Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 282: Mutations


After a cough, Falcon reminded the members of the Avengers.

"...The battle isn't over yet."

If he changed to another time and place, he would naturally be happy to hear his father's introduction to spells.

"Sam is right."

Hearing Falcon's reminder, Steve immediately restrained his expression, tightened the shield in his hand and said in a deep voice: "[Holy Lord] is the main goal of our operation this time."


Following Steve's words, Dad immediately shouted towards the clone [Uncle Long] on the side.

"What's the matter, Dad?"

Hearing the shout, [Uncle Long] cooperated with a puzzled expression.

"Where is the moth prepared by Dad, we need to find the location of the [Holy Lord] through the guidance of the moth."

"Dad, the bottle containing the moths has long been smashed in the previous crash landing of the fighter plane." The face of the clone [Uncle Long] made a timely expression of hesitation, hesitating. After a while, he carefully revealed the bad news to the old man in front of him.


Sure enough, after hearing the news given by [Uncle Long], Dad's voice subconsciously increased.

"This is a magic moth that Dad spent a whole night on purpose. You actually broke it, Aaron. You just want to **** me off, Aaron!"

"Sorry dad, but under the previous situation, I didn't have much time to react at all."

In the face of his father's angrily reproach, [Uncle Long] could only sully face the blame.

"It's too bad. Without the guidance of the magic moth, we can't find the trace of the [Holy Lord] at all."

Shaking his head, Dad said with a helpless look on his face.

"Although I don't know what the so-called magic moth is all about." His eyes swept over the sighing old man beside him, because of the separation, Tony did not know the identity of the father: "However, if it is because of [ Holy Master], I don’t think it is necessary to use any magical power.”

As he spoke, Tony gave Jarvis a soft command through his helmet.

The next second, the steel armor standing around started up again, and the flames sprayed from the body flew towards the direction of the base.

"The power of technology can also have an effect."

"Technology?" Tony's remarks obviously touched a sensitive nerve of Dad. He looked at Tony wearing a steel battle suit in front of him, and said in a bad tone: "Do you think technology will be better than Dad and me? magic is more effective?"

"Did I say so?"

Facing the cockfighting father, Tony under the helmet couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Technology is evil. It is the power of the devil. Excessive reliance on the power of technology will one day suffer bitter consequences."

For technology, Dad obviously holds a very deep prejudice, and even compares it to the power of demons.

"I don't think so. In fact, I think technology is the future trend of human beings. Most of the wars in this world are due to the mistakes of human beings. Technology, in theory, can reduce all disasters to a minimum. After all, humans may be tired and shaken by emotional factors, but robots will never be tired, as long as they change parts frequently."

It seems that since this period, Tony has already had the prototype of 'Ultron' in his mind.

Inside the antique store, Li Ran couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Tony's remarks.

Obviously, the continuous fighting has gradually prompted Tony to have the idea of ​​using robots to protect the peace.

If you listen to Tony's description alone, it seems that there is no problem with robots replacing superheroes.

However, judging by the results, it is clear that Tony rolled over.

Although he successfully created the artificial intelligence 'Ultron' through his research on Loki's scepter and Banner, the born 'Ultron' not only failed to protect the world according to his original design ideas, but believed that the only way to peace is to Destroy humans and the Avengers.

To put it simply, it was the artificial intelligence that Tony made to protect the peace, but it turned out to be the biggest threat to mankind.

"Absolutely impossible. If one day, human beings are ruled by technology, then it will definitely be a catastrophe for human beings. Dad is the first to stand up against evil robots."

Based on his understanding of the future, Li Ran was naturally able to use his father's words to come to such a conclusion.

It's just obvious that Tony in this period, on the premise that he has never seen the harm of "Ultron", is full of confidence and expectations for the prototype of artificial intelligence.


There is still a long way to go before the ** of 'Ultron'.

In the eyes, the most important thing is this battle with the [Holy Lord].


With the loud explosion, the wreckage of a gray-blue steel armor flew out of the base and fell in front of Tony.


Glancing at the broken Mark40 on the ground, Tony hurriedly asked Jarvis.

"Target found, sir."

Under the mask, Jarvis played the last footage of the Mark40 before it was damaged.

In the picture, the Mark40 that flew into the base shuttled through the narrow corridor, and then found a familiar figure in a white lab coat in a laboratory of the base. Looking at the Mark40 appearing in front of him, the figure flickered. The fiery red glow, and the next instant a fiery flame shot out from the opponent's mouth, hitting the Mark40 accurately, and then the video image blurred.


Seeing the faces in the video, Tony couldn't help but blurt out and called out the other party's name.

The figure in the picture is clearly Killian.

Judging from the content presented in the video, Killian is obviously also injected with the Extremis virus, which has the ability to generate high temperature and flames.


"The armor found Killian's figure in the base."

Here, Tony just finished watching the video and reminded the Avengers beside him.

The next moment, with a brilliant flash of fire, Killian exuded a fiery high temperature flowing in front of the Avengers.

"Tony Stark! The Avengers!"

Glancing at Tony in steel armor in front of him, Killian's face flashed a dazzling red light.

"Tony Stark, do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?"


Looking at Killian in front of him, Tony's expression in the steel suit was complicated.

