Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 524: Ice Age

Next to Natasha.

Falcon Sam listened to [Kuzan]'s description of being so "understanding", he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and whispered.

If the previous self-proclaimed vice-captain of the SCP Foundation's third mobile squad [Dominic Butch] could speak so well.

Perhaps the immediate conflict could have been avoided instead of the current scene.

However, compared to Sam, Natasha is not so easy.

She frowned and looked at [Kuzan] in front of her. The sharpness from the super agent made Natasha's inner unease unable to let go.


Sure enough, under Natasha's uneasy gaze, [Kuzan] in front of Captain America changed the conversation and continued to say in his low voice: "I won't question or deny the position of others, it doesn't mean being someone else, especially When it is the actions of the American government that hinder the actions of the SCP Foundation, I will remain indifferent. Although [Dominic Butch]'s actions on behalf of the SCP Foundation are extreme, he is still the vice-captain of my third action team... So, whether it's for the vice-captain [Dominic Butch] or the SCP Foundation, it's imperative for me to make America clear where we stand."

"Okay, I take back what I said earlier."

Seeing the sudden change of position of [Kuzan] in front of him, Sam sighed silently, and at the same time controlled the metal wings behind him and assumed a fighting stance.

"Isn't there a better way?"

From the words of [Kuzan], Steve clearly understood the position of the leader of the third mobile squad of the SCP Foundation in front of him. He raised his shield to protect it in front of him, but he still had expectations in his heart.

"Sorry, Captain America, I agree with your position, but that doesn't mean I'll join it."


Although [Kuzan]'s performance was not as cold as [Dominic Butch], Steve also understood the meaning of his words from his answer.

Behind the shield, Steve took a deep breath, and immediately showed his attitude to [Kuzan] with a firm face.

"In this case, I can only say sorry. As Captain America, I can't watch these soldiers get hurt and remain indifferent. For me, they are also the objects of my protection."

"What a pity, Captain America, it looks like our positions are not only inconsistent, but even conflicting."

Looking down at Steve with a firm expression in front of him, [Kuzan] gently shook his head, stretched out his palm and placed it in front of his mouth and blew lightly.

"ice skates!"

Reaching out to grab the handle of the ice blade, [Kuzan] pointed at Steve and said, "And I won't let go of the existence that hinders my position, Captain America."

"Me too, [Kuzan]."

As a World War II veteran, Steve himself is a decisive person, and once a decision is made, it will not be easily changed.

"Then, catch my skate, Captain America."

Now that they have both expressed their positions and attitudes, there is nothing to say next.

[Kuzan] Waving the ice blade in his hand, he slashed towards Steve with a bone-chilling chill.


He raised the vibranium shield in his hand to block [Kuzan]'s slash.

The sound of the shield touching the ice blade was like a metal collision, which proved that the ice blade that [Kuzan] made in his hand was not only not as fragile as it looked, but was even hard enough to match Steve's shield. collision.

With the powerful defense of the shield, Steve successfully blocked the attack of [Kuzan].

However, [Kuzan]'s slash brought more than just powerful power. On the surface of the shield that the blade of the ice blade touched, a bone-chilling chill immediately spread along the ice blade.

Although the shield made by Zhenjin also has the ability to resist extreme temperatures, it was quickly covered with a thin layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye in the face of the constant stream of frozen breath from [Kuzan].

"team leader!"

Seeing that, Steve had a tough time under the attack of [Kuzan].

Without any hesitation, the metal wings behind Falcon Sam's control rushed towards the two of them.

"Ice cubes "two thorn spears"!"

Looking at the flying falcon, the expression on [Kuzan]'s face did not change in the slightest. He held the ice blade in one hand to suppress Steve in front of him, while the other hand was slightly raised to aim at the position of the falcon. , with a light drink in the mouth. Two triangular ice spears made of ice cubes quickly formed behind him and shot at Sam in the direction of [Kuzan]'s fingers.


In the face of the menacing ice spear, Sam did not choose to pick it up like Steve did.

After all, he doesn't have an indestructible shield like Captain America's.

Controlling the metal wings behind him, Sam deftly turned over and avoided the flying ice spear.


However, before Sam could breathe a sigh of relief, a bone-chilling ice spear passed by and spread to him. Under the influence of the frozen breath, the metal wings on Sam's back immediately lost their original flexibility. In response, with the harsh mechanical sound, a layer of frost appeared on it, and Sam fell straight to the ground like a bird without wings.


Looking at the ground that was getting closer, the expression on Sam's face twisted a bit.

Different from the previous landing in the camp, he still had the opportunity to control his wings to glide. At this moment, the metal wings frozen by the cold air could not even respond at all. And, because of the height of the fall, he didn't even have time to open the emergency parachute behind him for rescue.


Seeing, it is about to make a close contact with the ground.

At the last minute, Sam only had time to put his hands on his head and closed his eyes to meet the impact.

However, after a few seconds, the expected pain did not arrive.

On the contrary, the whole body feels light and light, without a trace of gravity.

Slowly opening his eyes, Falcon looked at his body with a faint yellow light.

Not far away, Vision raised his arm and made a move with difficulty.

It turned out that at the last moment, Vision used the powerful spiritual power developed by the Mind Stone to forcibly stop Sam's falling posture and rescued the Avengers member at the last minute.


Controlling Sam to carefully land on the ground, Vision withdrew his mental power, and the whole figure shook again, obviously the frequent bursts of power had overwhelmed him.

