Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 551: miracle man

Ignoring Simon Williams' angry gaze, Kim pressed the button of his suit on his chest, and then saw his upper body open, revealing the dark mechanical structure inside.

Jin Bing, on the other hand, reached out his hand indifferently and penetrated into his mechanical body.

"[Enhanced suit] The enhanced props made by the doctor can effectively protect the user's body and increase their combat effectiveness to the limit of human beings. It is a special type of exoskeleton armor."

Pulling out a black latex uniform full of technology from the inside, Kim made a statement in a calm tone.

"That's also the kindness the Doctor has shown you, Simon Williams."

"[Enhanced suit]?"

Facing the technologically-sense internal structure of Jin Nian in front of him, Simon Williams reluctantly suppressed his inner shock, and took the other's hand with trembling hands under the gaze of his expressionless mechanical gaze. The so-called "enhanced suit".

With Jin Bing's display, it was naturally impossible for Simon Williams to regard the clothes that the other party took out of the mechanical body as ordinary things.


However, Simon Williams was obviously very puzzled as to why the Doctor mentioned by Kim chose him.

"Tony Stark."

In this regard, Jin and gave an unexpected and reasonable answer.

"Sure enough, it's Tony Stark." Gritting his teeth and reciting the name, Simon Williams looked at Jin Ning, who had re-closed his body and regained his human form, and tentatively said: "It seems that you have a relationship with steel. There is a lot of hatred between heroes."

"It's not something you need to know, Simon Williams."

If there is hatred, there is naturally a lot of resentment between Jin and Tony.

In the battle of Hell's Kitchen, although A Xing finally defeated him, Tony, Iron Man, also contributed a lot.

It's just that most of the thinking and emotions have long been controlled by the brain's chip.

Even if there is hatred for the defenders and the avengers in his heart, it will not affect the doctor's next plan.

"All you need to do is accept the Doctor's kindness, or choose to reject it, and continue to live in the shadow of Tony Stark as a loser."

As he spoke, a dangerous red light began to flicker in Jin Ning's mechanical eyes.

Obviously, the consequences of its so-called rejection are not as simple as they seem.

Not aware of the dangerous light in Jin Ning's eyes, Simon Williams heard the unwavering but obviously provocative electronic sound in its mouth, and the hands holding the [enhanced suit] subconsciously clenched into fists.

As Kim Bing said, now he has become the joke of the whole New York City because of the defiant guy Tony Stark, and Simon Williams is almost gritted his teeth under the impetus of inner hatred. Looking at Jin and said: "I accept, your kindness, no matter what purpose you have, I only have one goal and that is Tony Stark, and I will make him pay for his arrogance!"

"Smart choice, Simon Williams."


"It's done."

Inside the antique shop, the condition of Simon Williams was determined through a miniature camera installed in Kim Bing's body.

Li Ran twitched the corners of his mouth with a clear expression on his face.

As we have seen before, whether it is the log and red hood that Parker Robbins got or the [enhanced suit] that is now Jin and handed over to Simon Williams, Li Ran's shadow is inseparable from behind.

He did this, of course, not because he thought there were too many props in his hand and deliberately played Santa Claus.

The reason why it takes time and effort to play such a few scenes is to create a few super villains who will cause trouble for the superheroes of the Avengers through this method.

Because of the previous system's attack on the 'artificial superhero' plan, his wish to gain popularity was aborted.

However, as the saying goes, wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

Although, the system forced Li Ran to not randomly create a large number of superheroes to play to gain the fame by binding the fame, which is tantamount to indirectly making up for this loophole.

However, after some careful thinking, Li Ran still found a loophole in the rules of the system to plan the 'mass production super villain' plan.

That is, although the system has explained that the manufacture of superheroes requires a lot of fame, it does not stipulate that supervillains also need to do the same. Of course, there is an example of a "man-made superhero" that is a lesson in the past, and Li Ran does not dare to use the props given by the system to create a super villain with great fanfare.

Instead, they wisely chose roundabout tactics, using the power of the character cards drawn by the system to indirectly give some ambitious beings special powers or opportunities.

For example, through the obviously unusual red hood given to Parker Robbins by [Bill Cypher], or by using [Dr. Vega Punk] to crack the technology from the original [enhanced suit] of the system item. second-generation version.

Because these powers or technologies do not come from the system itself, and Li Ran's purpose in doing this is not to gain fame from them, but to indirectly use them to gain fame for himself, it does not seem to be in the prohibition rules of the system. , so the result did not directly warn Li Ran like the previous 'artificial superhero' plan.

In fact, this result is also within the range of Li Ran's expectations.

After all, his original experiment, Chang Amir, is still running around New York City under the power of the high priest.

Through the existence of Chang Emir, Li Ran gained a lot of fame.

If the system did not agree with this, it would have responded as early as Chang Amir's time, and it would not have waited to come out to stop it now.

As for whether these super villains succeed in the end, it depends on luck.

The 'mass production super villain' plan, as the name suggests, the core of this plan is a quantitative word.

Through Li Ran's method of ignoring losses and creating so-called opportunities by casting a wide net, there will always be a few small fish that are hooked.

And what he needs to do next is just to raise these small fish, and then attract bigger fish to bring fame.

Of course, even though it was casting a net, Li Ran didn't really just cast it indiscriminately with his head and eyes covered.

Before, perhaps because of his luck, Chang Amir found an existence related to Wakanda and really caused a lot of events to gain fame.

However, this luck cannot always be so good.

