
Mordo screamed, but the two people involved didn't have time to care about these things. Their eyes were all on each other.

Mordo's teacher looked at Lu Yi, and Lu Yi was also looking at his teacher, a bald woman.

There was no need to guess the identity of this bald woman, she was the Ancient One that Lu Yi was afraid of.

Maybe because Lu Yi traveled through the movie version of Marvel, the current Ancient One was not the one in the comics, but the one in the adapted movie.

Although this one died not long after appearing in the movie, and the title of Supreme Sorcerer was given to Doctor Strange, her strength is still unquestionable.

Lu Yi felt it from the first time he saw her. As soon as she appeared, she transferred Mordo to her side, and also did not hit the"brick" that was close at hand. She saved Mordo from Lu Yi's hands. It was right that Lu Yi did not use his full strength, and she also did not use her full strength. Although it is impossible to say who is stronger or weaker between the two, there is no doubt that the strength of the Ancient One is indeed very strong. Not to mention that

Lu Yi still felt her body Affected by the powerful magic fluctuations.

Eyes that are wise enough to see through people's hearts, powerful magic fluctuations, and robes that exude a strong magical atmosphere, everything fully proves that she is not an ordinary strong person.

However, these are not the eye-catching places. The most eye-catching place is Gu Yi's head. A big bald head appeared in front of him without reservation.

Here, Lu Yi had to complain.

It seems that all bald heads are not simple.

Is it really true that I am bald, so I am also stronger?

Can a bald head make strength stronger?

Looking at Gu Yi's bald head, Lu Yi couldn't help but complain.

Gu Yi didn't know Lu Yi's complaints, and she didn't care. She was now focusing only on Lu Yi.

The magic power in Lu Yi's body is extremely pure. It seems very calm, but in fact it is like an active volcano under suppression. There is nothing special on the surface. Once it erupts, it will bring great harm.

And she also found that there is something in Lu Yi's eyes that she also has.

It is the vicissitudes of life, and it is also the wisdom of mastering everything in the world and proficient in magic.

Such a person is not easy to deal with!

"Teacher, it was he who killed our five mages!"Gu Yi focused his attention on Lu Yi and hesitated to take action. Mordo could not help but said to Gu Yi.

Mordo could not kill Lu Yi himself, so he could only hope that Gu Yi would kill Lu Yi.

Mordo thought that after learning that Lu Yi killed their five mages, Gu Yi should be angry, and at the very least he should take action immediately.

But in fact, it was not the case.

"I already know!"

Just a few words, and then nothing else. The two continued to stare at each other, neither of them showing any intention to make a move.


Mordo couldn't help but speak again.

But before he could finish his words, Ancient One interrupted him,"No need to say more, I know what to do!"

""Yes, teacher!"

Out of respect for his teacher, Mordo did not want to say more even if he was aggrieved. He closed his mouth helplessly and looked at Gu Yi, hoping to know what she was going to do.

Gu Yi did not disappoint him. After a long silence, she said to Lu Yi:"You need to give me an explanation for this matter!"

The deaths of the five mages must be explained, otherwise people's hearts will inevitably be scattered, and the team will become difficult to lead.

Whether it is for the consideration of better leading the team or other considerations, it cannot be easily ended. Lu Yi must explain the deaths of the five mages.

"What explanation do you want?"

"Killing someone means paying with your life!" Before Gu Yi could say anything, Mordo could not help but speak.

The words were rough but the logic was not. Mordo's words did not seem to be very good, but Gu Yi did not deny it. If there was no inside story, then she must kill Lu Yi.

"Kill someone and pay with your life? That's a good idea, but the problem is that I don't intend to pay with my life, what do you think I should do?" Lu Yi said with a smile.

Make myself pay with my life?

If Lu Yi had to pay with his life for every person he killed, then no matter how many lives he had, it would not be enough to kill.

"This is not up to you!" Mordo interrupted again.

"I'm talking to your teacher, why are you, a half-useless person, butting in?"

This Mordo is enough, just interrupting casually, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"I interrupted because I am my teacher's apprentice, and the five mages you killed were also my companions who I spent every day with. Could it be that I cannot speak up?"

"It's very well said, but do you believe it yourself? Don't look for any high-sounding reasons. The dark side hidden in your heart has begun to emerge because of what happened today!"

Don't think that Mordo is so good. He is a person who should be in the dark. It's just that because of the relationship with Ancient One, he has never shown it and has been suppressed.

And because of what happened today, the suppressed dark side in his heart emerged and targeted Lu Yi.

Mordo himself didn't have any feelings about this. He always thought he was a good person.

But Ancient One knew that she had always known the dark side hidden in the heart of her disciple. In the plot, she was willing to pass the position of the Sorcerer Supreme to Doctor Strange, but Mordo was very telling.

Now after hearing what Lu Yi said, she looked at Mordo with her worried eyes, and then looked at Lu Yi again.

She didn't plan to waste any more time. Mordo is doing well now, and she can't let Mordo's dark side emerge.

Kill Lu Yi and solve everything!

Having made the decision, Ancient One raised his palm and began to attack Lu Yi

"Is it finally starting?"

A cautious expression appeared on Lu Yi's face. He dodged the buildings that rolled over one after another and rushed towards Gu Yi at full speed.

Lu Yi used his physical strength right from the start and did not intend to give Gu Yi any chance to use time magic.

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