With a mechanical sound, the metal box in front of Lu Yi, which was as tall as a person, split in the middle. Two red lights flashed, and a robot with special magic patterns printed all over its body walked out of the metal box. The robot looked very rough and huge, almost twice the size of Lu Yi. Standing in front of Lu Yi was really quite oppressive.

"Not bad, it looks good, now we can conduct actual combat tests!"

After nodding with satisfaction, Lu Yi said again:"Turn on the disorder mode!"

The full name of this robot should be called Magic Armored Automatic Machinery... There are a lot of professional terms, it is a common creation of magic and technology, and it is also a mixture of all Lu Yi's current knowledge.

Its mode of action was divided into three modes by Lu Yi, defense mode, enemy killing mode, and disorder mode.

Defense mode, take any object designated by Lu Yi as the target, and protect it until it is destroyed!

Killing mode, target anything marked as a target by Lu Yi, and destroy it until death.

Disorder mode, there is no direction, everything seen except Lu Yi will be considered a target and destroyed.

With the activation of the disorder mode, the red light in the eyes of the robot in front of Lu Yi suddenly became brighter, his hands were raised, and the parts of his arms began to change.

Click... hum... click!

The two arms were replaced by two gun barrels , the muzzle pointed in all directions, and the eyes glowing red began to scan the surroundings in search of targets.

The robot's eyes swept over Lu Yi, and soon landed on an abandoned car not far away.

Buzz... Buzz...

Two sound waves rushed out from the two muzzles, instantly hitting the head and tail of the abandoned car.

The abandoned car began to vibrate violently, and the glass that was originally intact was completely shattered. The rusty car parts also disintegrated under the action of an invisible force.

But this is not the end!

There was another sound of mechanical rotation on the robot's shoulder, and a small-caliber muzzle was pointed at the disintegrated abandoned car.

A brilliant beam of light shot out from the muzzle and swept the disintegrated abandoned car.


With a loud bang, a mushroom cloud rose from where the abandoned car was just now, and the abandoned car was directly blown away and completely disappeared.

"It's quite powerful. Let me try it myself! Turn on the killing mode, target Lu Yi!" Lu Yi said without hesitation.

The robot did not hesitate, the red light in its eyes flashed fiercely, and the muzzle of the sonic cannon was aimed at Lu Yi. Without any hesitation, it fired two sonic waves.

""Not bad!" Lu Yi said lightly after picking his ears.

The power of the sonic cannon is still quite good for Lu Yi. If he finds a better energy source in the future and increases the power appropriately, the effect will be even better. As soon as Lu Yi had this idea, a laser shot out from the robot and hit Lu Yi's chest.

And the result was... uh, there was no result.

For Lu Yi, this laser is actually not much different from tickling.

The robot on the opposite side seemed to have discovered this, and his hands changed again, and two silver-white long swords flashing with cold light appeared.

Along with the appearance of the long sword, two flames appeared under the robot's feet, pushing it to rush towards Lu Yi like a cannonball.

Lu Yi input some special swordsmanship into the robot's head, and these swordsmanship were used on Lu Yi himself in conjunction with the long sword that replaced its hands.

Facing these two long swords, However, Lu Yi did not take it head-on. He stretched out two fingers and pinched the back of the sword, and twisted his wrist slightly.


There was a sound of metal collision, and the sword held by Lu Yi turned, blocking the blade of another sword.

Sparks flew!

As the forger of the two swords, no one knew these two swords better than Lu Yi, and he never intended to take them head-on.

The situation of these two swords is a bit special. Lu Yi used adamantium alloy and magic spells to make them.

It has a very special property, which is indestructible!

This property is generated by magic and can cause great damage to some creatures with strong physiques. This kind of damage cannot be resisted by physical ability alone, only magic can be used.

When Lu Yi was not using magic, Lu Yi once tried the sharpness of the long sword. With a light scratch, Lu Yi's fingers were broken.

Lu Yi is not using magic now, so he can only avoid the sharpness temporarily.

"The reaction speed is a little slow, and the power is a little weaker. It won't work just by relying on magic particles!" After dodging another slash from the long sword in the robot's hand, Lu Yi retreated a few steps. Hiss...hiss...hiss... the robot did not miss the opportunity to chase Lu Yi. While Lu Yi was retreating, it rushed forward, and the long sword on its arm cut through the air and slashed at Lu Yi like a storm.

In response, Lu Yi lightly stepped on the ground, and his body began to retreat continuously, dodging attacks again and again. Seeing that the long sword could not hurt Lu Yi, the robot opened the shell on its back, revealing eight special missiles inside.

Hiss...hiss...hiss... eight missiles were triggered, targeting Lu Yi, and fired out, blocking Lu Yi's escape route. line.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the robot attacked again, waving the long sword in its hand to kill Lu Yi.

This was one of the standard tactics set by Lu Yi!

In this regard, Lu Yi did not resist too strongly.

He pretended to be an ordinary person, allowing eight missiles to hit him, and let the robot attack him under the cover of smoke and dust after the explosion.

Clang! Clang! Clang...

In the smoke and dust, the sound of metal collision continued to sound, and sparks continued to emerge in the smoke and dust.

But when the smoke and dust cleared, Lu Yi was not hurt at all, but the robot's arm was slightly deformed by the shock.

"The materials are just a little short, the killing mode is turned off!"

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