In the jungle, Lu Yi saw no one but a powerful figure from the X-Men.

Master of Illusion, Jason!

A super mutant controlled by Colonel Stryker, specializing in illusion, he can affect a person from five aspects: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste, making the target fall into illusion and unable to extricate himself.

In the plot, Professor X was controlled and almost killed all the X-Men.

His appearance here, especially under the protection of a whole team of fully armed special forces, is definitely not without reason.

"In this case, this is a good target for venting!"

No matter why they appeared here, since they were fully armed and guarding Jason, everything was very clear.

"have no idea……"


It was as if a bomb exploded in Lu Yi's mind. A strange mental wave rushed into Lu Yi's mind and began to affect Lu Yi's brain and impact Lu Yi's brain occlumency.

This mental wave was very strong. If it weren't for the brain occlumency, I'm afraid Lu Yi would have hallucinated at this moment. There are many psychics in the Marvel world. In order to prevent that one from being suddenly caught, after obtaining Dumbledore's experience and memory, Lu Yi applied brain occlumency to himself.

Now it's just in time to use it!

"It's really targeting me, I just don't know what will happen next!"

The smile on Lu Yi's face remained unchanged, but the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger. Standing next to Lu Yi, one could even feel the chill, and the murderous intent was almost materialized.

Thinking of this, Lu Yi did not explode immediately, but just stood there, waiting for those people's back-up.

Those people didn't know that they had been fooled!

"Captain, you are right! The target is under control!" A special forces soldier put down the binoculars and said happily.

"Don't be careless! The target is not an ordinary person, confirm again!"


"" Forward!"

The special forces soldier wasted no time. Under the order of their captain, he ordered several special forces to make a tactical move and quickly approached Lu Yi.

They approached Lu Yi, and seeing Lu Yi's"dull" eyes, they instantly let down their guard and made a safe gesture.

The captain was relieved when he saw this gesture!

""Sir! Objective achieved!" The captain took out a satellite phone and dialed an encrypted number.

"Follow the plan!"

An electronic voice came from the other side of the satellite phone.

In order to keep it secret, there was no record of the action plan, even the initiator of the action was kept secret. The captain only knew such an electronic voice.

He had accepted such a task before, but he didn't care too much.

After receiving the order, he signaled the people around him to push Jason to follow, and walked to where Lu Yi was standing first.

Soon, they came in front of Lu Yi.

"Lock him up!"

Looking at Lu Yi's"dull" eyes, the captain didn't hesitate to ask the four special forces behind him who were carrying a coffin-like box to move forward, wanting to lock Lu Yi up in the box.

This coffin-like box is not simple, it is not an ordinary thing, it is mixed with adamantium and is almost indestructible.

They plan to lock Lu Yi up in it, catch him!

If they can study him, then study him!

If they can't study him, then seal him up, put him in the deep sea, or somewhere else, and make Lu Yi disappear from their sight forever.

The mastermind behind the scenes is more interested in the latter.

However, there is a prerequisite for doing this, and that is to be able to seal Lu Yi up.

"So this is what you were planning?"

Lu Yi, whose eyes were"dull", had recovered at some point, staring at them intently.

Now it was their turn to be dazed, and they were all feeling terrible.

What about the trust between people?

What about being controlled?

Damn it, you idiot, why didn't you just say so earlier? Is it fun to deceive ordinary people like us?

The entire special forces team was silent, not daring to relax at all, looking at Lu Yi with fear in their eyes.

Before coming, they had conducted a detailed study of Lu Yi's information, and thought that everything would be different with Jason, but they didn't expect that they thought too much.

"I heard your conversation just now. To be honest, I really admire your courage. Do you have anything to say?" Lu Yi asked as usual.

"Yes!" The captain of the special forces suddenly said

"Oh? Tell me about it!"


The captain of the special forces shouted, raised his gun, and fired bullets crazily.

The other special forces soldiers followed suit, forcing themselves to forget their fear temporarily, raised their guns, pointed the muzzle at Lu Yi, and pulled the trigger frantically.

All kinds of bullets rained down on Lu Yi, especially on Lu Yi's eyes, trying to break through the defense in this impossible way.

Bullets kept piling up on the ground. After all, delusion was just delusion. Lu Yi didn't even blink his eyelids, and his eyes didn't suffer any damage.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the special forces calmly put down his gun, took out an ordinary pistol tied to his leg, pointed the muzzle at Lu Yi's eyes, and pulled the trigger.


Amid the chaotic gunfire, an ordinary gunshot rang out, and a different bullet was fired from the muzzle and quickly shot towards Lu Yi.

Lu Yi also keenly discovered the difference in the bullets. He stretched out two fingers like lightning, clamped the incoming bullet between the two fingers, and put it in front of him to examine it carefully.

"Adamantium Slug? Wow, you have an idea!"

PS: Today's three updates are finally out, and please give me flowers and votes. It's almost the second day, and it will be refreshed.

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