Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 266: invisible Man

Hell's Kitchen, Kim and Mansion.

The sky was getting dark, and a few harsh sirens broke the original tranquility.

Outside the building, several policemen were pulling the cordon to surround the building behind them.

The harsh sound of sirens attracted pedestrians on the roadside. They looked at the flashing police lights and the blockade at the entrance of the building, and stopped with curious expressions on their faces. A few daring guys even took out their mobile phones and started shooting at the blockade.

Not long after, the reporters who came to hear the news even surrounded the building with three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Sorry, let it go."

Sidis, a black policewoman with dreadlocks, squeezed from the crowd to the cordon, identified herself to the police officers in front of her, and then got into the cordon.

"How's it going, Rem?"

Taking a long sigh of relief, Sidis immediately asked her partner who rushed to the scene first.

"It's a little tricky."

Rem frowned, glanced at the lobby in the building, and said in a low voice: "In short, the situation at the scene is complicated, and according to roadside witnesses, someone saw the traces of the members of the Defender Alliance at the scene."


Hearing her partner's answer, the expression on Sidis' face changed, and she couldn't help muttering to herself.

Sidis is no stranger to defenders.

"F***K," Sidis looked at the chaotic hall like a typhoon passing through the building, and the rubble and ruins on the ground, and couldn't help but scolded: "Even if it's a gang fight, it can't be done. At this level, these extraordinary people, haven't they thought about the feelings of ordinary people like us?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, superheroes are heroes and saviors worthy of worship. However, for the New York police, the so-called superheroes are actually another big trouble.

Sidis' BOSS, the New York Police Department's chief George Stacy, has been criticized by the upper echelons for the problems caused by superheroes more than once. And the most recent one was on top of the troubles caused by Spider-Man.

Rubbing her aching head, Sidis retracted her gaze from the exaggerated pothole on the ground, and was immediately attracted by the charred corpse on the other side.

"Can you confirm the identity of this corpse?" Sidis asked her partner behind her as she walked to the coke and stopped.

"Not sure yet, the forensic doctor is on his way." Shaking his head, Rem crossed his hips and looked at the corpse on the ground that seemed to shatter when touched, and replied in a low voice.

Hearing her partner's reply, Sidis nodded slightly, and then put her gaze back on the corpse in front of her.

For some reason, she always felt that the corpse in front of her looked a little weird.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing the strangeness of Sidis, Rem couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you think that this corpse looks a little out of line?"


Hearing his partner's question, Rem's face cooperated with a puzzled expression.

"That's right."

Frowning and nodding, Sidis walked around the corpse and finally realized what she thought was weird. She turned her head, looked at Rem behind her, and blurted out, "Head, where did the head of this charred corpse go?"


"The central nervous system of the brain has a weak response, and the brain wave response is gradually weakening..."

Norway, inside a secret base.

Several figures in white protective suits and breathing masks are constantly busy conducting experiments.

"No," shook his head, and one of the figures conducting the experiment looked at the charred head in the nutrient solution, and the exposed brain connected to the data cable, and said: "The neural response continues to decrease, even if the stimulation is increased, it will no longer be possible. React to the outside world."

"Is it because the damage to the brain is so severe that this is the result."

"No, as a vampire, even if there is only one head left, one should not react so weakly."

"Is it because the ripples also damage the brain structure. After all, the power of the ripples is close to that of sunlight. If it hits the brain, even a vampire can't recover."

"If the ripples hurt the head, there's no way the brain will survive."

"Master Dior has ordered us to bring this head back to life, in case..."

"We've done our best, but."

Just when everyone in the laboratory was worried, a figure also wearing an experimental uniform walked in: "You don't have to worry, Dr. Chen has improved the nutrient solution, and then you just need to move this head to the nutrient solution specially prepared by Dr. Among them, it should be able to solve the problem of weakening brain waves in the brain.”


Everyone in the laboratory seemed to have great trust in Dr. Chen, and when they heard the figure's words, they immediately showed a happy expression.

"Thanks to Dr. Chen."

"I didn't expect that Dr. Chen would actually help us."

The head in the nutrition cabin was methodically transferred to the nutrient solution prepared by Dr. Chen. With the operation of everyone, the brain wave response of the charred head that had weakened began to grow again.

At the same time, as the stimulation increased, the closed eyes of the head slowly opened.


"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky..."

On the streets of New York, the avatar [Uncle Long], who played the role of the Foundation's containment specialist, was grimacing and walking standard eight-figure steps to avoid the invisible attack behind him.

"what happened?"

Passers-by, noticing the exaggerated movements of the clone, couldn't help but glance behind him, but saw nothing.

"Hey, you guy, don't you open your eyes!"

At this moment, a fat white man who couldn't dodge was hit by his clone.

The white fat man staggered and fell and his feet were turned upside down, but the clone [Uncle Long] used his dexterous movements to wave his arms to stand firm.

"Sorry, sorry."

Stabilizing his body, looking at the fat white man who fell to the ground and couldn't stand up, the clone [Uncle Long] hurriedly stepped forward to pull him up, and apologized repeatedly.

"You think it's useful to apologize, **** guy..."

Touching his **** that was injured from the fall, the fat white man said with a stern face.

He rolled up his sleeves, intending to give a hard lesson to the blind guy in front of him, his fist had just been thrown.

The big nose on the opposite side flexibly shrunk away from the waving fist, and then reached out and grabbed the fat white man's big leg and pulled it forward, only to see the fat white man who finally stood up swayed, It fell to the ground again.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry now, and I will definitely apologize to you next time I meet you."

