Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 553: Hearings

[The legend from Dragonfly Ned Leeds...]

[From the legend of Spider-Man Peter Parker...]

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the fame displayed on the system data panel with a clear expression on his face.

Although the battle between Red Hood Parker Robbins and the two teenage superheroes was a bit anticlimactic, it also successfully helped him gain a lot of popularity.

Although, based on the current performance of Parker Robbins, the legend brought by the appearance of the third-rate supervillain at best is not too much.

However, for Li Ran, who had exhausted a lot of legends in the previous unpacking, he did not have the position of being selective.

What's more, although Parker Robbins is inconspicuous today, it does not mean that it will be the same in the future.


"Are you ready, Tony?"

A hearing on the Superhero Registration Act in Washington.

As the representative of the military superhero, James "War Machine" greeted Tony who was invited with a solemn expression.

Since it is a bill about superheroes, it is natural to avoid superhero groups like the Avengers. Therefore, after some thoughtful thinking, the American government decided to invite the most well-known Avengers. It is also related to the American military to a certain extent. Tony Stark to participate in the hearing on the bill.

This is to set off the American government's open position in the "Superhero Registration Act".

"You should be clear, James, that the so-called hearings are nothing more than a gimmick. I never believed that Congress would change its decision because of the results of the hearings."

With a pouting, Tony knew about the American Congress, a group of extremely arrogant beings.


In the face of Tony's merciless dismantling, James could only return a helpless smile.

It can be said that the most embarrassing position in the entire 'Superhero Registration Act' is James as 'War Machine'.

"Tony, the hearing is about to begin."

Just when the two were silent, Natasha, who accompanied Tony to the bill hearing, appeared at the right time, breaking the gloomy atmosphere.

"Mr. Tony Stark, most of the superhumans existing in the United States, or superheroes in some populations, appeared after World War II, and the most representative figure should be Captain America, one of the members of the Avengers. These individuals hide their identities by disguising themselves, and frequently participate in violent conflicts that cause a lot of damage to life and property..."

At the hearing, as a member of the bill pushing, an American congressman used an aggressive attitude to explain his views on the so-called superheroes.

"According to our most accurate estimates, since World War II to the present, more than $300 billion has been lost in these types of wars, for which the federal government and local agencies have been forced to pay because we don't know who has come forward. To be able to pay for this loss, let me repeat the amount, Mr. Tony Stark, $300 billion, and that's not counting the innocent people who lost their lives because of this violent conflict... For that, don't you? What to say, superhero, Iron Man, Mr. Tony Stark!"

The congressman's position was aggressive, but Tony was obviously not unprepared.

Glancing at the expressionless members of Congress in front of him, Tony calmly responded: "If you only use numbers to calculate all the gains and losses, then please tell me that the Avengers have prevented aliens from attacking the United States and even the United States. The invasion of the world prevented the resurrected Statue of Liberty from sweeping the White House, and not long ago, Canada successfully wiped out a huge monster that almost destroyed the world, how are these calculated, sir?"

"In the battle in Canada, the United States lost a full aircraft carrier battle group, with a total cost of more than 50 billion US dollars, not to mention the American soldiers who were forced to retire due to frostbite, and the Canadian cities damaged in the battle. , these losses are only caused by a battle, and the three hundred billion dollars is the accumulation of all the superheroes in the sixty years since World War II, you only see the losses but forget the peace brought by the battle, only three Hundreds of billions of dollars have protected the world's peace for 60 years, and I think it's a good deal, Mr. Congressman."

Rebutting the MP's view that superhero groups are taking a toll, Tony continued his position at the hearing: "...and, there's another issue that needs to be addressed, this system of incognito has allowed these individuals to serve their country After serving his duties faithfully for more than 60 years, rashly changing the system now will only create a series of new problems with the already fragile trust, and even push everything into a more dangerous development.”


Catching a key word in Tony's words, a congressman immediately interrupted: "I noticed Mr. Tony Stark, you used a very interesting word, I hope you can explain this in more detail. Everything, or think it's your threat to the American government."

"I don't mean to threaten America in any way, I'm just stating a fact."

How to replace ordinary people, in the persecution of congressmen, or really panic.

However, Tony Stark is not an ordinary existence after all. Even if he is not the identity of Iron Man, he is also the number one super rich man in the United States.

Many congressmen's election fundraising also has the shadow of Stark Industries behind it.

“The push for Prohibition did not bring about the peace that was envisioned, but instead ushered in organized crime, and it even turned some civilians into lawbreakers overnight. The same thing happened to military evasion in the Vietnam War. Among the young people, if the regulations of the 'Superhero Registration Act' are passed, it may be the same, making those superheroes who refused to register in order to protect the country and the city to become criminals. Once such a result occurs, it will be What it will be like, none of us know."

When it came to refusing to register as a superhero, Tony subconsciously flashed the figure of Captain America in his mind.

"Maybe some people will regard this bill as a threat, so Mr. Tony Stark, what is your attitude, and what is your position on the 'Superhero Registration Act'?"


In the face of the congressman's questioning, Tony's expression was obviously silent.

"I have always been happy to serve the country, and protecting the world has always been my proposition, and nothing can change my position of protection."


Facing Tony's answer, Natasha, who had been sitting beside him, couldn't help but change her expression.

