To be honest, Hill was already used to Lu Yi's stubbornness.

Seeing Lu Yi being stubborn again, Hill strangely did not feel angry. She just thought for a while, turned around and walked out of the command room with Govesi. After leaving the command room

, Govesi glanced at his curious colleagues and asked Hill,"Commander, what should we do?"

"It's cool. Everyone listen to my orders. From now on, everyone will find their own computers, use your hacking skills and aerospace carrier privileges to block the aerospace carrier's system and the data within the system!"Hill said without hesitation.

Lu Yi is not easy to mess with, but she is so hot?

Since Lu Yi wants to play, then she will play with Lu Yi. It's not that she doesn't give Lu Yi face, but Lu Yi doesn't want her to give it.

Let's see who's means are more clever! Hill said in his heart.

As for whether Lu Yi will be angry and embarrassed during this process, Hill is actually not worried at all. Let's not talk about what will happen in the end. In this process, Hill will definitely stop when he sees the good and control the degree. In this way, even if something goes wrong in the end, Lu Yi will have nowhere to vent his anger.

She was really forced into a corner by Lu Yi, otherwise she would never have this reaction.

The aerospace aircraft carrier may not be like the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has secrets that are enough to cause turmoil in the world, but relatively speaking, the aerospace aircraft carrier also has some things that are not allowed to see the light.

Some of the things on it are not suitable for exposure, especially in front of Lu Yi.

Hill doesn't know whether Lu Yi knows these, but since there is a one in ten thousand chance, then naturally she has to insist that Lu Yi cannot get these secrets. This is her responsibility!

"Govisi, you are responsible for coordinating this blockade, pay attention to coordinating with your colleagues!"After Hill arranged the task, he turned to Hill and said

""Commander, isn't it a bit inappropriate to give this task to me?" Gorvisi said a little nervously.

From Hill's solemn expression, Gorvisi could realize the seriousness of the problem. How could a small staff member like him preside over such a matter?

"This matter must be handed over to you. I am not particularly proficient in hacking technology. Compared to me, you are a professional. It is the right thing to hand it over to you. Besides, I also need to find some external help!"

Where is the external help?

Govesi was quite curious about the external help Hill mentioned, but he was smart enough not to ask.

S.H.I.E.L.D. does not allow low-level agents to overstep their authority and ask questions that are not in line with their level. In other words, talk less and do more. You will know what you should know, and you will never know what you should not know. Why worry about it!

""Okay! I understand, Commander!"

Thinking this in his heart, Ghovesi reluctantly chose to agree. After clapping his hands to attract the attention of his colleagues, he began to order them to take their positions and block all the information.

Ghovesi was busy, and so was Hill.

After Ghovesi confirmed that she had accepted the order, she took out the communicator and contacted Coulson.

""Sir, what's the matter with you contacting me?" Coulson asked curiously after seeing the message displayed on the communicator.

At this moment, he was carrying out the task of recruiting Iron Man to become an Avenger, and the progress was still good, but he never expected Hill to call him suddenly.

He didn't think Hill would contact him for no reason, so he could only temporarily throw the stinky Tony Stark aside and contact Hill curiously.

"Lu Yi has come to the aerospace aircraft carrier!"

Coulson was silent for a moment after hearing this!

The two words Lu Yi had magical power. As soon as these two words came out, Coulson lost the ability to speak.

"How did he get to the aerospace carrier? Did he do anything to the aerospace carrier?" Coulson was silent for a few seconds before asking worriedly.

"The director thought that Lu Yi could provide some help to the Avengers, just like he helped you before, so he asked me to invite him. Although he didn't agree to help the Avengers in the end, he still came to the aerospace aircraft carrier and started to make trouble! He occupied a computer on the aerospace aircraft carrier, invaded the system of the aerospace aircraft carrier through this computer, and was checking the information of the aerospace aircraft carrier!"

"Then why are you looking for me? Because I don't have that much face, and I don't have that much ability to stop him!"Coulson said dryly

"Of course I know, but you don't. Your subordinate Skye and Tony Stark beside you do. I need you to order your subordinate Skye to persuade Tony Stark to use their respective abilities and our authority to block all the data on the aerospace carrier."Are you playing such a big game?

"This is simple, but Lu Yi……"

The person Coulson is most worried about now is Lu Yi, a stubborn and very powerful guy. When he gets angry, no one can stop him.

"Leave this to me, you just need to complete my task."

""Okay, I know what to do!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Coulson did not waste time talking to Hill. After disconnecting the contact, he immediately contacted Skye and ordered her to find a computer nearby and use her authority to help block the information on the aerospace carrier.

Skye became an official SHIELD agent because she had previously hacked into Alexander Pierce's computer. Now she is in high spirits and eager for more tasks, to be promoted to a higher-level agent, and to find her parents.

Now the mission has come, and she did not ask the reason. She used the series of numbers Coulson had just given her, used Coulson's authority, and directly competed with Lu Yi.

Skye's hacking skills are already at the forefront of the world, and now with Coulson's authority, she is even more powerful. In the system of the aerospace carrier, she is like a wild horse that has run away from her reins, galloping around. Every time she passes by, she will leave a heavy blockade in the place she passes by, and all the bans will be turned into garbled code.

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