Looking down, looking at the fat white man who fell to the ground and howling, the clone [Uncle Long] issued a sincere apology, then turned around without hesitation, bypassed the huge body that fell on the ground, and ran towards the other side of the street again. .

"Damn yellow skin... don't let me meet you again, otherwise..."

Seeing the figure of the clone leaving in a hurry, the fat white man struggled to support his body, bowed his head and cursed.

However, before he could stand up again, a huge force from behind made him hit the ground again, and his face was covered in blood.

Covering his face, he raised his head, trying to see which guy with short eyes stepped on his body, but he didn't see anything. Aside from the back of the nose, there is no second person to be seen.

"Is it a ghost?!"

Seeing this scene, the white fat man was stunned for a moment with his originally angry expression, and then he shuddered involuntarily.


"The figure of the target?"

At one end of the New York street, Agent Phil stopped his steps and looked up at the pedestrians in front of him.

He pressed his ear and asked in a low voice.

"Coming towards you."

In the headset, the voice of Skye, a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team, came.

After reporting the target's location, Skye hesitated before asking, "Are you sure you don't need more people to act with you, Phil?"

"No, it's just a simple contact mission and doesn't require combat."

Hearing Agent Skye's question, Agent Phil shook his head slightly.


He replied in a low voice to Skye on the other side, and Agent Phil's eyes were quickly attracted by the commotion on the other side of the street.

He looked at the situation and immediately saw a familiar figure running in his direction.

"Hello, Mr. Long, I was with you before..."

Curving the corners of his mouth to reveal a standard smile, Agent Phil looked at the approaching Foundation containment specialist and introduced himself with a kind expression on his face.


[Famous from Phil Coulson +50]

However, in the next second, the expression on Agent Phil's face froze.

Because, in the face of his kind greeting, the avatar [Uncle Long] on the opposite side didn't stop at all, and went over directly from his side.

Just passing by and running for dozens of meters, the clone stopped his steps, ran around the corner and ran back to the front of Agent Phil, and asked the leader of the agent team with a stiff expression: "I Remember you, you were the former agent."

"That's right, Mr. Long..."

Seeing the clone running back, Agent Phil breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately at least he didn't need to catch up again, and withdrew the smile on his face, Agent Phil opened his mouth and was about to say something.

He saw that the containment specialist on the opposite side waved his hand and directly interrupted the second half of his words: "Stop, now is not a good time to say hello."

While talking, the clone looked back at the direction he ran from: "That guy, he will catch up soon."

"That rascal?"

Hearing the clone's words, Agent Phil's face showed a puzzled expression quite cooperatively: "Mr. Long, what you said..."

"Be careful!"

However, before Agent Phil's question came out of his mouth.

The clone [Uncle Long] standing in front of him suddenly swooped and threw him directly to the ground.

It's not a great experience to have an unsuspecting back in contact with the hard ground. However, as a professional agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Phil's combat literacy will definitely not be low. He did not ask why the containment expert from the Foundation knocked down the expert, but directly took out his weapon and Shen Shen Sheng asked, "Mr. Long, what kind of containment is this time?"

"invisible Man."

Agent Phil made the inquiry so cooperatively, and the avatar naturally began to introduce: "I found traces of the other party in the basement of an abandoned old house that was rumored to be haunted. Although I didn't find the rumored ghost, I found A stealthy guy."

[Famousness from Phil Coulson +105]

The existence of the invisible man from science fiction suddenly appeared in front of him, even Agent Phil, who was a professional agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Suppressing his inner surprise, Agent Phil raised his weapon to keep an eye on the surroundings, and continued to ask, "Can't we communicate?"

In theory, invisible people are also human, and should have the possibility of being able to communicate.


However, the clone's answer instantly shattered the hope that Agent Phil had in his heart.

"I have also tried to communicate, but it seems that the other party has been trapped in the basement for too long, and his mental state has completely deteriorated, there is a serious tendency to violent attacks, and he refuses to communicate. Of course, another possibility is not ruled out, that It's that the other party is not human at all..."

"Not a human?" Agent Phil looked surprised when he heard

"That's right," nodded, and the clone continued to throw out the settings: "In fact, the reason why I called the other party 'invisible man' is just a name I gave based on my own cognition and the appearance of the other party. It's not It means that the other party is really the so-called 'invisible man', maybe, he may be another creature unknown to us, or simply an alien, just like the aliens in the New York War."

"The ability to contain objects has a variety of backgrounds. Not to mention me, a containment expert, even the Foundation can't figure out all of them."


As the voice of the clone [Uncle Long] fell, a sharp and piercing sound suddenly sounded from the two of them.

Agent Phil instinctively moved to the side, and at the same time pulled the trigger in the direction of the sound.

A faint blue laser beam was fired from the gun in his hand, leaving a hole in the ground with white smoke.


Lowering his head, he glanced at the conspicuous knife-edge on his suit, and Agent Phil's expression was solemn.

"The invisible man seems to hide the weapon through his own body, and only reveals the trace at the moment of the attack."

Turning his footsteps carefully, trying not to reveal any flaws as much as possible, the clone [Uncle Long] glanced at the knife edge on Agent Phil's suit, and said in a deep voice.

"This kind of attack is not something ordinary people can do."

Originally, Agent Phil thought that what he was facing was just a human with invisible ability, but now it seems that, as the containment experts said, the other party may not be a real human.

"Otherwise, why do you think I ran away just now?"

Hearing Agent Phil's words, the clone [Uncle Long] replied with a bitter face.

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