In fact, after what the [Holy Lord] said in the villa and his subsequent series of investigations, Tony already knew exactly why Killian became what he is now, and what he did in the past. There is an inseparable relationship, and it can even be said that he personally prompted the transformation of Killian.

"I admit that I did do some unforgivable things in the past."

Acknowledging his past doesn't mean Tony let go of Killian in front of him.

"However, my fault is not an excuse for you to use the Extremis virus to create explosions and panic."

"I didn't do all this to get your forgiveness, Tony Stark." The temperature in the control body rose again, and under Tony's gaze, Killian's whole body had turned into a red figure: "I want to To prove to you, Tony Stark, the power of the Extremis virus is the most powerful, I want you to experience for yourself what you missed in the beginning..."

As he spoke, Killian opened his mouth, and a fiery flame shot out of his mouth and fell directly on Tony on the opposite side.

"Warning, warning, the temperature outside the mecha is rising sharply..."

The temperature generated by the Extremis Virus was extremely high, and it caused great damage to the steel battle suit on his body almost at the moment of wrapping Tony.

In the high temperature, the appearance of the battle suit quickly heated up and turned red, and in just a few seconds, even the temperature inside the battle suit had reached an unbearable range for Tony.

"Jarvis, call all armors!"

Raising his arms to resist the surging flames in front of him, Tony clenched his teeth and shouted at Jarvis while enduring the attack of the flames.

"Yes, sir."

Following Tony's order, a few seconds later, a large number of steel armors flew out from the base, and one of the dark silver armors directly blocked Killian and Tony, blocking the flames. The blazing flames fell on the armor, but it was not directly destroyed like other armors before. On the contrary, it was facing the constant flames. This steel armor was like a steel city wall, directly protecting Tony in the behind.

Mark23, a high temperature resistant armor developed by Tony, has multiple layers of thermal insulation protection and defensive armor, can work normally in extreme temperature environments, and can even walk on magma erupted from volcanoes when necessary.

Although, the purpose of his development of this armor was not to deal with the desperate virus, but it is obvious that Mark23 has the effect of restraint against the desperate virus that can emit hot and high temperature. With the cover of Mark23, Tony quickly changed his armor, replacing the armor that had been blackened by flames with a set of heavy black armor.


From the previous set of scalding armor, Tony felt relieved after feeling the power of the new armor. He turned to look at Killian on the opposite side, and without hesitation, he ordered the surrounding armor to launch an attack command.

"It seems that there is no chance for us to do it at all."

Glancing at the steel armor that is not afraid of life and death, Falcon couldn't help shrugging.

"These evil and terrible things, they eat the soul of man."

Looking at the steel armors constantly appearing around, Dad tried his best to maintain his character.



bang -- bang --

The ability of the desperate virus is powerful, and the high temperature combined with the ability to cure can almost allow the injector to deal with most combat situations.

But obviously, no matter how powerful the ability is, there is a limit after all, not to mention the ability of the desperate virus, which has its own defects. After using the ability to burn and melt the armor, Killian began to fall into the crisis. Mark23 is the arrow. Most of the heavy armor of the fighter stood in front, blocking Killian's flames, followed by the light lift-off behind him, directly suppressing Killian's actions by virtue of the flight advantage.

"Give it up, Killian, you have no chance of winning."

Using mecha tactics to suppress Killian, in the Mark24 tank, Tony looked at Killian who had been surrounded by layers of armor, and then said.

"Now, tell me Killian, where is [Holy Lord]?"

As Tony took control of the Mark24 on his body, the armor in front of him moved neatly to both sides to make way.

Walking in front of Killian and stopping, Tony looked at Killian who was gasping for breath, and then asked his purpose.


He opened his mouth to shoot flames, and was directly blocked by the armor beside Tony. Killian looked at the steel armor that surrounded him and the avengers who were staring at him not far away, his face flushed red because of the high temperature. With a look of despair, he controlled the high temperature on his body to slowly drop, and returned to his normal appearance. Killian said silently: "After the failure of the subordinates you arranged, do you think [Holy Lord] has any reason to continue. Stay I've been abandoned, just like you used to be to me..."

Looking up and looking at Tony in front of him, Killian said in a desperate tone.

Killian's words silenced Tony for a moment.

However, at this moment, while Tony was distracted by his own words. Killian hurriedly took out a special box from his jacket pocket, opened a syringe containing a red turbid liquid, and stabbed himself without hesitation.

Push the injection rod to inject all the liquid in the syringe into your body.


Noticing Killian's action, Tony's face turned sideways, and the armor quickly launched a shock wave behind him and hit the opponent's arm holding the syringe.

However, Tony's reaction speed was still a step too late, and all the red liquid in the syringe had been injected by Killian.

"Dad has a bad premonition!"

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Dad couldn't help but say something.

"What did you just inject yourself with?"

Under the helmet, Tony's face was a little ugly.

"Power, the power that [Holy Lord] gave me to overcome everything!"

In the face of Tony's questioning, Killian's face showed a smug smile, and he smiled excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened suddenly, dark red meridians covered his body and face, and his expression was hideous.


A painful roar came out of his mouth, and Killian fell directly to the ground, struggling and rolling over and over.

As the Avengers watched, the muscles of Killian's whole body rapidly expanded, several obvious bulges on his back undulating and contracting, and black hairs visible to the naked eye spread all over the surface of his body.

After a few minutes, Killian stopped screaming, but his appearance had completely changed.

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