Lu Yi didn't want to swear, but sometimes he had to!

Damn it!

These Chigeri executives are really crazy. They actually use weapons against the main ship and the planet against themselves.

All the weapons on the terrifying steel monster were revealed. The smallest diameter of the thick muzzle was basically at least dozens of meters, which was extremely terrifying.

These were all used to deal with the main ship of the Star Fleet or even the planet. I didn't expect that they would be used against me now.

Lu Yi had no doubt that any of them could hurt him.

This steel monster was similar to the main ship of the Star Fleet. Its weapons and equipment were all powerful, otherwise it would not be able to deal with the same main ship of the Star Fleet.

Although it is not said that the bigger the thing, the more powerful it is, but here it is true that big means that the power is strong enough. After all, the main ship is the main ship.

All the weapons on the steel monster in the dark universe in front of Lu Yi were activated, the gun barrels were shining, and the attack was brewing.

Facing these weapons, Lu Yi had no idea of escaping. His face was straight, and his body disappeared again. Lu Yi wanted to teleport to the body of this steel monster and destroy all its weapons.

Don't you want to kill me with your weapon?

Well, I will destroy your weapon first. I want to see whether you kill me first or I destroy you first.

Lu Yi used teleportation to teleport to its weapon, but some problems occurred before he teleported there.

When Lu Yi was about to reach the place, a problem occurred. An inexplicable wave stopped him and made him deviate from the target. He stopped in front of the protective shield on the steel monster and appeared here.

"There is actually interference!" Lu Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Lu Yi previously thought that it would only set up a protective shield to prevent him from getting close, but now it seems that it is not just that, the more purpose is to prevent him from teleporting close to here.

Its protective shield is a high-frequency energy field, which has a huge impact on the use of teleportation.

Lu Yi stretched out his hand and pressed on the protective shield. The place where Lu Yi pressed the protective shield instantly dented, but Lu Yi found that this protective shield was tougher than he imagined.

"Give it a try!"

Without any special means for the time being, Lu Yi floated in front of the protective shield, put his left hand in front of him, moved his right hand back, and suddenly punched out.

Lu Yi's fist collided with the protective shield.

Wherever Lu Yi's fist collided with the protective shield, it instantly dented inwards, and a huge dent appeared on the protective shield.

However, this was not very useful. The dent appeared quickly and disappeared just as quickly. The protective shield quickly returned to its original shape, as if nothing had happened.

"It's really useless!" Lu Yi showed an expression that had been like this for a long time, and muttered to himself.

While Lu Yi was muttering to himself, the senior officials of the Chigeri army in the command room were looking down on him.

They had locked onto Lu Yi from the beginning, and everything Lu Yi did was exposed to them without reservation.

Seeing that Lu Yi actually tried to use his own power to break the protective shield and did such a stupid thing, they all showed their contempt to Lu Yi without reservation. It is useless for the natives to have powerful power. They are so stupid and uncivilized that they actually tried to compete with the energy of a main battleship with one person's power!

Such thoughts appeared in the minds of all of them, and they were full of contempt for Lu Yi.

Such contempt reached its peak when Lu Yi touched the protective shield with one hand.

"Idiot, you actually thought this would work!"

"Indigenous people are indigenous people. Such people should not occupy such a planet. They should become slaves and earn a lot of resources for us!"

"It seems that this native is the representative of the people on this planet. Although he possesses some powerful powers, he is absolutely stupid and does not pose any threat at all!"

"That can't be said. His strength is still good. If there are more people with such strong power on this planet, we will be in trouble!"

"Trouble? I think it's an opportunity. The more powerful people they have, the better. We can capture them and sell them at a higher price!"

Just when these Chigeri people were despising Lu Yi, Lu Yi's hand also touched the protective shield.

A ray of light flashed, and a magic circle that could dissolve energy appeared on the protective shield. In an instant, a passage for people to pass through was dissolved on the protective shield. The passage for people to pass through this protective shield appeared quickly and disappeared just as quickly. It was restored in just a moment.

And this was enough for Lu Yi. Lu Yi flashed and penetrated the protective shield at this moment, and disappeared in the protective shield.

Through the surveillance, all the faces of the people in the command room turned green.

What is this? Why does my face feel so painful and swollen?

"Not good!"

Just when everyone's face turned green, a Chigeri suddenly jumped up.

At this time, the people present finally realized that Lu Yi had entered the protective shield, and the main ship was no longer defenseless to him.

Before they could react or do anything, a piercing alarm sounded, and a weapon on the wing that was accumulating energy was destroyed, causing an explosion, which had an impact on the wing.

"Quick, release all the energy and send out the emergency fleet!"

The supreme commander of the main ship hastily issued a remedial order.

All the weapons on the steel monster were de-energized, and the side hatches opened immediately. An unknown number of ships rushed out from inside, gliding on the side of the steel monster to find Lu Yi's trace and kill him.

They wanted to kill Lu Yi, but Lu Yi was not so easy to kill. In a place they could not see, the golden spear that Lu Yi had put away before appeared again.

Then, Lu Yi appeared behind these things with a spear in his hand. The spear came out like a dragon, golden light shone, and violent explosions continued to occur.

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