Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 491: Wasp Warrior

Inside the Wasp suit, Darren Krause had a gloomy and dangerous expression on his face.

In order to complete the research on the 'Pym particle', Pym Technology has naturally developed more than one wasp warrior suit.

In fact, it can be seen from Darren Krause's naming of the suit's name that the wasp warrior, the soldier, was originally a concept, representing the possibility of mass production of the suit. However, because of the relationship that Dr. Hank Pym deliberately concealed before, Darren Krause's research on the "Pym Particle" has not progressed, and even the development of the Wasp Warrior suit has also been affected.

At this moment, what Darren Krause is equipped with is the first-generation wasp warrior suit that he participated in and developed, which is the previous version of the finished suit that the phantom thief Kidd stole.

Unlike the finished wasp warrior, because it is only a modulated version of the experimental suit, Darren Krauss did not carry too many weapons and equipment on this suit, and the 'Pym particles' on the suit also did not. It's not very stable, and it can't grow and shrink as freely as the wasp warriors in the exhibition.

If possible, Darren Krauss is reluctant to equip such an experimental suit.

However, in order to be able to **** back his experimental results, he had to risk the possible dangers to incarnate as a wasp warrior.

"You ruined everything for me, Kaito Kid."

Step by step, he approached the location of the phantom thief. Although his face was wrapped in the helmet of the wasp warrior, he could still hear Darren Claus's resentment from his tone.

"Because of your relationship, everything I finally built has been destroyed, but it doesn't matter, as long as I can get the wasp warrior in your hands back, I still have hope of making a comeback, although the buyers here in New York have lost Yes, but I know there's a group of people who are very interested in what I've done."

Hydra, this is the group that Darren Krause said was interested in his research results.

Although the Hydra base in Western Europe has been wiped out by the Avengers, even Strucker was captured by them.

However, just as Hydra swore, one head was cut off and two heads grew.

Dr. Zola, who escaped, took control of the new Hydra base, and, as the controller of the new Hydra base, Dr. Zola was very interested in scientific and technological research. Whether it is Darren Krause's Pym Technology Company or the Osman Group controlled by the little green goblin Harry Osborn, they are all objects of contact.

"As long as I take back the battle suit that belongs to me!"

As he spoke, Darren Krause controlled his Hornets suit and shrunk just like Scott Lang.

As a wasp warrior with the goal of war weapons, Darren Krause's suit is obviously more advanced and even dangerous than Scott Long ant-man, even if the suit on his body is not the same because of the original prototype. There are not too many weapons and devices, but even so, with the jet device on the back of the suit, Darren Kraus can make the flying movement that Scott Lang needs to rely on ants to complete.

At the same time, Darren Krause's wrist was also equipped with the laser ray weapon that he had temporarily placed in the laboratory before.

This device also exists as a spine on the back of the wasp warrior developed by the new generation, and has a more powerful attack and destructive power.

After shrinking, Darren Krause's entire attack trajectory became more elusive and elusive with the flexible flight movement.

A large number of blue laser beams are emitted from the void, and because the target is difficult to catch with the naked eye, these lasers become more difficult to avoid.

Therefore, under the attack of these lasers, even the phantom thief Kid seems to be in a hurry.

At least, it looks like this.

"Darren Krause!"

Although the wasp warrior on the phantom thief is his own target, Scott Lang obviously cannot allow Darren Kraus to attack everywhere with such a dangerous suit.

Therefore, the moment he saw him shrink, Scott Lang pressed the button in his hand without any hesitation, and also shrunk his body and flew towards Darren Krause's position.

Of course, because of the different technological level of the suit itself, Scott Lang's movement also requires the power of ants.

"You're insulting me, Scott Lang!"

Faced with Scott Lang, who was flying towards him in the old-fashioned Ant-Man suit.

Darren Krause's face was obviously disdainful: "Your existence is an insult to me!"

For Scott Lang himself, Darren Krause obviously also harbored hatred. Simply put it in the hands of a thief ex-convict.

"You're not worthy of the Ant-Man suit at all."

"Whether you deserve it or not, it's not what you say."

Controlling the ants under him to avoid the laser attack from Darren Krause, Scott Lang replied without showing weakness: "In fact, your performance at the moment fully shows that Dr. Hank Pym refused to do so. What a right decision you made."

Grabbing the ants under him with both hands, Scott Lang looked up in the direction of Darren Claus, and as he controlled a large number of ants began to flock to Darren Claus.

Although the suit itself, Scott Lang's Ant-Man suit is not as advanced as Darren Krause's, but Hank Pimbo matched the Ant-Man suit with various auxiliary weapons.

These ants that can be controlled in front of them are one of them.

Under the interference of a large number of ants, Darren Krause's laser attack suddenly lost the target, and he waved his arms to drive away these annoying ants.

It's just that the movements that were easy in human form have now become extremely difficult as a shrunken body. From the size of the body alone, there is not much difference between these ants and Darren Krauss. gap.

Fortunately, although the size has become smaller under the influence of the Wasp Warrior, Darren Krause's own strength has not weakened due to the change in size.

Using his own strength, Darren Krause shook off the surrounding ants, and at the same time, Scott Lang had already controlled the ants flying under him and rushed in front of him without hesitation. The raised arm is a punch down.


In mid-air, although the two similarly shrunk figures were difficult to catch with the naked eye, the crashing sound they made when they fought was clearly transmitted to the ears of Kaito Kid and Mister Fantastic Reed.

