Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 453: Dad's reminder

"Okay, it looks like you're right, Dad."

Looking at the resurrected Evil Knight in front of him, [Uncle Long] turned his head to look at the old man behind him and shrugged.

"This skeleton is indeed unusual."

"What did I say, Aaron, never question what Dad said!"

With an expression I already knew on his face, he said something to [Uncle Long], Dad jumped off the motorcycle, walked towards the evil spirit rider in front of him, and pretended to play with his hands in mid-air: "Dad I can feel the magic breath left in the air. Obviously, it is not an ordinary existence to fight against the evil spirit knight. This magic contains a very deep evil force. This kind of evil fluctuation is only a demon in hell. I just felt it.”

"Dad, have you ever been in contact with demons?"

Hearing Dad's pretentious description, [Uncle Long] on the motorcycle immediately cooperated and made a surprised expression.

"There's more that you don't know, Aaron."

Looking back at [Uncle Long], the old man looks like a story.

However, in fact, your series of guesses in front of him are actually based on the premise that Hei Xin has already been in contact with Hei Xin. The previous contact between Hei Xin and Chang Emir has long been passed on to Li Ran through the high priest.

Therefore, the old man just used the information he knew from the main body, and acted mysteriously in front of the evil spirit knight.

Although, the secret behind this is blunt and there is no mystery, but for the unknowing Ghost Rider. Dad's series of expressions still successfully shocked him. Hearing your series of analysis in Dad's mouth, he opened and closed his reassembled jaw, and then said back: "You are right, I He was indeed attacked by a demon from hell, the demon's name is Blackheart, the son of Mephistopheles, the lord of hell."

"Mephistopheles, this is the legendary great demon. According to legend, it is one of the evil lords in hell, a cunning and powerful demon."

Following the Ghost Rider's words, Dad cooperated and looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him with a thoughtful expression.

"In fact, my power comes from a contract transaction with Mephistopheles."

Feeling his father's scrutinizing gaze, Ghost Rider responded immediately.

"The devil's contract is full of all kinds of traps, and its fundamental purpose is to deceive your heart, especially a big devil like Mephisto, you're just joking with your own life by signing a contract with it. ."

"I had no choice at the time."

Ghost Rider, no, Johnny Blazer didn't know this, but he had no choice at that time.

In order to save his adoptive father, he was willing to trade his soul for him.

However, he did not expect that, in the end, he still underestimated the evil and cunning of the devil. Mephisto signed a contract with him, but he played a trick on the most crucial point. Although it guaranteed to cure his adoptive father's cancer, it did not. Said he would not die, so just when Johnny Blazer thought he had successfully rescued his adoptive father, his adoptive father eventually died of a speeding stunt.

"In short, demons are the most evil and cunning creatures in the world."

Although the entire face of Johnny Blazer was burned by the fire of hell, only a skeleton remained, but Dad still felt a strong sense of grief and anger from him.

Looking directly at the Ghost Rider in front of him, Dad made the last reminder of what he could do.

"However, since it has signed a contract with you, it must act according to the content of the contract at some point. Although the devil can set many traps in the contract, at the same time the contract will also become your most critical. Protective power, as long as the contract exists, the devil cannot bypass the power to harm you, the contract is not only your reminder, but also your umbrella."


Dad's reminder made the flames in Ghost Rider's eyes flicker.


He bowed his head in a hoarse voice and thanked him. The next moment, he grabbed his palm and grabbed the iron chain that fell on the road back into his hand.

Waving the chain to wrap it around him again, the Ghost Rider turned over and sat on his ghost-faced Harley, stepping on the accelerator to make the entire Harley burst into flames, and said, "However, right now, there is one more important thing. Things are waiting for me to resolve."

Although the contract with Mephistopheles had a huge impact on the Ghost Rider, the ambition shown by this demon in the previous battle with Blackheart also made the Ghost Rider feel a sense of urgency and threat.

If Black Heart gains the power of the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract', the world will undoubtedly fall into a huge crisis.

A demon who can walk freely in the world will undoubtedly turn the whole world into hell.

Boom, boom—

Driving the ghost-faced Harley, Ghost Rider dragged a long flame in front of the two and disappeared at the end of the road.

"Dad, us?"

Seeing the disappearing figure of the Ghost Rider, Dad immediately turned over and got back on the motorcycle driven by [Uncle Long]: "Following the mark of the flame, Dad has a hunch that all this must have a great relationship with the content of the prophecy in the dream. Relationship."


Bang, bang!

Fired the old shotgun with hellfire wrapped around in its hand, and under the wrap of flame, each bullet has a powerful magical power.

These burning bullets landed on Chang Amir's body, instantly burning out the scarabs on its surface, leaving sparse pits one by one.

The [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand flashed a faint red light and summoned more scarabs to fill the vacancies on his body. Chang Emir looked at the evil spirit knight in front of him, but the contempt in his eyes was replaced by a strong sense of vigilance.

After riding the **** horse, Carter Slay was completely different from before.

With the cooperation of the warhorse, Carter Slay repeatedly showed his powerful side as a Ghost Rider. If the Ghost Rider incarnated by Johnny Blazer is a rampaging warrior, then Carter Sley is this The Ghost Rider of the previous generation was more like a dexterous ranger.

Through the flexible movement of the **** warhorse under the body, it is matched with the **** shotgun in its hands.

Carter Sley's every blow hit Chang Amir's body. Under this shot, even if he was wrapped in a scarab, Chang Amir couldn't help but feel a little worried.


