Divinity is a very special thing, which has a very special promoting effect on living things. Any creature with divinity or a creature that obtains divinity will inevitably have its ability strengthened.

God, as a high-level life form, naturally has divinity that is not that simple, and Lu Yi is definitely not an exception.

Most Western fantasy novels have such a plot, where the protagonist plunders divinity from some divine creatures, allowing his bloodline and abilities to evolve, and eventually become a god.

Lu Yi is not becoming a god now, but stepping into immortality, moving towards a higher level, the golden super evolution, which can also be regarded as an alternative way of becoming a god!

"The host is too happy too early!"The system poured cold water on him.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yi was slightly stunned and asked back

"The host has just set foot on immortality and has taken such a small step on the road to immortality. If the host wants to achieve immortality and evolve into a golden superhero, it will take a lot of divinity and a lot of time!"

Gilgamesh used to have the highest level of divine aptitude among the heroes. His divinity even surpassed Hercules, the son of Zeus, the main god of Greece, who became a god after his death.

But because Gilgamesh himself hated the gods who always caused him trouble, such as killing his friend Enkidu and letting the Bull of Heaven riot on the earth, his level was lowered. The divinity level changed from A+ to B. Divinity was not enough to make Lu Yi evolve too much. He just took a small step towards immortality. He still needed to work harder to evolve into a golden superhero.

"Can you quantify it for me? Express it in numerical terms!" Lu Yi also realized this and said

"Yes! All the divinity in the host is used to evolve the genes of Superman, which promotes the improvement of Superman's ability. According to the stage division of Superman known to the host, Superman's ability can be divided into Bronze Age Superman, Silver Age Superman, Golden Age Superman, Golden Superman, Thinking Superman, etc. The host has obtained the ability of Golden Age Superman. The host is currently evolving towards Silver Age Superman and Golden Superman!"

"Can you please get to the point?" Lu Yi couldn't stand the system's chattering anymore, so he said

"The Silver Age Superman is 82%, and the Golden Age Superman's evolution degree is 2%. The two are not contradictory. The Silver Age Superman is the previous stage of evolution to the Golden Age Superman, and the Silver Age Superman host is the next stage of the host as soon as possible!"

"82%? 2%? Why is there such a big difference?"

The difference between the two is really too big, a difference of fifty times, which makes Lu Yi very puzzled.

"This is because the host had previously optimized and eliminated the weaknesses of the Golden Age Superman, thus obtaining a portion of the evolution of the Silver Age Superman. Now it has reached 82% directly through divinity, partially realizing the evolution from the Golden Age Superman to the Silver Age Superman."

"Then why is Golden Super's evolution level so low?"

"Why is it so little?"The system did not answer, but asked directly.

Lu Yi was choked for a moment!

Why is the evolution of Golden Superman so little?

This is not simple, because it is Golden Superman!

Golden Superman is so powerful and terrifying, how could it be so easy for Lu Yi to achieve it.

Gilgamesh can make Lu Yi have 2% of the evolution, and it is really wishful thinking to want more.

Knowing that he asked a stupid question, Lu Yi did not continue to mention it, and turned to ask another question that he was very concerned about.

"How much divinity do I need to completely complete the evolution of Golden Super?"

"According to Gilgamesh's divinity, the host needs at least fifty. If calculated according to the orthodox gods, the host may need about ten!"

"so many?"

"Not much left. Host, don't forget the power of Golden Superman. He is an immortal and invincible being that can play with the timeline. If the host really thinks it's a lot, maybe the host can try it and go to the center of the sun to try it!"

I'd be stupid to go there!

Going to the center of the sun sounds good, but that's the center of the sun.

If you really go there, no one knows what will happen.

Maybe you won't be able to evolve into Golden Superman but will be killed directly.

There is no way to evolve into Golden Superman for the time being.

Lu Yi has no choice but to ignore it for the time being and look at his consolation prize, 82% of the evolution of Silver Age Superman.

The degree of evolution does not have to be 100% to take effect, as long as there is an evolution degree, there will be an effect.

82% of the Silver Age Supermen have almost completed their evolution. The Silver Age Supermen have opened up about 80% of their abilities to Lu Yi. Whether it is the efficiency of absorbing and converting solar radiation or other abilities, they have begun to show.

In other words, Lu Yi's current strength is not particularly strong. If he is strong enough, he will be almost the same as the Silver Age Supermen.

The abilities of the Silver Age Supermen have no limits, but they also need strength to support them. They must have enough strength to show them, and what Lu Yi needs now is strength.

And it is very simple to gain strength. Just bask in the sun, especially at close range.

It's a pity that Lu Yi doesn't have time for the time being, otherwise he will definitely go to the sun to bask in it.

Lu Yi temporarily gave up his plan, ended the call with the system, and shifted his attention to Bruce Banner on the ground. It's time to wake him up!

""You're sleeping so soundly!"

Lu Yi looked at Bruce Banner's sleeping posture, and suddenly raised his hand, and a magic circle appeared on his body. A large amount of ice water flowed out of the magic circle and poured on Bruce Banner's body.


Bruce Banner wailed, and then he suddenly jumped up, more than three feet high, and then kept rubbing his body, trying to get the ice water out of his body, without even Lu Yi's care.

The temperature of the ice water that Lu Yi prepared for Bruce Banner was at least zero degrees. When his body temperature had not completely dropped due to the high temperature just now, it was no less than suddenly throwing a red-hot iron into the ice water. The drastic temperature difference and intense pain made him unbearable.

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