During the congressman's inquiry, although Tony did not clearly state his position on the 'Superhero Registration Act', he has already vaguely revealed the meaning of support. This development made Natasha feel a little uneasy.

"Thank you for your clarification, Mr. Tony Stark."

"The committee adjourns until nine o'clock tomorrow, and you still need to be there tomorrow, Mr. Tony Stark."

Knocked down the gavel in her hand to announce the adjournment of the hearing, Natasha looked at the figures of the congressmen leaving, and then whispered to Tony beside her.

"Tony, you should know that your answer just now has revealed that you want to support the promotion of the 'Superhero Registration Act'. You clearly know the Avengers' attitude towards the bill."

"Of course I know."

In the face of Natasha's questioning, Tony's expression was a little heavy.

"But I also know that Congress's promotion of the bill has reached an imperative level. Judging from the intelligence I have investigated, the US military is constantly leading the promotion of the bill. If I don't make an ambiguous statement of position, It may not even be possible to participate in tomorrow's hearing."

Before the hearing, Tony and MPs had a back-and-forth debate.

The attitude of Congress has been exceptionally clear.

"Only by continuing to mediate at the hearing, there may be some possibilities to delay the promotion of the 'Superhero Registration Act' led by Congress for a period of time."

Yes, there is no mistake, after the good offices of the hearing.

Tony has been very clear, at least in the hands of this American government, the promotion of the "Superhero Registration Act" has almost reached the point where it cannot be stopped, and all he can do is try to delay it.

Or, wait until the next president takes office.

"That's all I can do. The next thing I can look forward to is that the next new president is not a Democratic candidate."

If the next president is a non-Democratic opposition Republican, there is still a certain probability that the "Superhero Registration Act" promoted by the current administration will not be implemented.

But if it continues to be succeeded by the same Democratic candidate.

Tony can almost imagine the impact of waiting until the "Superhero Registration Act" is pushed forward, and even the Avengers may be divided as a result.

"It's really ironic, superheroes are working hard to protect the world, but the government doesn't think we need our protection."

"this is the truth."

As a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Natasha is almost used to such situations.

"Sorry Tony, I can't do anything."

Similarly, as the position representing the military in this hearing, James was almost silent throughout.

"I understand that if it were me, it would be the same."

Regarding this, Tony obviously understood his friend's position, reached out and patted the shoulder of 'War Machine', Tony shook his head and comforted.

"Watch out for General Ross."

Turning his head, he glanced at a military member who was not far away. James hesitated for a while and then reminded Tony in a low voice.

"As far as I know, General Ross is the most suspect behind the entire 'Superhero Registration Act'."

"General Ross?"

Hearing this familiar but somewhat unfamiliar name from his friend's mouth, Tony's eyes flashed an inexplicable look.

All this time, he has been trying to investigate why the US military is so active in promoting the entire "Superhero Registration Act", but now he finally has the answer.


"I see, thank you, James..."

Nodding, secretly taking this clue in his heart, Tony looked at his friend who was about to say something.

Suddenly, in front of the Capitol where the hearing was held, there was a loud explosion.

I saw that Tony's car parked at the entrance of the building was heavily smashed with a gravure by a dark shadow falling from the sky.

"Tony Stark!"

He lifted his feet and pulled out his legs from the iron sheet of the car, wearing a [enhanced suit] with a big blood red 'W' drawn on his chest to represent his WonderMan identity.

Simon Williams looked at Tony who was standing in front of the Capitol, and then showed a hideous smile on his face.

"Go to **** with your arrogance and hypocrisy."

Stretching out his arms, under the effect of the [enhanced suit], the muscles of Simon Williams' arms swelled into a thick shape in an instant, grabbing the twisted and deformed car wreckage behind him, Simon Williams Muss let out a roar in his mouth, and smashed it hard at Tony in front of him.

"Jarvis, activate Mark51!"

Looking at Simon Williams in front of him and his sudden attack, Tony didn't hesitate. Following his command, a large number of micro-nano-robots under the suit began to combine and deform, and only one in just a few seconds. The simple temporary steel battle suit appeared on Tony's chest to form the shape of the breastplate, and continued to spread and deform to other parts of his body.

Mark51 is a new generation of armor that Tony upgraded and transformed on the basis of Mark50.

Replacing the original heavy suitcase and portable battle suit, combined with new nanotechnology, the size of the whole battle suit is only the size of a Of course, due to the immaturity of nanotechnology, the new generation of Mark51 Although the steel battle suit can barely be used as a battle, it is not too significant in terms of energy and defense. The main reason why Tony chose to equip the Mark51 is because this battle armor is the most convenient to carry. , to be able to achieve the necessary protection at critical moments, such as the sudden attack in front of you.

Let him not fall into despair.

A large number of nano-robots condensed and deformed in Tony's palm to form a steel gauntlet with a red metallic luster. Tony moved his fingers, raised the palm of his hand and aimed at the flying car wreckage and instantly launched a shock cannon to knock it out.

Blocking this sudden attack, Tony breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, the rest of his body was protected by the war suit transformed by the nano-robot. After completing the transformation of the new war suit, his eyes immediately turned Put it on the opposite Simon Williams.

Looking at the dark and weird [enhanced suit] on Simon Williams, the technology that is different from the steel suit immediately attracted Tony's attention.

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