And, under Scott Lang's punch, Darren Krauss landed on the ground of Pym Technology Company, forming a crack as fine as a spider web texture.

"Cough cough..."

Scott Lang's attack caused Darren Claus to cough violently, and at the same time, the wasp warrior on his body returned to its original human size again due to the unstable relationship of the 'Pym particle'.

"Looks like you're not as powerful as you say."

Jumping down from the ant and pressing the button in his hand, Scott Lang looked down at Darren Krause's figure, and then said sarcastically.

"Do you think you can hurt me with just this punch?"

Struggling to get up from the ground, Darren Krause looked at Scott Lang in front of him and said unwillingly: "My wasp warrior is several times stronger than the Ant-Man on you, you should be the one to be afraid of. "

Following Darren Krause's voice, he controlled his battle suit to slowly lift off and shrink again.


However, a few seconds passed.

Darren Krauss has clearly made an attack, but his figure shows no sign of getting smaller.

"It seems that the battle uniform on your body is not very bright."

Here, Darren Krause was caught in a dilemma because of the unstable deformation of the Hornets suit, but Scott Lang, who was opposite him, had no intention of letting go.

Seizing this opportunity, he turned into Ant-Man again with a single step and pressed the button in his palm, bounced right, and Darren Krause launched a heavy punch.



Because of the ineffectiveness of the battle suits, the battle between Darren Krauss and Scott Lang actually appears to be unilaterally beaten.

"Looks like we have nothing to do with this fight."

Raising his eyebrows, looking at Darren Krause's messy posture in his eyes, Kaito Kid twitched the corners of his mouth and stepped back a few steps, making a faint appearance of retreating.

"Mr. Monster Thief, now is not the time for you to leave."

Noticing the little action of the phantom thief, Mr. Fantastic Reed immediately stretched his arm to stop him in front of the phantom thief Kidd, and said righteously.

"In fact, if I want to leave, you can't stop me, Mr. Fantastic."

Looking down at Reed's arm, the thief lowered his top hat and said confidently.

"Perhaps, Mr. Monster Thief, what you said is not wrong, but I'm not the only one who wants to stop you."

"Everyone is not allowed to move!"

Following the words of Mr. Fantastic Reed, a large number of figures in police uniforms and body armor rushed into the Pym Technology Company.

"Phantom Thief Kidd!"

The leading director, George Stacy, looked at the familiar figure in Pym Technology, and immediately shouted with a dark face and gritted teeth.

"Meet again, Chief George Stacy."

Facing the hateful eyes of Chief George Stacy, the thief Kidd greeted him quite enthusiastically. He pressed down his top hat and gave a standard gentleman's salute, while also facing the New York police officer. The director of the bureau sent a sincere apology: "I'm sorry, because of the disguise you have endured the stench in the bathroom for so long."

"Phantom Thief Kidd!"

Obviously, the apology from the phantom thief not only failed to appease George Stacy's emotions, but instead made the police chief's face a little darker.

In the corners of the twitching mouths of the surrounding subordinates, he gritted his teeth and saw the thief Kidd say: "I swear, I will send you to prison at all!"

"You have said this more than once, Chief George Stacy."

Facing the usual threats from Director George Stacy, Kaito Kidd shrugged his shoulders calmly and replied.

Although the phantom thief's reaction made George Stacy feel indignant, deep in his heart he was equally aware that what the other party said was the truth. Of course, this result only made George Stacy's already squeezing emotions even more angry, and there was a lot of anger in his heart, and then George Stacy noticed that within Pym Technology, Darren Krause's figure still swaying despite his warning.

"Stop, didn't you hear my warning just now?"

Frowning tightly, Chief George Stacy aimed the muzzle of his gun at Darren Krause.

Although Director George Stacy's warning was severe, he obviously chose the wrong target. Darren Krause, who seemed to be provocative in front of him, was in fact just unilaterally under attack from Scott Lang.

However, all this fell in front of Chief George Stacy, who could not see Scott Lang's figure, but it became Darren Krause's greatest disregard of his warning.

Therefore, after confirming that his repeated warnings were still ineffective, Chief George Stacy pulled the trigger in his hand and shot in the direction of Darren Krause without hesitation.

bang, bang—

The flying bullets are directly bounced off the wasp warrior's suit. As a powerful weapon developed for individual combat, the wasp warrior naturally has a strong bulletproof ability.

Although Chief George Stacy's bullet could not hurt Darren Krause in the wasp suit, it obviously had an unexpected effect on Scott Lang, who was attacking around him. In order to avoid these flying Bullets, Scott Lang had to stop his attack.

And at this time, Darren Krause seized the opportunity, took a few steps back and got a chance to You will regret, Scott Lang, not in the first place Time kills me. "

Although the wasp battle suit guaranteed Darren Krause's life, the pain of these attacks on his body could not be offset. He said while breathing heavily.


On his body, the original Hornet suit has been damaged in many places due to the repeated attacks. However, Darren Krause did not care about this at all. He clenched his fists, and under the impetus of hatred, Without hesitation, he conveyed his will to shrink in the battle suit.

As Darren Krause's thoughts flickered, a large amount of current leaking from the Wasp suit wrapped it up, and then his figure was also affected by the unstable 'Pym particles' on the suit. Pulling and pulling, resulting in a drastic change in shape.

"Ah ah ah!"


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