Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 274: Sheep Charm

[The legend from Nick Fury...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

Seeing that the Avengers are patronizing and sending legends one by one, they frown in thought.

Li Ran could only be self-sufficient, and continued the trick through the mouth of another clone [Uncle Long]: "Dad, you never told me what kind of ability [Sheep Talisman] has?"

"That's because you never asked Dad." After taking over the words of the clone, Dad made an expression that everything was your fault, and said: "According to the records, the [Sheep Talisman] is also known as the In order to summon the talisman, it has the power to project the soul out of the body. This kind of ability can be placed in the hands of ordinary people. At most, it can make the bearer's soul leave the body, and the soul can linger anywhere in the world after leaving the body and flying out of the body. Wandering, the spirit body is silent, psychic, and it does not help any attack. However, placing it on the body of the [Holy Lord] can help it directly get rid of the shackles of the seal and freely possess anyone's body , I used to wonder why [Holy Master] was able to break free of the seal even though most of the spells were contained by the Foundation, now it seems that it should be the effect of the [Sheep Charm]."

"Dad, according to what you said, this battle with the [Holy Master] shouldn't be as dangerous as we imagined you?"

After listening to Dad's supplementary settings, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately shouted with a happy expression.

However, in the next second, the joy on his face turned into pain.


Retracting the hand knife that hit the clone's head, Dad frowned and replied: "Aaron, Dad never said that [Holy Master] is an evil demon, even if it is only the soul that escapes the seal, it is still very dangerous. Existence, in the face of such an evil object, you must be attentive and cautious, really, have you forgotten everything I taught you in the past, Aaron."

"I've always remembered it, Dad."

Rubbing his aching head, the clone replied with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Dad nodded, and put the topic back on the [Holy Master]: "Anyway, the appearance of the [Holy Master] must have its own purpose, the little girl just said it, the [Holy Master] look Possessing some kind of evil magic, intending to use the power of this magic to cause destruction, and maybe even planning to use this magic to collect the rest of the spells..."

"It's a desperate virus."

Hearing Dad's description, Maya Hansen couldn't help but correct her sentence.

However, Dad ignored Maya Hansen's correction and continued: "In order to stop the [Holy Lord], you must be ready for battle, and Dad will prepare magic, because only magic can defeat the [Holy Lord]."

Hearing the magic in Dad's mouth, Nick Fury thought of the cauldron in S.H.I.E.L.D., and couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes.

"Right, one more thing."

After explaining everything, Dad suddenly shouted with a stunned expression.

"Dad, what did you think of?"

Seeing this, the clone quickly asked.

"Hot tea, Aaron, prepare hot tea for daddy, daddy is thirsty."

The Avengers:"……"


"Cough cough~"


Lifting his foot and kicking away the dining table that was on his body, Tony looked at the shop that was in ruins, and then looked up at the scarred woman who was thrown off the wire by the huge impact of the explosion, and turned to Luke and said: " Your reminder just now didn't tell me it would be so dangerous."

"At least, I managed to save you, didn't I?"

Facing Tony's complaint, Luke raised the revolver in his hand and gently lifted his cowboy hat, then replied with a chuckle.

"However, I also almost got hurt by the impact of the explosion."

Tony untied the handcuffs on his wrists, not to be outdone.

As long as he was given time, the handcuffs would not be able to trap the dignified Iron Man at all.

Turning his aching wrist, Tony looked at Luke dressed as a cowboy in front of him, frowned and asked, "Then why are you here, Luke?"

"A member of the Assassin Brotherhood died in the recent explosion, and I'm looking for the perpetrators of this."

"In this way, our goals seem to be the same."

Hearing Luke's answer, Tony raised his eyebrows and said what he knew: "I got a file, and I have found some eyebrows from it, everything that exploded is related to a file named [Holy Lord]. ], and now I'm searching for the location of the [Holy Lord]."

"Feel sorry."

Just as Tony was thinking about how to put Lukla on his chariot to deal with the [Holy Lord], a frivolous voice suddenly came from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, next to the huge water tank in the town, the Scar Woman's accomplice said to Tony with a grim smile: "To be precise, Mr. Tony Stark, what you got is what belongs to us. ,so……"

Following the man's voice, his hand radiated hot energy like magma just like the scarred woman just now, and instantly melted the steel frame under the water tank, and suddenly pushed the melted steel frame down. As soon as it was pulled, accompanied by a huge roar, the water tank fell directly in the direction of Tony and Luke under the influence of the huge weight.


Facing the collapsed water tank, Tony's expression suddenly changed, and he was about to turn around and run away, but saw Luke, who was opposite him, still looking indifferent, standing in place.

"Luke, leave now!"

Seeing this, Tony quickly reached out and wanted to grab the cowboy and run away together.

However, in the face of Tony's pull, Luke had a calm expression and replied leisurely: "Don't worry, this water tank can't hurt us."


Facing the confident Luke, at first, Tony still looked blank.

However, in the next moment, he saw that one of the steel bars of the steel frame under the water storage tank that had been smashed straight at the two suddenly twisted, causing the angle of the originally smashed water storage tank to suddenly change. Deflection, carrying a violent impact across the position where the two were, and smashed heavily towards the other side.

"Why, would you..."

Feeling the huge impact caused by the cistern falling to the ground, Tony looked at Luke in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

Luke's performance proved that what just happened was no coincidence.

Looking at Tony's surprised look, Luke raised the corner of his mouth and said with a chuckle, "Because my luck has always been good."