However, when he looked up at [Kuzan] who was fighting with Captain America not far away, Vision knew that he couldn't fall down at this time.


Holding the ice blade in his hand, he continuously slashed at Steve. The powerful defense of the Zhenjin Shield prevented every slash of [Kuzan] from leaving the slightest mark on it. However, the bone-chilling chill continued to follow. Every attack with [Kuzan] gradually spread to Steve.

Behind the shield, Steve, who was constantly resisting, clearly felt that as the battle continued, his entire body became more and more sluggish, just like the feeling of falling to the South Pole more than seventy years ago.


He slashed on top of the shield. Facing this attack from [Kuzan], although Steve had done his best to resist, his slow body made his movement of holding the shield obviously stopped.

Seizing the flaw in this moment, [Kuzan] lifted his long legs and kicked Steve heavily. The powerful force directly kicked Captain America's rather tall figure flying out, landing on the ground. Draw a long ravine.

"Cough cough..."

Grabbing the shield in his hand and inserting it on the ground to prop up his body, [Kuzan]'s powerful kick caused a sharp pain in Steve's chest, and he almost breathed out, but compared to the impact of this blow , what is even more terrifying is the freezing power of the [Kuzan] kick, looking down at the position of his chest, a thin layer of ice on the chest is clearly visible.

Without even having to look at it, Steve knew that the position where he was kicked by [Kuzan] had been frozen and frostbitten.

Taking a breath, under the stimulation of the chill in his chest, Steve felt that every movement of his own was accompanied by a clear sense of pain.

"Although, I don't want to say that, but Captain America, give it up."

The ice blade was aimed at Steve, and [Kuzan] said in a low voice: "You are not my opponent. If you continue, there is no second possibility other than dying under my knife."

"Even so, I have to stop you."

Facing the declaration of [Kuzan], Steve frowned and endured the constant stinging pain in his chest. He stood up with the support of his shield, and grabbed the shield to protect him in front of him. He looked at the tall voice in front of him, his expression on it. He said firmly: "Unless I fall down completely, otherwise, you can never walk past me, [Kuzan]."


Seeing Steve's unwavering appearance in his eyes, the expression on [Kuzan]'s face was silent for a while.

He slowly released his palm and turned the ice blade in his hand back into fine ice cubes and sprinkled it on the ground, and said in a low tone: "It's a pity, Captain America, originally the SCP Foundation had planned to reveal more The details and information of the containment allow the Avengers to work together to fight against the power of the anomaly. Unfortunately, you have chosen a wrong, no, the opposite position. Since this is the case, then I can only do what you said and knock you down already."

While speaking, [Kuzan] raised his arm, and at the same time, a large amount of cold air spread on his hand at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly wrapped a layer on [Kuzan]'s arms and kept going outwards. Cold ice cubes.

"Captain, leave the next battle to me."

Looking at the posture shown by [Kuzan], Steve's fingers holding the shield couldn't help but tighten a bit, and he was ready to sacrifice.

However, at this time, with a cracking sound, Ultron flew to Steve in an instant, driven by the huge flame on his back.


Facing Ultron's sudden move, Steve couldn't help frowning, his eyes swept across the artificial intelligence in front of him, and he quickly saw the difference.

At the position of Ultron's chest, the color of the arc reactor that provided the energy changed from the original dark blue to red, and at the same time, the high temperature visible to the naked eye continued to radiate from Ultron's mechanical body.

"I have tried various analyses to calculate the battle between the Avengers and [Kuzan], but none of them have concluded that the Avengers won, and even the best 'best' plan would require sacrificing more than half of America's Only the troops and more than half of the members of the Avengers can stop [Kuzan]'s attack, and this result is under the premise that [Kuzan] and even the SCP Foundation have not further demonstrated their powerful strength."

In front of Steve, Ultron's original gentle and rational voice became a little distorted due to mechanical damage, but the results from his mouth clearly proved that the Avengers were not the opponents of [Kuzan], and even blocked the opponent. Nor can it be done.

"As the artificial intelligence created by Mr. Stark, the purpose of my existence is to protect human beings, including the Avengers, but the power of [Kuzan] has exceeded my calculation range, so, in order to be able to use as much as possible The outcome of the battle went into plan, and I had to make changes to activate the final plan."

"final plan?"

Facing Ultron's description, Steve behind him didn't have time to react.

The artificial intelligence in front of him has already taken its own steps. Under the overloaded operation of the arc reactor in the body, every tiny movement of Ultron is a huge loss to the body.


In the data of artificial intelligence, the loss inside the body continues to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the large amount of heat outside the surface of the Ultron body also makes the shell made by Zhenjin begin to show a metallic red.

"Start self-destruct mode..."

With the terrifying high temperature, Ultron destroyed the arc nuclear reactor in the body in an instant, and the powerful force was instantly vented from the gap in the vibrating gold shell, and at this time, Ultron was already away from the position of [Kuzan]. Just one step away.

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Facing the explosion so close at hand, the expression on [Kuzan]'s face was unusually calm.

He raised his palm and aimed at Ultron, and with a light drink, a large amount of cold air emerged from his hand in an instant, freezing Ultron in front of him with the horror of an explosion, and stopped abruptly.

"It's time to end it all."

Looking at Ultron, who was frozen in front of him, [Kuzan] withdrew his gaze and swept over the Avengers in front of him, and finally landed on the ruins of the camp not far away, only to see him slowly bending his own The body, touching the ground with the palm wrapped in ice cubes, shouted in a low voice at the same time.

"Ice Age!"

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