power of the iron fist is an extremely domineering power. In fact, the same is true, the iron fist is the key to guarding Kunlun, and guarding Danny also prevents the possibility of other forces from entering the body.

Knowing this, Danny shook his head regretfully.

With Danny giving up, among the defenders who still insisted on feeling the power of the ripple, Matt was the only one left.

And this, in fact, just matched Joseph Joestar or Li Ran's guess.

Although the Defenders represent a group of street superheroes, Matt is obviously quite special. His strength may not be comparable to Jessica and Luke Cage, and he does not have the power of an iron fist like Danny. However, in terms of inner will, the hero named Daredevil is strong enough. On the other hand, the defect of vision has not only not hindered Matt's cultivation of ripples, but has become a help.

The super senses allow him to focus more on the subtle changes in the body, breathing and blood.

Sure enough, after a period of silence, Matt ended his movements and slowly stood up and turned his head to the side of Joseph Joestar: "I have already felt the power of the ripples in my body."

"very good."

Hearing Matt's words, a smile suddenly appeared on Joseph Joestar's weathered Really? "

Hearing Matt's words, the members of the Defender immediately showed a surprised expression, and while they were happy, they also showed some doubts.

After all, none of them have learned the power of ripples.

Facing the doubts shown by Jessica, Matt showed a faint smile on his face. He didn't say anything. Instead, he walked to the bank of the river and raised his finger to lightly touch the surface of the river. In the next instant, a wave of ripples appeared. The fingers stretched out, and soon ripples were set off on the river.

The ripples that Matt just learned are still very surrounding, and even used to fight corpses will leave a hole the size of a little finger on them at most, but no matter how weak, this is already the power of ripples.

And Matt's success in cultivating ripples also means that in the future, defenders will have the power to check, balance or even defeat vampires in the face of vampires.

"I have given you the power of the ripples."

Looking back from the ripples on the river, Joseph Joestar looked at the defenders in front of him: "One thing you need to be clear about, although ripples are the power to defeat vampires, in the fight against vampires, ripples are only one of the keys. , Just like the existence of vampires, many times, vampires are scary not only because of the evil power they show, but also because of their ability to seduce people. In the past battles, I have seen too many people who couldn't resist the temptation and eventually degenerated into a vampire. vampire hunter."

"Therefore, in addition to vampires, you must also be careful about an existence called the Stone Ghost Face, which is the source of vampire power and the key to transforming humans into vampires..."

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

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