Another incendiary bullet hit Chang Amir's thigh. Carter Sley looked at the black man who stopped himself. The flames on the skeleton burned by the fire of **** stirred, and then made a hoarse and old voice. : "Didn't you say before that you want to dismantle this old guy into a skeleton, why is it not moving now?"

Stretching out his fingers that were only skeletons left under the scorching fire of hell, he raised the brim of his hat, and the evil spirit knight Carter Slay looked at Chang Amir in front of him: "If, you only have this power. , then, the next battle may be quite boring, as the last battle of my career as a Ghost Rider, I don't want it to end in such an anticlimactic way."

"You thought that a horse and a gun alone could take me..."

Carter Shire's remarks undoubtedly angered Chang Amir.

His dark face showed a ferocious expression, and the claw marks on his face became more and more distorted and terrifying in anger: "You have no idea how powerful the power I have is."

Raising his palm to expose the red glowing [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, Chang Amir looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him, raised his voice and shouted, "The power I have shown so far. , is only less than one-tenth of the power of the [Scarab Seal], since you can't wait to die, then I will fulfill your wish and directly dismantle you into skeletons."

In line with Chang Amir's words, the high priest activated the power of the [Black Book of the Undead].

In an instant, the scarabs on Chang Amir's body began to emerge crazily, covering most of the cemetery in the blink of an eye.

"Is this the power you rely on?"

Reaching out and touching the cowboy hat on his head, Carter Slay looked at the dense black mist formed by scarab beetles in front of him, and the eye sockets of the skeletons wrapped in hellfire showed obvious vigilance.

The power Chang Emir showed at this moment was an unprecedented threat even to the battle-hardened Ghost Rider.

Carter Srey sensed a different evil from these scarabs than the hellfire demons.

"Old man, it seems that the next battle will require us to fight for our lives."

Reaching out to touch the **** warhorse under him, Carter Slay couldn't help muttering.


Under the power of hellfire, hellfire obviously has a very high intelligence.

Feeling the will of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat from the master on his back, the warhorse immediately made his own sharp horse cry, and responded with hoofs.

"Maybe, this is my final ending."

Under the response of the old buddy Hell Warhorse, Carter Srey seemed to return to his days as a Ghost Rider fighting in an instant.

The skeleton face wrapped in hellfire just showed a smile of reminiscence, and Carter Slay murmured: "The rest of my life has been escaping, atonement, for everything I have committed before, but in fact I know very well that no matter what I do, those criminals cannot be replaced, and those who have been hurt because of me have long been unable to respond to me with forgiveness."

"Then, as a Ghost Rider, going to **** seems like a good destination for someone like me."

The hellfire on his body erupted with more powerful power along with Carter Slay's mind change. The Ghost Rider put away the shotgun in his hand, stared at the scarab swarm in front of him, grabbed the reins of the warhorse and pulled hard, and then I saw the upper body of the **** warhorse volleyed into the air, turned into a huge flame under the package of **** fire, and rushed towards Chang Emir in front of him.

"I want to see if the flames on you are endless."

Looking at Carter Slay who rushed forward without hesitation, Chang Amir immediately let out a roar and waved his thin palm.

He saw the scarab behind him rushing towards the Ghost Rider like a surging black tide.



In the face of these scarabs rushing in continuously, at first, the hellfire on the ghost knight also played a role of isolation.

Under the burning of these hellfires, the first scarab beetles that rushed forward were burned away by the power of the flames before they could get close to Carter Srey's body.

However, as Carter Slay said before, it is the Ghost Rider of the previous generation.

The power of hellfire on his body has already reached the limit, and the flame power that has skyrocketed in an instant is actually just a performance similar to the return of light.

After the flames burned most of the scarabs, the power of the hellfire on Carter Shire began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, these weakened flames could not cause destructive damage to the dense scarabs in front of him.

"Haha, it looks like I bet right, your power has already reached its limit."

The change in the flames on Carter Sley's body was most obvious to Chang Amir, who was controlling the scarab's He noticed that the scarab that rushed to Carter Sree didn't blink as before. Being burned into a black mist, Chang Amir immediately laughed wildly, and twisted the hideous claw marks on his face: "Suffer to death, Evil Knight."

Along with Chang Amir's hoarse voice, the remaining scarabs immediately rushed towards Carter Srey.


Under the bite of these scarabs, even the **** warhorse, which had been turned into a skeleton under the power of hellfire, made a high-pitched horse cry.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that both the **** warhorse and the ghost knight Carter Sley riding on it were completely wrapped up by these scarabs.

"Just stick with it old man, it's just a little bit..."

A second before being engulfed by the scarab, Carter Srey reached out and grabbed his waist, while whispering in a voice that only he and the war horse could hear.

"As long as you take a few steps forward..."


The **** warhorse wrapped in scarabs obviously heard the last request of the ghost knight, and the last flames spewed from its nostrils. After a few steps, he was a leap away from Chang Amir's position.

However, it was this one that jumped up and became a moat that could not be crossed by the war horses of hell.

"Well done, old man, you've helped me a lot."

However, the Evil Knights covered in scarabs looked at Chang Emir who was still some distance away in front of him, but an unprecedented blazing light flashed in his empty eye sockets.


Accompanied by Carter Shire's figure, a long whip wrapped in raging flames slapped the space and made a loud smashing sound, and fell fiercely in the direction of Chang Amir.

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