In terms of combat effectiveness, Luke's ability may not be strong, and even if the lethality of bullets is increased to the limit, it is especially flawed. However, all these flaws are due to the addition of Luke's other ability [Lucky], which is It has been greatly improved, even regardless of lethality, in terms of survivability, Luke can be said to be the top-ranked existence in the cards in Li Ran's hand.

"It looks like you guys have had **** luck to survive under these circumstances."

Frowning, looking at Tony and Luke who were unscathed under his attack, the proud expression on the man's face instantly turned into a hideous look, and he opened his arms to unleash the power of the Extremis Virus and instantly turned himself into a blush. The figure: "Then, I chose to use a more cruel method to bake the two of you one by one."

In the face of the man's threat, Luke's expression did not change at all, and he raised the revolver in his hand and fired a bullet.

"No hit."

With the physical flexibility given by the desperate virus, the man turned sideways to avoid the flying bullets, turned his head to look at the opposite Luke, grinned and showed a hideous smile, and was about to make a mockery.


The next second, the bullet hit the steel frame and spattered sparks.

Immediately afterwards, under Tony's gaze, the crumbling steel frame behind the man suddenly lost its balance and smashed it instantly.

"Who said I didn't hit it."

He raised his hand and blew the smoking muzzle and said lightly.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from the Extremis Virus Experiment...]


[Legend]: 74560

"Now, the platforms on both sides are almost set up. It's also time to make arrangements for the forces of the [Holy Master]."

After successfully connecting with the Avengers and Tony in S.H.I.E.L.D. through Dad and Luke, Li Ran took his attention away from these avatars and immediately put them on the [Holy Master]. In any case, [Holy Master], as the big boss at the end of the game arranged by him, should not be too shabby, especially when the result of this battle directly affects the reputation.

In any case, it is also an existence in the setting that can destroy the world for thousands of years, and it is impossible to face the Avengers directly and face to face alone. If this is done, it will not only affect the strength of the [Holy Lord] BOSS, but also make Li Ran earn a lot less fame.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Li Ran decided to expand his subordinates for the [Holy Master].

As for the method of expanding his subordinates, it naturally depends on the system.

Although the reputation of more than 70,000 cannot draw B-rank cards, it is more than enough to draw a few C-rank character cards.

What's more, this battle was originally intended to gain popularity. If the [Holy Master]'s subordinates were arranged to be too powerful, it would also be unfavorable to the process of the battle.

While thinking about the next [Holy Master] VS Avengers Alliance, Li Ran's movements were not too slow. He directly consumed 10,000 Legend Degrees to exchange for a [Bronze Treasure Chest], and opened it with ease.

[Prop: Confidential Potion]

[Effect: Mutation]

[Introduction: From the world of "Transformation Spider-Man", a guy who imagines the ability of Spider-Man, and finally injects a drug extracted from spider blood to become a spider monster. 】

[Note: The distance between you and Peter Parker lies in a father. 】

[Note 2: I will jet injection - from the stomach. 】


[Prop: Blue-Eyes White Dragon]

[Effect: Duel]

[Introduction: There are only 4 super rare cards in the world from "Yu-Gi-Oh!", and it is also the core of the Kaiba Seto deck. 】

[Remarks: Let's be born, I, Seahorse Seto's strongest and most perfect servant. 】


[C-Class Card - Bakugou wins himself]

[Skill: Blast]

[Background introduction: The character in the comic "My Hero Academia", a student of Class A in the first grade of Xiongying High School. He has a hot personality, but has a delicate mind and strong self-esteem. He has a strong personality and fighting talent. He has longed for the No.1 hero All Might since he was a child, and is determined to surpass him to become the strongest hero. With explosive properties, the sweat of the palm mutates and secretes explosive substances similar to nitroglycerin. It can create explosions in the palm of your hand, and can also convert the blast wind into propulsion. The power of the explosion is proportional to the degree of sweating, so it is explosively powerful in summer and slow to start in winter. . 】

[Note: I not only want to be the number one, but also must be the impeccable and overwhelming number one. 】


Glancing at the props and cards opened in the [Bronze] treasure chest, Li Ran's expression did not fluctuate too much. After all, this time is different from the past. Now he has already mastered a lot of B-level cards in his hands, ordinary C-level cards. The card in his is actually not as exciting as it used to be.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Ran took another look at the shrinking reputation on the data panel, hesitated for a moment, and decided to draw again with the idea of ​​giving up.

[Prop: Chocolate]

【Effect: Edible】

[Introduction: It comes from the chocolate eaten by the protagonist Forrest Gump in the movie "Forrest Gump". 】

[Note: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will be. 】


[Props: I love a firewood]

[Effect: hehe]

[Introduction: The props from "The Deer and Ding Ding", so the name implies, when this thing is poisoned, the poisoned person will fuss at the strip or stick-shaped object, and keep chasing for a kiss, no matter what. No matter how you resist, or even humiliate him or beat him, he will still move forward bravely and will not give up. . 】

[Note: Don't touch this thing, you can't stand it if you smell it. 】


[C-Class Card - Sato]

[Skill: Demihuman]

[Background introduction: The character in the comic "Asian" used to be an American special forces soldier, who was called "hat" by Tozaki and the Asia-human Management Association. Now he has come to Japan to gather like-minded demihumans, and the organization has established a "war on mankind" website. An extremely cruel, ruthless and cunning game madman. He has had a violent and dangerous personality since he was a child. I used to like to kill small animals. Show no mercy to yourself or your enemies. Always smiling and unpredictable. 】

[Note: It's not me that's wrong, it's the world! 】

"This time, [Holy Master]'s subordinates have it."

Looking at the [Bakugou Shengji] opened in the previous treasure chest, and at the [Sato] card, the thoughts in Li Ran's mind flashed.

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