Therefore, this time, Li Ran's method of choosing a target was actually based on the power of the newly acquired A-rank character card [Bill Cypher].

As the king of two dimensions, the king of consciousness, [Bill Cypher].

Although in terms of frontal combat power, it may not be as shocking as the king of monsters [Gamera], but it may be full of shock. But in itself, it has many special and weird abilities, not to mention the [weird light wave] that can give objects supernatural power and weirdness, which is the most suitable method to create various abnormal events.

Just because of [Bill Seifer] itself, because it comes from a two-dimensional world called 'Nightmare Space', there is a very significant gap between it and the three-dimensional space of the Meiman world where Li Ran lives.

At the same time, as the leader of the monsters in the different-dimensional space in the "Ghost Town" world, although there is a clear gap in the direct power between the "Gorgeous Town" world and the Meiman world where [Bill Sever] exists, this does not mean that Obstructing the power of [Bill Cypher], this alien creature, can also be clearly proved from the system's rating of its power as A-level.

Because it is an alien creature that travels from the two-dimensional world to the three-dimensional space, [Bill Seifer] seems to have a very keen sense of the unique existence of each dimension.

Through this particularity, Li Ran found Jonathan Panborn, who had learned magic under the guidance of Gu Yi, as well as Parker Robbins and Simon Williams, although they seemed ordinary in this world Strange, even a little desolate, but obviously in a certain dimensional world, they are not like this.

Such a special existence is obviously not rare in the entire American comic world.

Therefore, Li Ran found them and gave them a chance to change.

The price is just for him to gain fame from superheroes.


"This power!"

Equipped with the second-generation [Enhanced Suit] given by gold, the first thing Simon Williams felt was the powerful power that filled his body.

As a rich second generation who took over the family business, Simon Williams is obviously not a muscular man who will work hard.

Years of socializing and partying make his physical fitness only a little better than Tony before he became Iron Man, and of course this is close to just because Simon Williams himself is younger than Tony.

However, it was such a Simon Williams, who was hollowed out by the capitalist nightlife of New York, and felt stronger than ever after wearing the [enhanced suit]. Reaching out, grabbing the metal decoration on the table and leaving a clear handprint on it, Simon Williams reacted, this so-called powerful feeling is not just his own illusion, but a real existence.

The legs were slightly bent, and the next moment, the whole person jumped up like an arrow from the string, leaving a huge pothole on the roof of the house.

"The jumping power of [Enhanced Suit] is ten times that of normal conditions."

Watching Simon Williams crashing straight into the roof, Kim explained in a calm electronic voice.

Beating the dust and debris on his head, compared with the embarrassment of breaking through the roof, Simon Williams' heart at this moment is obviously more excited by the powerful strength brought by the [enhanced suit] on his body.

Looking down at his hands wrapped in the [enhanced suit], Simon Williams clenched his fists and swept across the TV screen chattering about Tony Stark, his eyes flashing with irritability.


Pushed by the power of the [Enhanced Suit], the whole person rushed in front of the TV like a black shadow and smashed the screen to smithereens.

"From now on, Tony Stark, I'm Simon Williams, no, I'm going to tear down the mask of your hypocrisy, so that everyone can see the ugly face of your steel suit! "

While slowly withdrawing his hand from the broken screen of the TV, Simon Williams, or the current miracle man, said slowly in front of the sizzling TV.


"...Near Second Street, everything is fine, Spider-Man."

New York City, a city full of high-rise buildings.

A dark green round figure stood on the edge of the roof and looked down at the surrounding situation, while reporting to the earphone in a calm tone.

The black cloak behind the figure was blown by the cold wind constantly blowing around him. Under the green mask, the fat dragonfly used his super vision mutated under the power of the radiant dragonfly to observe every grass and tree in the city. There will be nothing to hide under his gaze.


Of course, the premise of all this is to ignore the Coke and the hamburger in his two hands.

"Ned, are you stealing food again?"

A block in the city, Peter the spider heard the familiar straw from the earphones and the muffled voice of Dragonfly due to chewing, and couldn't help showing a speechless expression.

"How can you say stealing? Besides, during the protection of the world, please call me by my nickname, Dragonfly, thank you, Spider-Man."

Swallowing the last hamburger in his mouth, Ned casually crumpled the wrapping paper of the hamburger in his hand and threw it to the corner of the roof while correcting Peter in a serious manner.

"I am just vigilant about the occurrence of crimes, while replenishing the physical strength consumed by fighting criminals. This is the first time I know that the work of superheroes is so exhausting. The efforts to protect the world during this period have made me The pocket money is a lot less, so I even gave up the model that I had been looking forward to for a long time.”

"Spider-Man, how do you get your usual pocket money?"

"I usually tell Aunt Mei..."

Facing Ned's inquiry on the other side of the Little Peter subconsciously answered, and then shook his head as if he had reacted: "Now is not the time to talk about this topic, inside, no, Dragonfly. We came out to fight criminals and protect the city, not to discuss pocket money."

"Okay, hiccup..."

Hearing Peter's correction on the other side of the earphone, the fat dragonfly pouted, drank the last sip of Coke in the cup, burped and touched his chubby belly.

After the initial excitement of superheroes, Ned found that the daily life of superheroes is not as interesting as he imagined, especially the vigilante life every night, which has caused great trouble for him who is lazy.

If it hadn't already appeared in the media at this time, the up-and-coming reports of "Dragonfly" were constantly motivating him, and the reason for his friend Peter, Ned didn't know how long his superhero career would last.

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