Originally, in Nick Fury's view, SHIELD is a behemoth, and Lu Yi at best just wants to be a mosquito, wanting to lie on the behemoth and suck some blood.

No matter how strong Lu Yi is, he is just a mosquito in the end, and is not enough to cause serious damage to SHIELD.

Unexpectedly, it is true that Lu Yi is a mosquito, but he is not a mortal mosquito, but a mosquito from the mythical world. He does not suck a little blood, but all the blood from the behemoth. He even does not want to keep the bone marrow and wants to suck it all.

How can he continue the conversation?

If Nick Fury could afford to offend Lu Yi, he would have thrown his shoes at Lu Yi's face long ago.

"Can you order less? I really can't bear this!" Nick Fury's face turned red, and he tried to speak in a gentle tone.

"Of course, you can, and don't treat me as a bad person, I am a genuinely kind person. If you say you can't bear it, of course you can say less!"

Lu Yi said happily, and Nick Fury's eyes almost rolled back with only the whites left.

You are the only kind person who tortured more than 20 American soldiers to death with fireworks, and killed all the surrendering soldiers with your own hands. Don't tell me it wasn't you who lied without thinking!

However, Nick Fury would not say these words, but smiled and said,"Do you think how little you can say?"

"The amount of adamantium alloy remains unchanged. I only need the backward related data of all the achievements of the Sentinel Project, and I only need the technology in the SHIELD technology library that is more than five years old!" Lu Yi glanced at Nick Fury and spoke decisively.

Lu Yi really gave in this time. The value of the things he needed fell by more than ten times.

Technology is changing with each passing day and is being eliminated every moment.

Nick Fury only knows the general idea of the Sentinel Project, and the specific content is unclear, but he knows the situation of his family's technology library.

Strictly speaking, the technology pushed back five years is no longer cutting-edge technology. In the dark side of the world, as long as a price is paid, it can be found, which is barely acceptable.

But Nick Fury is not satisfied, and wants to suppress more

"Can you ask for a little less?"

"Sure, the amount of adamantium remains the same, I only want the results of the original model of the Sentinel Project, and I only want the technology in the SHIELD technology library from ten years ago, how about that? Is that sincere enough?"

""That's enough!"

Nick Fury smiled. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible, and he would face much less resistance.

Lu Yi was really a"good" person!

He had begun to believe this sentence, and he thought he had a reasonable explanation for why Lu Yi had not used his own force to violate the law for so many years.

Haha, I have to say that Nick Fury was really blind.

"When do you think we can turn General Ross back to his original form?"

"It's impossible in this life!" Lu Yi said coldly.

"What? Didn't we agree on this before?"

"That was before. Since my conditions have been discounted, the way I deal with General Ross must also be discounted. You should know that you get what you pay for!"

"is it possible……"

Nick Fury wanted to persuade Lu Yi, but before he could finish his words, Lu Yi interrupted him.

"No, Nick Fury, you must remember that I am not your subordinate, nor am I someone you can control. You take what I give you, and don’t take what I don’t give you!"Lu Yi looked at Nick Fury deeply and said in a low voice.

Under Lu Yi's gaze, Nick Fury felt a chill deep in his bones, but he dared not say anything.

His sixth sense told him that if he dared to say one more word, what awaited him would no longer be Lu Yi's calm treatment, but a violent attack.

God's power is like a prison, and God's grace is like the sea!

Such a sentence inexplicably appeared in Nick Fury's mind.

"Nick Fury, let's do this! If you encounter any resistance along the way, tell them that this is the bottom line, and if they don't agree, they will have to face me in person! I haven't been to the White House and Congress yet!"

Lu Yi's words were light, but he did not hide the threat in his words at all.

Nick Fury also clearly felt that he had a sincere worry about Lu Yi and the future. Lu Yi was like an unstable humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb, with the risk of explosion at any time.

This time it's a threat, but what about later?

There are so many stupid congressmen and stupid generals in the United States who do things without considering the consequences and idealize everything.

What if they anger Lu Yi?

Nick Fury can take the blame for the military once, but he can't take it a second time. He doesn't want to hear the news that a certain congressman, a certain general, or even the president of the United States has been killed one day.

The plan that already existed in his mind began to become more serious, and he urgently wanted to make this plan a reality.

"I know what to do!"Thinking a lot in his mind, Nick Fury said without any expression on his face.

"Well! That's it, send the things I want to me as soon as possible, I don't want to wait!"


"You really have to remember it!"

After saying this, Lu Yi did not stay in this conference room any longer. He disappeared in the conference room and in front of Nick Fury.

Only Nick Fury, who was full of disbelief, remained in the conference room.

This is really no fun.

Lu Yi was scary enough before, and Lu Yi with the ability to teleport is even scarier. This means that Lu Yi is more perfect, and the threat level will be doubled.

"What the hell, how can there be such a difficult person in the world?"

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