More often, people are like springs. The more they are suppressed, the tighter the springs become.

However, a spring is a spring after all. It is impossible to suppress it infinitely. When you suppress the spring to a limit, you will find that the spring will rebound.

Why do people have mental illness?

It is because there are too many emotions and too much pressure. The spring is suppressed to the limit and rebounds!

The rebound of the spring is to release all the previous repression. Some people with good character and good luck may burst out like nothing happened, but others are different. They have no way out, and various mental illnesses appear.

And Bruce Banner is one of those people who did not walk out!

His childhood experience has made him very depressed, and the spring has been suppressed a lot. After a baptism of gamma rays, the spring rebounded and formed a new personality, Hulk!

He does not appear at ordinary times, but once Bruce Banner's anger reaches an extreme, he will appear.

Moreover, the power that should have belonged to him has been mastered by his new personality Hulk.

In fact, Hulk is not the only one in Marvel. Many people in Marvel are like this. However, they are not the ones to be focused on now. Lu Yi does not have the time for this. He needs to deal with Bruce Banner first.

"I think you must have read a lot of psychology books, right?"Lu Yi smiled at the thoughtful Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner nodded subconsciously. He had spent a lot of effort to suppress his unlucky personality.

While studying how to remove his abilities, he also read a lot of psychology books.

Of course, he did not do this to resolve his personality, but to regulate his emotions and suppress it when he was angry.

"Since you have read books on psychology, you should know why mental illness occurs!"

"Yes!" Bruce Banner nodded.

"So does what I said make sense?"

"That makes sense, but not all mentally ill patients can recover by releasing their emotions!"

"Most of them can't, but you are an exception. You can release your previous emotions, and you will become calmer and calmer, while Hulk will become weaker and weaker. When you and Hulk can reach a balance, then accept Hulk and integrate it into your own personality, you can return to normal, and the ability will not disappear!"

Bruce Banner was silent. What Lu Yi said made a lot of sense, but he didn't know if Lu Yi had other purposes, so he didn't dare to say anything rashly.

"Have concerns? That's normal, then let's stop talking and continue eating!" Lu Yi didn't say anything, just smiled and pointed at the big meal on the table.

Lu Yi didn't think he would succeed today. Anyway, he had plenty of time, so he just played slowly. There would always be a day when he would agree, and then the chance to make a perfect draw would come. Do you really think Lu Yi is bored by doing this?

Of course not, Lu Yi did this for a purpose, and the purpose was quite simple, which was to let Bruce Banner burst out his abilities on his own and help him make a perfect draw on his own.

Lu Yi also knew that it was not so easy to keep provoking Bruce Banner's emotions. He was a man who could run and jump, and after the transformation, he was even more powerful!

Lu Yi couldn't keep provoking Bruce Banner's emotions, so he could only let him cooperate with him, which would be simple.

And now Lu Yi has completed Half of it has planted a seed in Bruce Banner's heart, and now it's just a matter of waiting for the seed to take root and sprout.

Lu Yi was floating in the air in a half-lying position, looking at Bruce Banner who had no appetite, with a bright smile on his face.

Lu Yi enjoyed this sumptuous seafood dinner very much. Lu Yi almost ate for three hours, and the dinner ended only when the aerospace aircraft carrier was about to take off.

After debugging all the instruments and finding that there were no problems, Hill chose to let the aerospace aircraft carrier take off in order to prevent Lu Yi from coming to the command room to make trouble again.

In this way, she would have a reason to ask Lu Yi to stop making trouble in the command room, and Lu Yi should also consider the overall situation and not make trouble.

This led to Lu Yi ending his seafood dinner.

According to the safety regulations of the aerospace aircraft carrier, when the aerospace aircraft carrier is launched, no one is allowed to stay in the air. On the deck of the aerospace aircraft carrier, after the aerospace aircraft carrier takes off, the air on the deck surface will become very thin, and the air currents in the sky will also blow the deck, making the deck very dangerous.

Lu Yi is naturally not afraid of danger, but when in Rome, he follows the local customs. In addition, three hours for a meal is a bit long, so he did not refuse, packed up all his things, and returned to his room.

Not long after Lu Yi returned to his room, the aerospace aircraft carrier shook as a whole, and a large amount of water vapor appeared from both sides of the aerospace aircraft carrier, and then the aerospace aircraft carrier quickly took off.

Watching the aerospace aircraft carrier take off, Lu Yi couldn't help but smile. The meaning of this is not simple. It means that the plot of the Avengers has developed again, and soon, the Avengers will be gathered.

After that, the first collision between the Avengers and Loki will begin, and Loki will be locked in a cage. In the next day, Hawkeye will lead people to raid the aerospace carrier.

Of course, Lu Yi does not intend to help in this process. If he helps, everything will be clear.

With this in mind, Lu Yi did not behave in this way. He spent the whole day sunbathing, eating, drinking, and having fun. He was very comfortable.

After the aerospace carrier was launched, he was the most idle person in the entire aerospace carrier. Even Bruce Banner was dragged by Nick Fury to find the Cosmic Cube.

Lu Yi's state of being idle and having nothing to do and being able to play around is undoubtedly enviable. I don't know how many people envy and hate him. This is not an invited employee, but an invited uncle.

In the next few days, another uncle appeared. He was even more powerful than Lu Yi. He took the initiative and regarded himself as the owner of the aerospace carrier.

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