How could there be a grassland in the house?

It's fake, it must be fake!

Natasha and Coulson convinced themselves in their hearts.

They felt that the education they had received for so many years was fake, and the worldview they had been shaped was also fake, and now they were about to collapse.

Looking at Natasha and Coulson, who were not feeling well, Lu Yi smiled!

After snapping his fingers to let the two come back to their senses, Lu Yi didn't say much to them. After giving Coulson a gesture to follow, he closed the door casually.

Then, Lu Yi hugged Natasha's slender waist, whose shock had not completely dissipated, and took her off the ground and flew in one direction of the grassland.

Seeing this, Coulson didn't dare to waste time. He stepped on the accelerator and drove the truck behind Lu Yi and flew in the same direction.

Flying is the ultimate dream of people. Coulson didn't have the treatment of Natasha and couldn't enjoy this feeling.

Natasha, who was held in Lu Yi's arms, could enjoy it. In Lu Yi's arms, she opened her arms, just like flying by herself.

Most women would do this.

But unfortunately, Natasha was not an ordinary woman. She did not show such a little girl's attitude.

Instead, she cast her eyes around, carefully observing and studying the surroundings. She wanted to know whether all this was true.

"There is no need to study it, it is all true, your vision and sense of smell are not deceiving you!"

"How did you do it? Space travel?"

She still didn't believe that there was a grassland hidden in the house. It was too magical.

She would rather believe that all this was because Lu Yi installed a space transmission device on the door, rather than there really being a grassland.

"It's just what you see!"

"But your house is not that big!"

"Space spell, I just made the space in my house a little bigger and made the ceiling transparent!"

"How big is it exactly?"

"Are you interested?"

"Yes, are you willing to say it? If not, forget it!"

"There is nothing wrong with saying it. It is not bad for me to say it. On the contrary, your SHIELD will be more afraid of me!"

In this regard, Natasha could only smile awkwardly. She really couldn't refute it because Lu Yi was telling the truth.

This really could only make SHIELD afraid of

"My house is now about the size of two hundred regular football fields, and I have divided it into two areas. What you see is the first area, the grassland. Now let’s go to the second area!"

"What is the second area?"

"Look for yourself, we've arrived!"

Lu Yi and Natasha have already started to land, and they have really arrived at their destination, the second area.

The second area is a silver-white area.

Here, there is a silver-white square, some silver-white decorations floating in the sky, and landmark buildings with a strong sense of metal.

These, combined with the abyss around this area that can't be seen at a glance, really give people a very sci-fi feeling.

"Is this abyss real or fake?"Carefully walking to the side of the abyss, Natasha asked with a little dizziness.

If you look at it visually, this abyss really couldn't be more real. The image reflected on Natasha's retina fully proved this point.

But if you look at it from a sensory perspective, it may not be the case. It is too quiet here, and there is no wind.

How could there be no wind at the edge of the abyss!

"Fake, this is a special kind of painting, everything looks very real, even things can move, but these are all fake! Follow me!"

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he stepped on the abyss and walked towards the square step by step.

Natasha gritted her teeth, followed closely behind him, and followed.

At this time, Coulson also drove the truck and happened to arrive. After a slight hesitation, he also drove up.

Compared with Natasha's casualness of quickly putting her mind at ease, he began to tremble with fear when he drove the truck to the abyss.

This feeling did not subside until the truck drove to the square.

""Okay, we're here, you can get off too! Let's take over now!"

Coulson got off the truck quickly. He was so scared along the way, but now he was finally relieved.

After Coulson got off, Lu Yi didn't waste any more time. With a wave of his hand, the door of the container opened out of thin air. With another wave of his hand, the things in the container slowly appeared like an army in neat rows, and were neatly stacked on the square.

"Okay, I'm sure it's done!"

"Don't you take a closer look at the contents?"

"I won’t watch it anymore. No one can lie to me, not even SHIELD and the United States!"

"That's right!"

Natasha said it well, but she was worried in her heart. She hoped that the US government and SHIELD had no intention of deceiving Lu Yi, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Coulson seemed to have such concerns, and his face was full of worries.

Coulson could barely trust SHIELD, but not the US government. Those dirty politicians were really not trustworthy.

Damn, I hope those politicians can be smarter. Honest people generally don't curse, but if they really curse, they are definitely forced into a corner, and now he is one of those who is forced into a corner. He doesn't want to take the blame for those politicians.

"Since you are here, are you interested in having a cup of coffee?"

It was Lu Yi's impulse to invite them to have coffee, mainly because he saw Coulson coming. Coulson and Natasha are very useful to Lu Yi and worth making friends with.

""Okay!" The two looked at each other and said together.

They were very curious about this place, and now this was a good opportunity to learn more about it, and they would not let it go.

As for the agents outside, let them wait, it didn't matter.

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