
The automatic metal door of the command room was smashed by Captain America Steve, and the fragments scattered everywhere. The SHIELD people outside the door were shocked by the fragments and Steve.

Captain America, who was so heroic just now, actually came out in this way. Although they had expected it, those who grew up listening to the stories of Captain America could not believe it at all.

""Captain, are you okay?"

Finally, Gorvesi came to his senses and walked over to Captain America Steve, whose face was red with anger or shame, and helped him up.

"I'm fine, poof!"

Captain America Steve just said this, his face suddenly changed, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Govesi was too close to Captain America Steve, and was directly sprayed with blood.

However, Govesi did not dare and could not blame Captain America. He wiped the blood on his face and quickly asked someone to take Captain America Steve to the hospital for treatment.

However, Captain America Steve refused.

"No need!"Steve pushed Gorvesi aside and stood up.

His physical fitness was not comparable to that of ordinary people. After the mouthful of blood spurted out, his injuries had healed a lot, and the feeling of suffocation was gone.

"Captain, you need treatment!"Govsi said with a wry smile.

"No, I don't need it! Send someone to prepare some firefighting supplies right now, and notify Commander Hill immediately, saying that an unexpected incident has occurred here and she needs to handle it as soon as possible!"

"But you……"

"I said I'm fine, do as I said!"

""Yes, Captain!"

In principle, Captain America Steve did not have the authority to order these people, but in reality it was not the case.

Captain America's seniority allowed him to do so.

All the people present did not think it was a big deal, and gladly accepted the order and began to do as he said and to prepare.

Captain America Steve was not idle either, and regardless of whether his body had fully recovered, he walked into the command room again with a solemn expression.

But just as he took a step inside, a strong force once again hit his aching chest, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably, hitting the wall behind him, and was hung on the wall again.

Lu Yi did not intend to let him enter the command room again, seeing that he had just taken a step inside and was knocked away again.

"Captain, are you okay?"Govsi, who didn't have time to leave, carefully walked to the side of Captain America who had just fallen from the wall and asked


Steve spat out a mouthful of dark red blood.

The blood spots on the shiny floor looked so exaggerated. Captain America with blood on his mouth looked so miserable. The people around him who had not yet left looked much paler, and their eyes were filled with great worry.

"This time, something is wrong. Cough! Cough! Cough……"

As he spoke, Steve couldn't help but cough. Every time he coughed, some blood would come out.

Steve covered his mouth and nose with his hands, barely blocking the blood from his mouth and nose.

"Then I'll have someone send you for treatment!"

"No need for that, just sit here, I’m worried about this place!"

"But your body……"

"I can hold on, just do what I said before!" Captain America Steve said firmly.

"Yes, Captain!"

Govsey felt the determination of Captain Steve, and he didn't say anything more. He trotted all the way to inform Hill.

He was just an ordinary person. He couldn't deal with Lu Yi. Staying would only be a burden. It would be better to go find someone quickly.

After Govsey left, Captain Steve didn't force himself to enter the command room again. He just sat there, looking at the command room and waiting for Hill's arrival.

However, Hill didn't wait, but he waited for a black shadow, a black shadow that flew out of the door of the command room. The black shadow's target seemed to be him, and it was heading towards him. The shadow flew towards him.

He was seriously injured now and couldn't dodge at all. The shadow hit the metal wall beside him.


There was a sound of metal collision, and the shadow sank into the metal wall beside him, only one centimeter away from his flesh and blood body.

If the shadow moved one centimeter towards him, it would not be the wall beside him that the shadow sank into, but his flesh and blood body.

If that was the case, his flesh and blood body would at least have broken bones and tendons!

Steve's cold sweat flowed down. He was also a human being, and he would be afraid!

"The shield is returned to you!"

Just when he was afraid, Lu Yi's voice suddenly came from the command room.


Steve subconsciously turned his head to look at the black shadow next to him. Sure enough, it was not his shield, or something else.

It's just that his shield has undergone some special changes now. It's not that it has deformed, but that all the paint on the shield has been baked off, basically returning to its original appearance.

Steve reached out to the shield, wanting to hold the shield in his hand, which would give him a little sense of security. His hand just touched the shield, and a burning feeling came, and his fingers made a hissing sound as if they were placed on a red-hot pot.

The temperature of his shield is very high!

Steve directly retracted his hand and never dared to touch his shield again.

"Don't worry, it's just heated up, it will be fine after cooling down for a while!"Lu Yi walked out of the command room without knowing when, and said to Steve condescendingly

"What on earth do you want to do?"Steve asked in confusion.

Lu Yi's attitude changed so quickly that he couldn't figure out what Lu Yi wanted to do and whether he was an enemy or a friend.

"Scientific research!"


"Scientific research! Don’t you understand?"

""I understand!" Steve said with a strange look on his face.

He suddenly felt that he had suffered a great loss. Perhaps Lu Yi had never thought about what to do.

Just when Steve felt regretful, a voice came from far away.

"What’s going on here?"

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